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Author Topic: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!  (Read 27795 times)


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #45 on: 17 December 2009, 10:48:57 pm »
No one, male or female is obliged to identify themselves on the site
The problem comes when you wish to use Pnet and others for advertising AND forums.  As it seems escorts are only allowed one profile. I believe it would be a helpful feature to allow escorts up to 2 profiles, one for advertising with, and if we felt like it, to have the other one as our anonymous voice on boards.
Because personally I think, escort are in a more vulnerable position than clients. If a male weirdo rumages through your posts and takes dislike to you, he could get to you in real life by looking up your website (if you're not on it anonymously that is). Same of course with female weirdos sabotaging other escort's lives.  >:(
But turn it the other way round, and you find that no matter what John the Wanker says, no one could touch him. Because unless you already had bookings with punters, or met them up for coffee - how would you even find them? ~ SnakeLady

I agree with all of that. There are lots of reasons why girls have to be more careful with what they say than boys. The girls who speak out the most (and I dont just mean against obvious targets like Nik and Jimmyredcab and  HH) tend to be anonymous or get labelled as a trouble maker and leave or get banned. Amy and Ruth from here are two of the relatively few who come across as totally honest and shooting from the hip with no agenda.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #46 on: 17 December 2009, 11:26:25 pm »
As far as I know, if you advertise in the Service Provider's Database, it doesn't have anything to do with having an account on the forum; multiple nicks are not allowed on the board itself, but it would be perfectly possible to place a regular ad and then post with a blank profile that can't be linked to it - you could use a separate email address if you really didn't want to be linked to it, but as far as I know it isn't against any rules anyway.

I also agree that ladies have to be more careful from a safety and security point of view, but that goes for any board where you have chosen to be identifiable; I've pulled punches on here more than once because of this, believe it or not  ;D, and other ladies have described how clients have mentioned their posts. It never hurts to be reminded that we can be vulnerable every time we are in the public eye (and a recent PN thread on Facebook demonstrated this further).

The mods on PN regularly get threatened with all sorts but as stated, they are impossible to identify so it is all really so much hot air. But as far as upsetting individual punters goes, I can't see the point in worrying about it - there will always be some who agree with you and others who don't, and if John Q Punter thinks I'm a stroppy, caustic bitch and doesn't want to book me then it's his loss, n0t mine  :D.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #47 on: 18 December 2009, 12:57:26 am »
As far as I know, if you advertise in the Service Provider's Database, it doesn't have anything to do with having an account on the forum; multiple nicks are not allowed on the board itself, but it would be perfectly possible to place a regular ad and then post with a blank profile that can't be linked to it - you could use a separate email address if you really didn't want to be linked to it, but as far as I know it isn't against any rules anyway.

That's really helpful to know, thanks for that. I just assumed you had to set up a profile on Pnet in order to advertise, just like you do on AW.

Also to ad, I think it's a shame Kurly that you felt the need to leave. Amy might have sounded harsh but wouldn't it be great if we could all be honest, have strong opinions which may clash sometimes, yet still get on?  :D Afterall, we're all in the same boat. I guess any group of people could get accused of getting too cliquey as some people gravitate more towards each other and others could then easily feel excluded. Something to watch out for of course. But it would be a shame if we constantly felt we had to tiptoe around each other even when something upset us.
I thought Amy's earlier post did sound angry too, and I think it's propably because she felt as if she and other ladies on Pboards were bundled together with the sycophantic lot. Something I didn't think Kurly's post was meant to say.

Comes to show we do get upset by anonymous (or partially anonymous) posters on a website.  ;D

Prostitution - now I want it my way.
Or no way.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #48 on: 18 December 2009, 03:37:58 am »
The problem comes when you wish to use Pnet and others for advertising AND forums.  As it seems escorts are only allowed one profile. I believe it would be a helpful feature to allow escorts up to 2 profiles, one for advertising with, and if we felt like it, to have the other one as our anonymous voice on boards.

Because personally I think, escort are in a more vulnerable position than clients.

yes m'am! That is so true...Thats why I stepped away. And I tend to come off as 'negative and dramatic'. But what people don't understand is that in this point of my life, things are a bit cloudy and when I write it may come off a bit jeopardizing to the small percentage of potential punters who either lurk or post of the forums.

When I first began on them, I posted anonymously...But the idea of being Joey and showing who I am wasn't appreciated so I FUCKED THEM OFF!


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #49 on: 18 December 2009, 07:30:14 am »
Also to ad, I think it's a shame Kurly that you felt the need to leave. Amy might have sounded harsh but wouldn't it be great if we could all be honest, have strong opinions which may clash sometimes, yet still get on?  :D Afterall, we're all in the same boat. I guess any group of people could get accused of getting too cliquey as some people gravitate more towards each other and others could then easily feel excluded. Something to watch out for of course. But it would be a shame if we constantly felt we had to tiptoe around each other even when something upset us. I thought Amy's earlier post did sound angry too, and I think it's propably because she felt as if she and other ladies on Pboards were bundled together with the sycophantic lot. Something I didn't think Kurly's post was meant to say. Comes to show we do get upset by anonymous (or partially anonymous) posters on a website.   ;D ~SnakeLady

^seconded.   :)


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #50 on: 18 December 2009, 07:41:37 am »
The mods on PN regularly get threatened with all sorts but as stated, they are impossible to identify so it is all really so much hot air. But as far as upsetting individual punters goes, I can't see the point in worrying about it - there will always be some who agree with you and others who don't, and if John Q Punter thinks I'm a stroppy, caustic bitch and doesn't want to book me then it's his loss, n0t mine  :D.

Talking of mods, the board is better managed since The Vicar arrived as he actually applies the rules fair and square and will deal with abhorrent postings rather than encouraging them as one of the others seems to do on a regular basis.  :o I wish Sunni Tara had more input as she was great on the old board.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #51 on: 18 December 2009, 09:11:39 am »
Hi All - I decided my huffy departure was a bit premature, but I was upset, and I have re-registered (for how long I don't know) to say a couple more things if I may. 

None of what I said was not meant to be derogatory to the women who post on the board, the comment about the mewlings being allowed was meant as a reflection of p-net itself.  So I apologise if I sounded misogynistic, patronising or whatever other adjective was used.  I am nothing of the sort.  I was sticking to the subject of this thread and relating my experiences and perspectives.

I also noticed that it was expressed by amy that every comment I make on EVERY subject is presented by myself as definitive fact.  I am an assertive woman yes, and I share my opinions on this board, but I don't recall telling anyone that they must think the same as myself.  This is one reason Ifinally just decided that if I am going to have to be so damned careful about what I say on here, there is no point in ever posting. 

Amy, I feel that you have a lot of anger issues,  and I also feel that you have a specific problem with me.  I felt all along, in the short time I have been posting, that you have not liked me.   Hence the comment about "expecting this to happen".   That doesn't really bother me, but feeling like I'm treading on eggshells now with every post, does.

None of us is perfect though, and I wish you all the best, good luck, and hope you all have a Happy Christmas.  xx


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #52 on: 18 December 2009, 10:46:22 am »
Mmmmh, find it a bit of a paradox that Kurly strongly criticises Punternet and especially the meek female posters there yet acts churlish when Amy posts in a clear and unambiguous way here.  Surely if you want frank exchange of views then you need to accept opinions that differ from yours?  Personally, I find it a bit unfair and rather unjust to wishy washy pocket analyse Amy and call her angry and confrontational.  I just don?t get it what is it you want from a board such as this.  Bimbo airheads who giggly agree with each and one endless cyber tittie hug?  We are adults from all sorts of different backgrounds and there ought to be enough common sense to debate without resorting to emotional blackmail when someone responds to what you write.  If anyone is assertive and posts in a very authoritative manner then they/me/anyone ought to take responsibility for those posts and not swan off the minute someone else holds them accountable for those opinions.  Stay, don?t stay but don?t try and hold posters to ransom with the threat of flouncing off again the minute someone posts something you don?t like to hear.           


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #53 on: 18 December 2009, 12:56:33 pm »
Kurly, I have no problem with, opinion on or interest in you personally whatsoever; I have far more important things to think about. I was reacting to your post, which I believed was sweeping, unfair and simplistic, and also commenting on the fact that you often seem to make similar posts without reading through threads properly or checking your facts first.

I much prefer assertive, opinionated and feisty posters (which is part of the reason I like PN), but as Honey says, you cannot possibly expect everyone to agree with you all the time and threatening to throw your toys out of the pram as soon as someone takes issue with what you may well mean as a throwaway remark, but has been presented as an authoritative statement, is unlikely to impress. All I am suggesting is the occasional judicious use of words like 'some' (before 'punters/prossies/forums' etc), and maybe 'in my opinion/experience', instead of the 'sorry, but this is the way it is', which comes across as more like arrogance than assertiveness - why feel the need to tack an apology onto your statements unless you believe that they carry enough power to upset someone in some way? And as for the sub-sixth form psychoanalysis, do spare me.

We need experienced ladies on the board, and no-one need tiptoe round anybody, provided they realise that this is not a love-in and disagreements will happen, as they should and must among intelligent adults if anything useful is going to be achieved. All I ask is that a little more thought goes into some of your messages before the 'Post' button is pressed.

And as this is now veering off topic, take any further comment you have to make to PM, please.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #54 on: 18 December 2009, 04:47:26 pm »
Am posting one last one.

 Where did I post without researching? Points to address:  BH I post in a clear unambiguous way, it's amy who has the problem with it it seems.  I don't expect everyone to agree with me.  I have apologised when I've been wrong.  Where are all these accusations coming from and why??  I don't expect anyone to tiptoe around me (obviously) nor do I expect to tiptoe around anyone.   

If I am going to be singled out and bullied on this board, then you can have it.  As for your scathing comment amy about "sub-sixth form psychoanalysis", thanks for that witty sarcasm - I really am bowled over with the witticisms.  You are one angry woman, and it really does show.  This is not about my comments, it's about you taking issue with me on a personal level as far as I'm concerned. 

Sweeping statements?  It was amy who suggested that EVERY subject I commented on was meant to be the definitive word on that subject, and this is an outrageous accusation.   I really am astonished at the way I've been treated on here.  amy, you need to calm yourself down, stop analysing and criticising, and just chill.   You are a bully and I'm not hanging around to subject myself to any more of this bullshit. 


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #55 on: 18 December 2009, 06:24:38 pm »
Mmmmh, find it a bit of a paradox that Kurly strongly criticises Punternet and especially the meek female posters there yet acts churlish when Amy posts in a clear and unambiguous way here.  Surely if you want frank exchange of views then you need to accept opinions that differ from yours?  Personally, I find it a bit unfair and rather unjust to wishy washy pocket analyse Amy and call her angry and confrontational.  I just don?t get it what is it you want from a board such as this.  Bimbo airheads who giggly agree with each and one endless cyber tittie hug?  We are adults from all sorts of different backgrounds and there ought to be enough common sense to debate without resorting to emotional blackmail when someone responds to what you write.  If anyone is assertive and posts in a very authoritative manner then they/me/anyone ought to take responsibility for those posts and not swan off the minute someone else holds them accountable for those opinions.  Stay, don?t stay but don?t try and hold posters to ransom with the threat of flouncing off again the minute someone posts something you don?t like to hear.    
Well that shows just how differently posts can be read. I fully understood the point Kurlie was making and dont think she was at all expecting anyone to agree with her or was looking for bimbo airheads replies. If anything her points showed a real understanding of the more subtle dymanics of PN and some of its regular posters. I would guess she has been around the industry a good while and so it is a shame she has left.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #56 on: 18 December 2009, 06:36:44 pm »
Mmmmh, find it a bit of a paradox that Kurly strongly criticises Punternet and especially the meek female posters there yet acts churlish when Amy posts in a clear and unambiguous way here.  Surely if you want frank exchange of views then you need to accept opinions that differ from yours?  Personally, I find it a bit unfair and rather unjust to wishy washy pocket analyse Amy and call her angry and confrontational.  I just don?t get it what is it you want from a board such as this.  Bimbo airheads who giggly agree with each and one endless cyber tittie hug?  We are adults from all sorts of different backgrounds and there ought to be enough common sense to debate without resorting to emotional blackmail when someone responds to what you write.  If anyone is assertive and posts in a very authoritative manner then they/me/anyone ought to take responsibility for those posts and not swan off the minute someone else holds them accountable for those opinions.  Stay, don?t stay but don?t try and hold posters to ransom with the threat of flouncing off again the minute someone posts something you don?t like to hear.    
Well that shows just how differently posts can be read. I fully understood the point Kurlie was making and dont think she was at all expecting anyone to agree with her or was looking for bimbo airheads replies. If anything her points showed a real understanding of the more subtle dymanics of PN and some of its regular posters. I would guess she has been around the industry a good while and so it is a shame she has left.

I have to agree with Trafford on this one. I think Kurlie was making a perfectly valid point and one that she was fully entitled to make. I certainly didn't take offence at anything that she said or the manner in which she said it. I hate to wade into an argument as i normally try to keep out of them but in this case i do think Kurlies has been attacked in a manner which she did not deserve and i for one am sorry to see her go.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #57 on: 18 December 2009, 06:47:26 pm »
Bimbo airheads who giggly agree with each and one endless cyber tittie hug?



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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #58 on: 18 December 2009, 08:16:44 pm »
I must admit I personally didn't read anything bad in what Kurly said, I also hate the punter forums hence the reason I'm not a member. We all have different opinions and views on things that's what makes the world such an interesting place, and it would be such a shame if Kurly didn't come back as I second the fact that she seems to be an experienced working girl who has some valid and useful information to share with others. I'd hate to think we were turning on each other, there's enough of that shite in the industry!! I definately think that it's easy for us to read things wrongly, just as in texting.... it's hard to get across the nature of what you want to say as there's a lot to be said of not just the words spoken but the way in which they are said. I have often been accused of being stroppy in a text message when that was not the way it was meant to come across!


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #59 on: 18 December 2009, 09:04:20 pm »
None of the people who can't seem to find anything wrong in Kurly/Curly's original post (which is the one I objected to for reasons which I have explained until my brain hurts) apparently belong to the group she was insulting. I, on the other hand do, and so do a good few of my friends and clients. Whatever her opinion of any of us is is her business, but to present it as if it were unarguable fact is offensive, which comes to what Sophie has said about the importance not just of what we say, but the way we say it (which in my ever-diplomatic way I was trying to get across in my post above).

If Kurly decides to come back (and as we all know, the revolving door of prostitution never closes, and there are plenty more ways to spell her name left) and I too would hope that she does, I hope that she will maybe take a bit more time to write her posts so they are less likely to be misinterpreted - it is easy and convenient to generalise about large groups of people, but don't be surprised when some of those you are attempting to pigeonhole (and as I've said, I do feel that the occasional inclusion of words like 'some', would make a huge difference) object and are not afraid to say why. The post on this thread is not the only one I am referring to, and reading back through some of it I can see how much of what has irritated me (and not just me) can probably be put down to an unfortunate posting style rather than any real intent to offend.

My point about the thread veering off-topic and request to take any further comment to PM was also ignored, whether this was deliberate or not I have no idea, but can we please try to get back on track. Firstly, Punternet is not the only punting forum - there are other national and many local boards with varying good and bad points worth discussing. If the subject is indeed exhausted, I'll lock it tomorrow.