Same! Can be a bit distracting when my play list goes from Joan Armatrading to Jay Z...
OMG I'm running to squeeze Love and Affection into my playlist right now..
A previous iteration of my 1hr playlist had "California Love" (the full version). A punter once said, post coitus, "Well I think I can say this is the first time I've cum to Dr Dre" 😂
Like Amy, I have very eclectic taste in music, but for my playlists I select for length and tempo. EG my first two songs are fairly slow, then build up the rhythm gradually. All my playlists have the same penultimate song (No Diggity) so as soon as I hear the start of that it prompts me to start encouraging them to finish.
If I only used playlists of songs I love, the majority of my clients would be banging to Iron Maiden 😂