Why, oh why, oh why do people pour so much money into cars. They always depreciate like crazy.
I only started driving a few years ago and I'm on my second used car. It's a diesel, economical but a model that looks reasonably sportyish. Cost me ?3500 and had it almost 3 years now. Had about ?700 worth of work done on it kast year, partly because it's low mileage had caused a few things to seize and the tyres to crack as they'd been on for years and not worn out.
Some models don't age much in that the design stays the same, mines like that and as long as it's kept clean it could be any age.
Couple of guys have commented however that they'd expect me to have a huge plasma TV and sports car. I have neither as I'm not interested in spending out that much cash, on something I wouldn't use or see the point in. If however someone would like to buy me such a vehicle, and pay the insurance for it I would not say know. An Elise would do me just fine thanks.