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General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: anonymoussw on 14 July 2009, 07:36:10 am

Title: Personal Training
Post by: anonymoussw on 14 July 2009, 07:36:10 am
I had my first ever session with a personal trainer yesterday.

OOOOWW my arms hurt!

I suppose that's a good thing :P

Any of you guys use a trainer to help keep you fit?
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: Carla on 14 July 2009, 10:00:04 am
Hey Benny!

Looked into it but had images of the trainer saying "and one more press up" and me just standing up and decking him before going off to the pub for a stiff drink.
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: ~Amber~ on 14 July 2009, 12:42:56 pm
I am really lucky that I have a gym and pool in my complex that I can use for free so with that I no longer have any excuse for not working out (not that I don't try occasionaly!) I would love a gym buddy tho because I get sooo bored sometimes.
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: airporthoneys on 14 July 2009, 06:34:02 pm
I have a  wifit but am having trouble motivating myself
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: Nell2 on 14 July 2009, 11:08:35 pm
I go to the gym often and got talked into having sessions with a personal trainer.  It had a detrimental effect as she pushed and pushed me too hard and I just felt shattered after the sessions. 

She has no clue about what I really do so I found trying to train at a very high level with her and doing this job just burnt me out completely and I became despondent with the whole bloody thing and couldn't face the gym for two weeks! 

Now, however, I am back into the swing of going regularly but do my own routine and push myself to my own levels. 

Hey Benny - hope this hasn't put you off!  I would still have another attempt at personal training but I guess I would have to find a more lenient trainer and is that possible! ??

Good luck ! 
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: Lena on 15 July 2009, 12:10:37 am
my only experience with personal trainers is the one I dated last year. as I am sometimes lazy to stretch in the gym, he was good only for stetching my legs before sleep  :D
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: anonymoussw on 15 July 2009, 12:14:44 am
I go to the gym often and got talked into having sessions with a personal trainer.  It had a detrimental effect as she pushed and pushed me too hard and I just felt shattered after the sessions. 

She has no clue about what I really do so I found trying to train at a very high level with her and doing this job just burnt me out completely and I became despondent with the whole bloody thing and couldn't face the gym for two weeks! 

Now, however, I am back into the swing of going regularly but do my own routine and push myself to my own levels. 

Hey Benny - hope this hasn't put you off!  I would still have another attempt at personal training but I guess I would have to find a more lenient trainer and is that possible! ??

Good luck ! 

I want to be pushed... that's the idea - I have gotten to a certain level but I want somebody to make me push myself harder. I reckon I can take it ;)
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: cassie on 15 July 2009, 11:58:55 pm
Yeah, sometimes I'd like the extra motivation, like today I was tempted to get off the treadmill before the time I set myself and really had to give myself a talking to, to make me do the reps I set as target.

Also I would be able to blame someone else for my aches and pains. :D
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 16 July 2009, 09:23:26 pm
I am very close to becoming a gym bunny LOL...well I wouldnt say that, but I go to the gym faithfully about 3-4 times a week, sometimes less when I start a new workout as being fatigued (like Benny mentioned) takes longer to heal.

When I first started going to the gym around this time last year I used a free personal trainer session which came with 2 sessions. It was good to give me the jist of things and help me understand the basic gym rules...but when I was in high school...I took weight lifting classes and Personal fitness so alot of the basic rules of working out I had already acquired. I also read up and look into information about working out from time to time also.

I'd call myself a self-trained and motivated person. I've gotten very well in shape, but theres always new stuff to learn. At this point Im working on losing weight cause I didnt do enough cardio during my early months of working out. I find the motivation I need from within, I push myself and my work depends on it LOL. But by all means if you are new to working out, a personal trainer can help you get into the gist of things and make sure you are doing your workout correctly.
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: anonymoussw on 17 July 2009, 12:25:32 am
But by all means if you are new to working out, a personal trainer can help you get into the gist of things and make sure you are doing your workout correctly.

I am by no means new to working out, and I don't think PT is just for people that are. I would estimate that bout 70% of the people you see in an average gym are doing things wrong and that is a major reason for doing it - there is only so much you can pick up from the internet and magazines, and watching others at the gym is not necessarily any good because a lot of them don't have a clue. I am good at motivating myself to a certain level - but I need structure, so it suits me perfect to have someone to create the structure of my workouts for me.
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 17 July 2009, 09:02:34 am
I am by no means new to working out, and I don't think PT is just for people that are. I would estimate that bout 70% of the people you see in an average gym are doing things wrong and that is a major reason for doing it - there is only so much you can pick up from the internet and magazines, and watching others at the gym is not necessarily any good because a lot of them don't have a clue. I am good at motivating myself to a certain level - but I need structure, so it suits me perfect to have someone to create the structure of my workouts for me.

Well Excccuuuuse me! I wasnt saying trainers are only for newbies. I specifically said they are also there to make sure you're working out properly. If you need the structure of the workout from a personal trainer by all means go for it. But as you go along you will see that eventually everything you do in the gym goes along a certain patter, variation and addition. Varying the working and adding the weight. Once you learn how to do the excercises, you're on your way. From time to time I also check with trainers to examine my body and to ask questions. In fact I have to do so next month because it'll be a full year since I started working out and I need to 'check in' to evaluate my progress.

Im not knocking your wasnting to have a personal trainer. Save the battering for the boxing ring ;)

Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: Anika Mae on 17 July 2009, 10:04:04 am
Joey, you pretty much did say the trainers are only for newbies. You said you had a couple of sessions when you got started and that a personal trainer may be helpful to Benny if he's just starting out.

That might not have been what you meant, but when someone reads something in your posts that you didn't mean, it's no good getting offended because what they read didn't correspond to exactly what you were thinking when you wrote it. Just go back to you post, see where they might have got the idea, and clarify if necessary.

Humans can't communicate their exact thoughts, so when one person tries to communicate an idea to another, there are actually three ideas: the intention of the person who constructs a message and sends it, a message, and the interpretation of the person who receives the message. The intention, the message, and the interpretation never match up exactly, and it's not unusual for the disparity to be large enough for a misunderstanding to occur. No-one needs to get upset when that happens and if they don't it's easy to rectify. Do keep in mind though that when you communicate with someone you have as much responsibility to make the message best reflect your intention as the receiver does to try to interpret it in a way that matches your intention.
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 18 July 2009, 02:34:54 am
Well said Anika...maybe I need to re-read my fundamentals of speech and communications class.

Another reason why I dont like chatting through emails and texts. Stuff always gets mis-construed  :( 
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: lauralashes on 18 July 2009, 08:45:05 am
It would be SO cool to have a personal trainer just to give that extra motivation and expert advice but they are ridiculously expensive. I've found a gym-buddy can be as equally rewarding and just as honest as a personal trainer.
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: anonymoussw on 18 July 2009, 08:54:45 pm
Humans can't communicate their exact thoughts, so when one person tries to communicate an idea to another, there are actually three ideas: the intention of the person who constructs a message and sends it, a message, and the interpretation of the person who receives the message. The intention, the message, and the interpretation never match up exactly, and it's not unusual for the disparity to be large enough for a misunderstanding to occur. No-one needs to get upset when that happens and if they don't it's easy to rectify. Do keep in mind though that when you communicate with someone you have as much responsibility to make the message best reflect your intention as the receiver does to try to interpret it in a way that matches your intention.

It's almost like you've been reading my textbooks! I study English language and communication at uni...
Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: anonymoussw on 18 July 2009, 08:56:09 pm
Im not knocking your wasnting to have a personal trainer. Save the battering for the boxing ring
Ah I'd be no good in the boxing ring. I fight like a girl.

Title: Re: Personal Training
Post by: Anika Mae on 18 July 2009, 10:48:39 pm
It's almost like you've been reading my textbooks! I study English language and communication at uni...

I studied science, I don't know anything about communication. :)

I picked up the bit about the three stages from someone on another forum, so s/he'd probably been reading your textbooks.