I work elsewhere to where I live.
Have only had a couple of accidental crossings in all the years.
One was a supermarket, one was a coffee shop. The manager was one of my regulars, and I had totally blanked that I knew where he worked...
Also, years ago when I had only been working for eighteen months or so, I lived outside Oxford, worked in Oxford.
Had a regular, once a month, older (early 40s) guy.
Always wore a suit, was polite, chatted about the office etc, had a pleasant and fairly vanilla hour.
Little too much cologne, but that was the only niggle.
Saw him half a dozen times, then one day I was in a friends car, in a different town nearby.
She got stuck in a street behind a bin lorry.
One of the guys in hi-vis pulling bins across was the regular.
I couldn't hide anywhere, he saw me on the second pass.
Never saw him again...
Annoying, as he was a good client!