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Author Topic: Off-Topic section?  (Read 5282 times)


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Re: Off-Topic section?
« Reply #15 on: 11 May 2013, 10:49:42 pm »
 ;D  ;D ;D

Couldnt have put it any better!!!

I did just start a new thread about what do you do when its quiet/dead.

I was very tempted to start a new one 'Tom Jones Fan Club' but thought that may be pushing it lol!! ;)

Am gunna send you a request now on skype!!X
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Re: Off-Topic section?
« Reply #16 on: 12 May 2013, 12:30:47 pm »
SAAFE is a peer support and advice resource which has a very specific focus, that being to try and help sex workers (newbies especially, but everyone be they retired, on and off or lifers like meself :)) get on with their jobs in the safest and most responsible way they can, so that they hopefully build good businesses, decent reputations and thus earn a good living to support themselves and their families in an industry which is still horribly stigmatised and as such can be incredibly isolating, not to mention difficult to find out about (you wouldn't go to your careers office to ask about it) and often people don't want to tell their bank, their landlord, their family or even their partners about the New Job decision they've made.

The forum, which is only an offshoot of the main site is here so that people in sex work can ask questions, share experiences, have a rant or a whinge and generally compare notes in a way which only a few of us are fortunate enough to be able to do in the real world. We can help people connect, find buddies for security and friendship, provide a space for those needing places to work and even give the spammers somewhere to make pillocks of themselves. What we are not for is idle chit chat about nothing to do with the job or the industry - other forums with a larger team of mods have these sections and that's fine, but since we're not an open general discussion board, such a section would contribute nothing of value to what we're here to do.

Back in the days when the forum was less busy all sorts of random posts were let through, but as we grew and grew, the decision was made that reading through an endless stream of irrelevant dreck (and the mod/admin team have to read through everything that is posted) was not a worthwhile use of either our time or the forum itself - those who give up their time to keep SAAFE going have done so because they want to help out, not so that they can plough through endless posts about nail polish, things on TV or random cobblers about the weather and it isn't fair to expect them to. We have businesses of our own and personal lives too; of course I can't speak for anybody else, but whilst I am more than happy to devote as many hours as it takes each week on trying to make sure that the site and forum are relevant, valuable and welcoming places for us all to use, I am not prepared to waste a single second of my life checking through posts made up of pictures of cats, links to unfunny and uninteresting Youtube videos and general rubbish about who's shagging whom and whether or not they've put a bit of weight on, as nobly reported in Heat magazine. That is not why any of us are here.

If anybody can find it, there was a thread a short while ago where some of the ladies had organised an MSN group to chat, if anybody can find it. I'll have a look now, and if I can find it I'll post a link :).

I agree with amy on this and admin and mods have enough to look after without threads about "everything and nothing", there are forums elsewhere for everything under the sun.

If posts re all and sundry were to be listed it might be to the detrement of important threads and I for one would not want this.  Without wanting to be melodramatic, it could be a matter of life or death.

For prossie questions or topics we have SAAFE, for other subjects (and its nice to take off the prossie hat when finished) then there are a multitude of forums you can join.
« Last Edit: 12 May 2013, 12:32:26 pm by Lady_Lust_XXX »
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
And most importantly a beautiful soul.


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Re: Off-Topic section?
« Reply #17 on: 12 May 2013, 12:36:49 pm »
I really hope I'm not wrong suggesting this but is there a reason we don't have an off-topic section? I have seen posts in the past when saafe first started and there where quite a few off-topic general chit chat posts but now anything non escort related is deleted. It would be nice to be able to chat with other girls here about non escort related things sometimes (not just in pm) or am I in a minority saying this?

I'm just wondering why there is not an off topic section?

Kylie x

Join mumsnet if you want to chat about non escorts thing the boden massive would crucify you they hate escorts ;D,  it would certainly be entertaining  to read and we could all join in and support you  ( i would have to name change though ) 


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Re: Off-Topic section?
« Reply #18 on: 12 May 2013, 12:39:52 pm »
I really hope I'm not wrong suggesting this but is there a reason we don't have an off-topic section? I have seen posts in the past when saafe first started and there where quite a few off-topic general chit chat posts but now anything non escort related is deleted. It would be nice to be able to chat with other girls here about non escort related things sometimes (not just in pm) or am I in a minority saying this?

I'm just wondering why there is not an off topic section?

Kylie x

Join mumsnet if you want to chat about non escorts thing the boden massive would crucify you they hate escorts ;D,  it would certainly be entertaining  to read and we could all join in and support you  ( i would have to name change though )

Rofl can i join in, i like to put thes uppity madams in their place.


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Re: Off-Topic section?
« Reply #19 on: 12 May 2013, 01:46:16 pm »
I think this has run it's course now, especially since we're now going against the rules as well as off topic.
