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Author Topic: Old banger or newish car ?  (Read 4791 times)


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #15 on: 09 November 2010, 01:57:44 pm »
I got a Red Mini, last Thursday.  :)
On a safety note
The type of car doesn't actually matter at all.
The client should never see it.

Certainly drive past their place,
asking them to switch a light on and off 3 times
so you
1. know you have the right house
2.They are actually there

Park some way away, like the next street. So if it is a set-up with robbery in mind,
they don't get your car as well.   :o

Even if they are a legit client,  they could note your car reg.
For ?3 fee the DVLA WILL PROVIDE the name and address of the car's registered owner,
if a person provides a legitimate reason for the request:
"I had a bumper bender with xyz123, the owner wasn't there. I now need to exchange insurance details with the owner"

Those details I would not like to end up in the hands of even my favourite regular.
« Last Edit: 23 January 2017, 01:40:58 pm by River »


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #16 on: 09 November 2010, 02:45:54 pm »
I think i have finally stopped dribbling on my keyboard enough to type a response!.

Jodie, the car is stunning, the reason why i like it so much, is because it has a similar front end to my (what was) beloved hyundai coupe, similar shaped lights etc...

I am sorely tempted to buy one!.
I use a driver for my escort outcalls, so i am covered there, but for my day job i do attend a lot of client lunches, and that type of thing, so i would love a nicer car simply for that. I do feel somewhat embrassed rolling up in my 'banger' on occasion, and will admit to booking taxi's, rather than drive to some events!.

Love the blade too, although a 900 (i assume) is a bit meaty for me :). I haven't ridden for a few years, but my bike of choice for 9 years was a ZXR400. If i ever get another one, then its a GXSR600, because i have very long legs and a short body, i simply can't get my arms round the bigger tanks!. There really is a huge difference in tank sizes from 700cc upwards!.

If anyone has a blackberry please contact for my PIN


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #17 on: 09 November 2010, 05:55:46 pm »
I have never had a purely social escort booking,
but I would certainly agree that image is everything.
A smart looking car would be part of the 'package'
or as you say, a taxi.
Be it an escort "social function engagement"
or a non escort day job.
Either case, & however wrong this is,
your car makes a statement about you
I would imagine to be essential
as it would be part of the 'package'
« Last Edit: 03 September 2013, 06:00:09 pm by JodieTs »


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #18 on: 09 November 2010, 11:35:12 pm »
personaly i would lease on 2-3 years basis much cheaper and hassel free if you get the good deal i have been leasing cars for the past 8 years and have only just bought my own car a mini cooper s earlier this year as i wanted my own car but i still lease 

i have an audi tt convertible 09 plate and its shit wouldnt reccomend it to my worse enemy
  basically really nice car looks wise  but nothing but problems since in have had it   i was away for three week in the summer on holiday and the draining system at the back leaked so basically the car let in all the water  totally ruined cost 4 k to get fixed thankfully it under warrenty  cant wait to send it back but have another 18 months on it  i hardly ever drive it and my son is thinking hes gonna get it when he passes is test as if .....

 my other car is much much better its a mini copper s fully loaded and only has 14000 mile on the clock and it three years old one previous owner and its the dogs bollock  i bought it for 15 k cash earlier this year and im  have up graded it to the JCW So its now got 216nbp  and it fucks along the

if your going for the mazda make sure you do your homework cos there are a lot of grey imports out there they generally have the badge on it saying eunos roadster or check the log book and see if it was imported
 nothing wrong with imports i have had several of them  them especially if they are older as they will have had the mot inthe uk and be ok for the co2 if not you can get a huge bill for converting it  i did on one which was old j reg many years ago and it cost 900 to get it fixed 
also the glass is different so difficult to get
take it through a car wash to make sure that there are no leakes
other good convertible are the toyota mr2 new shape lovely lovely cars as long as you are a midget and there is no boot space  and i do mean there is not a boot in the car nowhere at all

   if you have a good credit rating then i would lease   you can lease a mazda mx5 for 2 years for 190 a month and six hundred down  thats brand new 10 plate full warrenty ect and 12000 miles a year  i did this a few years ago and i also leased a bmw z4 for 18 month at 290  a month
the audi cost 340 a month but thats over 3 years and has 15000 miles on it and its taxed plus its a diesle turbo sline so has all the bells and whislte on it but its still shit
cost  3month rent down 340 a month and at then end i hand it back
leasing is great if you dont want to pay outright dont lose any money and want hassel free motoring  even get the tax thrown in and if your insurance is cheap then it can be a good deal  i now i bought my minin but i didnt skint myself out for it and still had a lot of money left afterward and to lease a mini is more expensive than an audi tt so go and figure that one out  !!!!!

this is who i have used in the past                         this is the link for the mazda at  214a month inc vat   this is a brand new 10 /11 plate mazda mx5 convertiable  two years is a bit more expensive ie  234 inc vat   
but you can chose the colour and its a brill car really girly  but fast and good on petrol i had one for two years
to be honest you couldnt buy one cheaper at the end just hand it back nothing to pay and get something else   

i used this company for my mazda and bmw z4       for my audi i used this company  the lady is a mad as a hatter but really good and gets you what you want

to get a mazda on 4 years with a hard top roof its 267 but it 300 if you want 2 years so the smart lease is cheaper  but you need to check the spec to make sure its the same
main trick with leasing is to have a few cars that you want so that you dont pay over the odd so if you want a convertiabe dont be fussy on the colour  have a choice of say bmw audi mazda mercedes and you will get the best deal but if your set on a particalr car and colour then you will pay for it through the nose  generally any colour is ok as long as it black black or black

Ok then ty x I have a escort friend who has a 2006 Mercedes SLK sports car at the age of 21 but shes escorts fulltime which is good for her, its her 2nd car now ! im so proud of her ! I'd love a Audi TT anyday !


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #19 on: 09 November 2010, 11:43:38 pm »
forgot to say def check your insurance as insurance has gone up by  50 percent in the last six month even mine has gone through the roof from  30 a month to 42 ok its not loads but i have been driving for years and have five years no claim but it still went up fuckers  put a big excess on it as that can bring it down

good cheap cars are ford kas
vauxhall corsa 
make sure its got at least 11month mot and if it a old car get the brakes and disc pads changed and alos the cambelt changed these are things that will always go on a old car and cos the earth to get fixed
if you have more to spend highly reccomend a mini   fantastic resale price hold there prices really really well often got lots of extras on them  heated seat windscreens ect
there are two shape 2001 2006 and 2006/2007 onwards which is the current shape
great girls cars loads of space as well and very realiable and easy to sell on 
also not lots of milage as generally second cars  and really sporty  my mini is ace i call her mini me never thought that i would love a car but i do they have so much character i wont lent my other half go anywhere near mini me  ;D   

i would love a bike thought  think i would look really cool in leather but probably kill myself
jodie do you ever hire your  bike out for photo shoots as its just what im looking for for a photo shoot 
 and  your mazda looks just like my old one that i used to have it was a j or k plate very distincitve cos it has a split four manifold engine  whatever the fuck that is and very very low to the ground lovely lovely car though


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #20 on: 10 November 2010, 01:35:20 am »
River do you ever hire your  bike out for photo shoots as its just what im looking for for a photo shoot
PM sent.
« Last Edit: 23 January 2017, 08:51:27 pm by River »


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #21 on: 10 November 2010, 11:53:34 am »
this is my car

(http://C:\Documents and Settings\charlea\My Documents\My Pictures\sousa\blackberry photos sousa)


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #22 on: 10 November 2010, 04:40:42 pm »
I have a standard for my cars which is that ideally they should be unnoticeable. If I'm on an outcall, I don't want the guy's neighbours noticing  my car because it is either too flash or too crap and then remembering it and commenting on it.

I had an 03 black Ford Focus which was perfect for that, but I wrote it off just over a week ago. :(
I've just bought a 98 Escort (black again) and it definitely has the invisibility factor. Also, let's face it. There's something quite amusing when you're on the phone to your guy and he's looking out for you:

Him: What car am I looking for?
Me: An Escort of course
Him: Of course...

Yes I know, I'm easily amused.  ;D


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #23 on: 10 November 2010, 05:14:12 pm »
o_o wow. so many girls reveal their cars to punters! I wouldn't dare dream of it incase I got tracked!!!

I've got my eye on an RS 125 atm, I've only done my CBT  ??? Boyfriend has an R1 though. I'd die for that!


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #24 on: 12 November 2010, 10:24:24 pm »
 my audi which is a  lease car is registered to the company that owns it  and  my mini is registered in my brotherss name and address  as like you say its easy to get car info from the dvla
just got to hope that my brother dosent sell the car  ;D   


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #25 on: 13 November 2010, 02:37:40 pm »
Wow Jodie that's so cute, I want one. Not really practical with my kids though.


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #26 on: 13 November 2010, 02:56:11 pm »
Very true.
Though early ones go for ?1k, so as a second "fun car"
it is a possibility.
One of my friends had one for a tear as a second car, purely for fun.
You will love it!


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #27 on: 17 November 2010, 12:52:58 pm »

Audi TT is beautiful ! love sporty cars, though if I was going to purchase one I would need a lot of saving up to do, if I wasn't to get a loan!