NOt surprised me so much, but I now get very many cricket fans come to visit me because of my blog. After the initial contact, (which did surprise me), the blog has been a targetting device. This has led to many happy hooking hours discussing the merits of have a 3rd man, deep cover and a short slip!
I have had people read - yes actually read - my profile and interview and bring me lobster, orchids and champers. Thank you kind sirs! So as long as you do not fill in all the personal stuff in the interview, some good things do come from it.
Same applies to the wish list. I though it was tacky but several men asked me to put one up so they could send things to me - (they cannot see my address). I have had all sorts form lube (?) to basques. They can also just gift things they want even if it is not on my list then.