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Author Topic: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!  (Read 27791 times)


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Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« on: 23 November 2009, 11:25:11 am »
Hi all
I saw a thread on Pnet this morning that has really concerned me and I thought it might be worth posting something on here.  There are certain themes that crop up on Pnet over and over again, with some posters coming out with the same old crap each time. Am sure it's exactly the same on other boards and what I'm about to say is intended as a general comment.   One of these themes is the subject of when to give out your address to a client.  As far as I'm concerned , I don't give out my exact address until the guy is in the vicinity. This applies whether I'm at a private address or  hotel.  I have never had anyone complain about this and appears to me to be standard practice.

This way of working seems to annoy some of the pn punters, who state that they will not see any wg who doesn't give out their address at the time of booking. There is a post on Pn  this morning from a lady (who also posts on here), which suggests that she changed the way she gives out her address as a result of previous comments on pn and had problems as a result. 

I am worried that some wgs (or wbs!) , especially those new to the business might take too much of the stuff that is posted on the various boards to heart.  The address business is only one example.  Another might be that you have to show your face on your website , or that you won't get any work if you're not an 18 year old size 6 blonde.  In my experience the vast majority of clients are very understanding about the measures we take to ensure our own safety and security and any man who thinks we should compromise on this in any way in order to suit them is really not worth taking a booking from.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #1 on: 23 November 2009, 12:12:19 pm »
I saw this one too, and I agree it's really important to remember that some punters do want everything their own way and just because this is often expressed on their boards that doesn't make it the right or the safest thing to do for us. If we listened to everything said on these we would never ask for money upfront, overrun by half the time again on every appointment and be available twenty four hours a day to take bookings with ten minutes notice, as well as answering all our enquries within the hour and never ever missing calls. Phew :P.

I never give my address out at all, not even when the client arrives - my postcode takes them to a nearby car park where I can see them and from which I talk them into the building; I let them in at the lobby and they are accompanied to my flat by me so there is no chance of them tipping off anybody outside. I have never had problems with this and if a punter said he wouldn't visit without the full address I would tell him to go elsewhere.

The other stuff is true too - the long and short of it is that whilst experienced punters can offer some helpful advice, this is always going to be from their point of view and not from ours, and they don't always realise our reasons for doing certain things (and why should they, after all?) The only person who should be deciding how you work, is you.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #2 on: 23 November 2009, 12:44:16 pm »
The post was made by me and whilst giving my address out to a trusted regular with knowledge of the area meant it didn't have consquences for myself, it did have consequences for the client when he turned up to find the police crawling all over my property. Can you imagine the look on his face!!!!!I wasn't able to warn him since my mobile had gone missing and as such I'd had to cancel the number plus handset to ensure no-one could use it nor access any data from it.

As it is if I did give out my full address most new clients would get terribly lost since you can't drive right to my house nor sat nav to it. In fact you would be wandering around outside lost thinking I was mucking around. This is one reason why I don't give it out - and that's to flipping help the clients find me with concise directions once they have gotten parked.

Over on pnet they don't seem to get this at all - I'm doing it for the benefit of them as well as myself.



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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #3 on: 23 November 2009, 02:01:34 pm »
Thanks for explaining,  Strawberry. I was hoping you might! x


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #4 on: 23 November 2009, 02:57:27 pm »
That's the problem. Some people think Punternet is the punting bible. It simply isn't. Neither is what they say set in stone.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #5 on: 23 November 2009, 07:46:45 pm »
I recently wrote a Dear John letter to the punter forum I was posting on. Majority of them rarely hire, although there are a few who do very often. The escorts are so fake and fluffy and act like doormats.

I've concluded its just not a healthy environment. When push comes to shove, I've found many of the things that the forum clients say they dont like e.g. paying upfront...when meeting face to face it doesn't even bother them.
« Last Edit: 23 November 2009, 07:48:37 pm by JoeyR »


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #6 on: 23 November 2009, 08:18:36 pm »
I saw this one too, and I agree it's really important to remember that some punters do want everything their own way and just because this is often expressed on their boards that doesn't make it the right or the safest thing to do for us. If we listened to everything said on these we would never ask for money upfront, overrun by half the time again on every appointment and be available twenty four hours a day to take bookings with ten minutes notice, as well as answering all our enquries within the hour and never ever missing calls. Phew :P.

Amy you left out,  giving regulars 50% discounts and offering BB, meeting them for coffee, inviting them over for dinner on Sundays, letting them call us just for a chat ANYTIME of the day or night, dropping them off when they need a lift somewhere, and shagging them and letting them pay us later on, because they forgot their wallet in the car! I hate punter forums, the drivel that passes for intelligent discussion between 'experts' nauseates me.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #7 on: 23 November 2009, 08:45:17 pm »
Amy you left out,  giving regulars 50% discounts and offering BB, meeting them for coffee, inviting them over for dinner on Sundays, letting them call us just for a chat ANYTIME of the day or night, dropping them off when they need a lift somewhere, and shagging them and letting them pay us later on, because they forgot their wallet in the car! I hate punter forums, the drivel that passes for intelligent discussion between 'experts' nauseates me.

Pmsl  ;D. I get the 'nothing to do with a booking' chat ones a lot - they must wonder why I don't weigh 20 stone as I've always just sat down for lunch/tea/takeaway-that's-going-cold. One tip is to get your other phone and make it make a ring noise (Oh, I'll I have to go, that's me mam...)


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #8 on: 25 November 2009, 09:08:48 am »
I try to avoid Punter forums as i find the opinions spouted by the majority of the men on them utterly depressing. Was reading a thread a while ago from a guy who claimed to have a stunning girlfriend,who he loved deeply and was brilliant in bed yet he couldnt stop visiting escorts! Now it may be utterly hypocritical of me but it just makes me wonder what people want out of life when they can have so much and still not be able to stop cheating :o The human psyche is a terrible thing sometimes.


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #9 on: 25 November 2009, 09:03:30 pm »
I quite enjoy some of the chat on some of the forums and my local forum LBB has a lot of nice, sensible punters. The address thing came up on this forum too and had as many punters defending the way we give out our location and said they didn't think it was a problem as stupid men complaining about it.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #10 on: 26 November 2009, 03:15:26 am »
I try to avoid Punter forums as i find the opinions spouted by the majority of the men on them utterly depressing. Was reading a thread a while ago from a guy who claimed to have a stunning girlfriend,who he loved deeply and was brilliant in bed yet he couldnt stop visiting escorts!

Girl, thats a lie honey. I believe the girlfriend part, but as far as him getting awesome head,ass, and pussy whenever he wanted it? Naaaaah. If that was the case he wouldn't be seeing escorts. I think he just wanted to inflate his ego. He may love her, but the sex life is probably lackluster or there's something missing e.g. anal or oral or affection or euthusiasm...

Which is why they come to us  :P
« Last Edit: 26 November 2009, 03:17:53 am by JoeyR »


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #11 on: 26 November 2009, 05:16:45 pm »
Girl, thats a lie honey.


You do make me laugh Joey. I imagine you as a very loud black woman mmmmmmHMMMMM girl *pouts*
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #12 on: 03 December 2009, 01:38:50 pm »
Found a great thread on Punternet (i know i shouldn't look but its like a carcrash,you cant help but stare) A poster is talking about a lady who he used to see  in his area for pretty cheap rates who he describes as utterly stunning and the whole package. He then says he no longer visits her as she 'Got greedy and realised she could make more in London so moved there'

So basically a lady who realises her potential and wishes to maximise her earnings is greedy? Would these punters if given a chance of promotion or better earnings in their own jobs not take it in case they were regarded as greedy?

I mean why do we charge at all? perhaps we should all start offering free appointments to prevent us being regarded as (heaven forfend) money grabbing? ;D


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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #13 on: 03 December 2009, 03:36:34 pm »
Hee hee, hey Colette, maybe we should just tango slap them all!! LOL. (that was a joke to anyone who may take offense.... OFCOURSE I would never, ever condone violence  ;)  ;)) Sorry but I still have visions from the other thread lol.
And if anyone watches true blood, I imagine Joey talking like the guy on there (can't remember his name) who's also an escort as it happens  ;D

Sorry to be way off-topic



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Re: Not listening to the rubbish spouted by punters on forums!
« Reply #14 on: 03 December 2009, 04:29:01 pm »
He then says he no longer visits her as she 'Got greedy and realised she could make more in London so moved there'

Good for her! He missed out the bit after "realised she could make more [and see fewer mean clients] in London blah blah".

Punter forums give me the chills. They seem to attract a lot of men who dislike women and/or resent paying women for sex, and/or like talking about "punts" like they don't involve a female human being at all. I'd say 99% of my lovely clients (and I'm not just saying that - they ARE nice, otherwise I wouldn't still be working) have never heard of punter forums or have seen them and recoiled in horror. I'm glad because I prefer clients who are after a bit of human interaction instead of "insert penis; feel good about self".

Lately, a bunch of Punternetters have openly declared their support for the BNP. I do despair. ::)
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