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Author Topic: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.  (Read 8094 times)


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Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« on: 17 June 2009, 11:18:40 pm »
This is a story from a friend of mine who is touring around Holland. We work and tour together in Ireland, but she like me has decided to try close to home.
She booked into a hotel not far from here in a small town. Well, upon arrival, she discovers that there in only one entrance in and out, which is directly in front of the reception desk, and there are key cards to enter the elevator. Well, not to be deterred, she looks out the window to where her car is parked and discovers she can unlock here trunk from her window. So she walks calmly out and places the extra key card in her trunk. When the client calls and she has them parked, she instructs them to go to her car(where she can see everything), get the key card come to the floor where she gets them in the hall. On the way out she has them put the key card back in her trunk for the next customer. I was wetting myself with laughter. Total genius!


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #1 on: 18 June 2009, 04:26:23 am »
i could hardly finish reading this thread as I kept laughing (while at work!) and was equally nervous...The last hotel I stayed at had the exact same setup. Reception desk right in front of the elevators and needed a key card!

She is a slick b*tch!  8)


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #2 on: 18 June 2009, 08:41:40 am »
Thats fantastic Violette,your friend sounds like quite a woman! Oh it would have been fab to be there and see the look on the clients faces! hilarious ;D


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #3 on: 18 June 2009, 01:04:28 pm »
Okay, I'm going to be the one to put a dampner on your post. The first thought that sprung immediately to mind was that if anybody was so inclined, they could make a note of your girlfriend's car and registration number and look up her personal details at the local DVLA.

I would've just made sure I had a business suit on and went down to greet my clients. Brazen it out. And if anybody asks just tell them I'm conducting interviews.
Sorry. :(


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #4 on: 18 June 2009, 03:04:53 pm »
Excellent point! I hadn't thought of that, being a non driver and all, I will let her know.


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #5 on: 18 June 2009, 04:00:09 pm »
I'm a bit weird when it comes to clients seeing my car. When I do outcalls to homes I park around the corner from the address. I've also had the odd lovely client who I've seen in airport hotels who've behaved like the perfect gent and wanted to walk me back to my car. I thank them for the gesture but tell them that there's no need.

Otherwise the keycard in the boot of the car was a good idea.


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #6 on: 18 June 2009, 06:19:10 pm »
I can seriously appreciate you caution, as with some of the current discussions on going, it is easy for a client to turn into a problem, so why hand them ammunition on a platter?


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #7 on: 18 June 2009, 08:17:32 pm »
What a great thread. Good idea with the car boot but like many others I would of overlooked the other dangers associated with a client seeing your car. Thank you Brandy.
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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #8 on: 18 June 2009, 11:01:29 pm »
Yes, have to agree with Brandy on this.  I'm careful about clients seeing my car too and when doing an outcall to someones home I always try to park down the road from their actual address.  Doesn't always work though as some do watch out for me and notice me drive past and park down the road!!  I don't even park my car outside my incall flat (and there's plenty of parking too!).  Luckily there's a nice free car park just down the road and I park there and walk the couple of minutes to my incall flat.  Some guys can be quite nosy where cars are concerned and in the past whenever there's an upmarket car parked outside (not mine, and not always right outside my flat) the assumption often is that's its mine - ie., "is that your BM/Mercedes/Lexus etc etc" outside?  So, as Brandy so rightly points out, there's always the danger of a client noting your car registration and doing some digging.  Even if I did park outside my flat and was asked if that such and such car was mine I would deny it! 

For example, at one time I used to park outside my flat and a regular client once asked me what my real name was to which I gave my usual evasive answer.  His reply to this was "well if I really wanted to find out I could, I know your registration is ........... (unfortunately he did know my car) but I wont".  He was just being flippant at the time but it made me realise how stupid it was for me to (a) let anyone know what car I drive and (b) to park outside my flat.  So be warned all you ladies (and guys) who drive, keep your car well out of sight.

Although I'm not sure how easy it is for someone not employed by DVLA, Police, etc. to get that information.  Maybe someone could enlighten me on that one.

Welsh Lass

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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #9 on: 19 June 2009, 08:24:09 am »
Oddly, I have always told clients that the car outside is not mine.
I say 'you can park up outside but some fool has taken the space so pop in where you can.'
It works once. Some fool can't always park outside my house so regulars kind of know it's my car.
Would the DVLA give out info like that though? I have a friend that works there, I shall ask her. Let you all know.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #10 on: 19 June 2009, 08:31:26 am »
Although I'm not sure how easy it is for someone not employed by DVLA, Police, etc. to get that information.  Maybe someone could enlighten me on that one.

I'm not sure if things have changed now, but a person could call the DVLA, say they're from such and such company (providing no proof mind) and say, could you please let me know the name and address of the person that owns the blue Vauxhall Corsa, registration number 123 ABC. They would have to pay a small administration fee, a fiver if I recall correctly. To anybody determined enough, that's nothing. They could also say that your car is parked illegally or abandoned and they're trying to track down who owns it.
As long as the DVLA gets paid, the information is there to hand.

I wrote the article on outcalls on the main site a few years ago. You can see I've been anally retentive about clients seeing my car for quite some time,lol. I think the advice is pertinent now as it was when I wrote it then:


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #11 on: 19 June 2009, 08:38:37 am »
The DVLA have been pulled up plenty of times because they've sold our details to private firms, who in turn send out crap in the post. Haven't you ever wondered how say, a car insurance company you're not with has written to you out of the blue informing you that "your insurance is up for renewal, we can beat your current insurer's quote?"

I'm sure I even rememeber it being featured on Watchdog.


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #12 on: 19 June 2009, 09:43:45 am »
I've always assumed it's because insurance companies share information and that it's therefore probably relatively easy for any insurance company to access the car insurance details of everyone and pick up the various insurance expiry dates.  Also, a lot of us probably shop around for insurance when it's due and therefore distribute our details to lots of companies.


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #13 on: 19 June 2009, 10:33:11 am »
The idea would work great for a rental car and I assume that if she's doing incalls at a hotel she has one? Or maybe not?

But still; I can imagine the caution. I never really took that into consideration. And it would SUCK if one of her 'clients' took off with the key card, and came back while she was gone and ransacked the place. Excuse my paranoia LOL
« Last Edit: 19 June 2009, 10:54:45 am by JoeyR »


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Re: Not only are we good looking, we are smart too.
« Reply #14 on: 19 June 2009, 10:56:25 am »
I would've just made sure I had a business suit on and went down to greet my clients. Brazen it out. And if anybody asks just tell them I'm conducting interviews.
Sorry. :(

Can I nick this idea if the situation ever presents itself  ;)