Joey, you pretty much did say the trainers are only for newbies. You said you had a couple of sessions when you got started and that a personal trainer may be helpful to Benny if he's just starting out.
That might not have been what you meant, but when someone reads something in your posts that you didn't mean, it's no good getting offended because what they read didn't correspond to exactly what you were thinking when you wrote it. Just go back to you post, see where they might have got the idea, and clarify if necessary.
Humans can't communicate their exact thoughts, so when one person tries to communicate an idea to another, there are actually three ideas: the intention of the person who constructs a message and sends it, a message, and the interpretation of the person who receives the message. The intention, the message, and the interpretation never match up exactly, and it's not unusual for the disparity to be large enough for a misunderstanding to occur. No-one needs to get upset when that happens and if they don't it's easy to rectify. Do keep in mind though that when you communicate with someone you have as much responsibility to make the message best reflect your intention as the receiver does to try to interpret it in a way that matches your intention.