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Author Topic: Old banger or newish car ?  (Read 4789 times)


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Old banger or newish car ?
« on: 06 November 2010, 10:11:55 pm »


I'm trying to save up for a car and would like to know is it worth getting a cheap car first or spend up to ?2k on a first car ? other ppl have told me you'll have more problems with a cheap banger than a new car. I need to drive asap as I get a lot of Outcall appointments.

Thanks x


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #1 on: 06 November 2010, 10:16:52 pm »
I dont know how old you are, but you should look at v. small engines if this is your first car, insurance has gone mad this year!! Look at what you can afford in a 1.0-1.3litre engine? After a years NCD you can always shift it for a newer one, when you know you're definately OK driving.
That is, if you're new to driving, I might be way off, lol x


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #2 on: 06 November 2010, 10:19:53 pm »
and I've found its luck of the draw with cars! My first was the oldest, had very few problems in the time I had it, second was the newest I've owned so far and had the most (I had it less time than I owned the first car) :S


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #3 on: 06 November 2010, 10:23:41 pm »

Hiya I am 25 nearly 26


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #4 on: 06 November 2010, 10:25:35 pm »
Since you're over 25 it might be a little bit better for you then. I find insurers not on comparison websites have better rates as they don't pay for advertising.
I'd check a few cars (ford KA's are nice little runabouts off the top of my head!), then check the insurance on them, before commiting yourself! x


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #5 on: 06 November 2010, 10:29:35 pm »

Ok then ty x I have a escort friend who has a 2006 Mercedes SLK sports car at the age of 21 but shes escorts fulltime which is good for her, its her 2nd car now ! im so proud of her ! I'd love a Audi TT anyday !


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #6 on: 06 November 2010, 10:35:02 pm »
Good god, I can't imagine the insurance on that!!!!!! Good for her though! Haha wouldn't we all?! x


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #7 on: 07 November 2010, 12:45:13 pm »

Ok then ty x I have a escort friend who has a 2006 Mercedes SLK sports car at the age of 21 but shes escorts fulltime which is good for her, its her 2nd car now ! im so proud of her ! I'd love a Audi TT anyday !

I'm with you all the way on the TT :) I want a white one!!

I have an old banger after my beloved car was written off in crash, initally i bought it as i needed a car asap and it was cheap, while i was waiting for the insurance to pay out.

But....a year on i have kept it, simply because it's so reliable and cheap to run and insure...It looks like a pile of doo doo, but.......while my money is in the bank it's earning interest!.
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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #8 on: 07 November 2010, 02:31:21 pm »

I would love a white one too. I saw a Automatic one for ?18,999 I think it will take me a long time to save up for one of those really. My friend's friend who is a escort she saves every penny in the bank and saves up for the things she really wants. I really don't know how she does it.. i've been rubbish with money and trying to save now. Her last car insurance was ?4k so I don't know what it would be now.. I guess if you have been in the business long you build up a regular client base. I have been on and off in the industry.


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #9 on: 07 November 2010, 04:25:09 pm »
Why, oh why, oh why do people pour so much money into cars. They always depreciate like crazy.

I only started driving a few years ago and I'm on my second used car. It's a diesel, economical but a model that looks reasonably sportyish. Cost me ?3500 and had it almost 3 years now. Had about ?700 worth of work done on it kast year, partly because it's low mileage had caused a few things to seize and the tyres to crack as they'd been on for years and not worn out.

Some models don't age much in that the design stays the same, mines like that and as long as it's kept clean it could be any age.

Couple of guys have commented however that they'd expect me to have a huge plasma TV and sports car. I have neither as I'm not interested in spending out that much cash, on something I wouldn't use or see the point in. If however someone would like to buy me such a vehicle, and pay the insurance for it I would not say know. An Elise would do me just fine thanks.


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #10 on: 07 November 2010, 07:52:48 pm »
My theory is this: I rather have bumps with an older car...that can be fixed up very well, rather than buy a new car and worry about it getting repossesed cause I cant afford the payments. Not to mention if you're under 25 like I am, the cost of full coverage insurance on a leased/financed car is astronomical!

I drive a 1996 car...and I've traveled thru like 15 states already. From the Atlantic and damn well near the Pacific coast!

But...I would steer away from any car thats from the 1980s. Those cars are gas-guzzlers, and are very outdated. I'd go with something from atleast 1996-2000. And dont pay too much attention to mileage. My car is in better shape at 200,000 miles than it was at 130,000 when I bought it.
« Last Edit: 07 November 2010, 07:55:22 pm by AmericanPie »


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #11 on: 07 November 2010, 08:27:22 pm »
I thought all cars in the US were gas guzzlers AP. ;D

I'm with the bumps thing. Had kept mine quite well until a 4x4 went past at speed out over the hills and threw a large stone at the bonnet. Big scratch now and if I had  a newish car I would have been sick.


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #12 on: 08 November 2010, 05:29:04 pm »
A Mini
I just got one,
?6900, perfect

« Last Edit: 23 January 2017, 01:42:22 pm by River »


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #13 on: 09 November 2010, 07:07:33 am »
Hehe, what is it about the white Audi TT girls ?  :o

I have had my sights set on getting one for a while now ..

I don't know if  I will go ahead, it seems like such an unnecessary cash drainer and I could find myself working simply to pay for the upkeep .. ???

Meanwhile, my 4year old Toyota Aygo is a little sweetheart, costs just ?35 a year road tax and can be parked on a penny!  ;D


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Re: Old banger or newish car ?
« Reply #14 on: 09 November 2010, 08:31:33 am »
Hehe, what is it about the white Audi TT girls ?  :o

I have had my sights set on getting one for a while now ..

I don't know if  I will go ahead, it seems like such an unnecessary cash drainer and I could find myself working simply to pay for the upkeep .. ???

Meanwhile, my 4year old Toyota Aygo is a little sweetheart, costs just ?35 a year road tax and can be parked on a penny!  ;D

I wish i knew! Theyre just.....mmmmm......Sex on wheels, and i hardly ever say that about anything except motorbikes!

The MX5 is rather snazzy looking though and dirt cheap!! Was it 1900 for that actual car Jodie?
If it was i might think about looking for one, just as a second car that looks better than my 'banger' i use for the school run and the dog - there is no way i could turn up to meet a client in it!!!
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