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Author Topic: No one seems to have a clue why business is dragging along  (Read 2651 times)


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No one seems to have a clue why business is dragging along
« on: 25 April 2009, 07:58:16 am »
Ok this is just ridiculous. Twice this week, I've contacted the site administrators for another 1 of the websites Im on, which gets a fair amount of bookings (mostly on weekend nights, like tonight). I spoke to a service representative and a marketing analyst about how things have been going lately and they seem to have no clue themselves. They say my ad looks great, my photos etc...but Im still not getting any calls.

The only thing I am now starting to feel paranoid about is the fact I've changed one of my numbers to my work number...and then earlier this month I had gone 3 weeks without a booking and couldnt afford to keep my other phone up. Thing is, my other phone used to also be my work number as well. But now its off cause I can only afford to pay my pre-paid phone small increments each week. So now Im wondering maybe if guys had took down my old number to book me later?

But Im also thinking thats not the case either as my new number was clearly stated on my sites (except the one I have on here, couldnt afford to renew it either.) In additon, I had my regular client contact me on my new number which was on my website and that was a month ago. I also had another time-waster manage to find my number as well, but thats about it.

So now, I have 2 ads expired, my personal website is also I have virtually no ads up right now. I mean, it has NEVER been this bad before. I have never had my phone expired for longer than a week, even when I lived alone and had to buy groceries for myself, someone would come along and I could make it to the next week. But now, nothing. Like, the phone wont even ring. I'm also noticing here, in my town that there are only a handful of regular escorts (who've been on longer than I ) who are still on the site, while there's been an influx of traveling escorts. Most of the 'new' guys seem to fall off the site within a couple of weeks. 2 guys who I thought would be my competition, arent even on the site anymore (their both black).  Im looking at that correlation and putting 2 and 2 together as well.

So there I go, the 50,000th rant this month. April will go down as the shittest month for me. Cause after this Im out the door...

Welsh Lass

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Re: No one seems to have a clue why business is dragging along
« Reply #1 on: 25 April 2009, 09:19:26 am »
Hey Joey,
I was watching some politics feature the other night, it was on our news channel here.
I don't know how much actual truth there is in what these guys and gals come on Tv and say, you  know how they like to dramatise everything - they said that if we think that we (the UK) are in a panic over the financial climate, it is nothing to the panic going on quietly in America.

For all the pomp and ceremony of Obama, for all the hope he has instilled, there is still a very huge and real underlaying panic in America.

With respect to your good self: You Americans do like to talk things up. You like to take a small incident and make it news of the week.... For example - there is a car chase and it gets put on Tv then it becomes bigger than what it actually is.

We here have this habit of banging on and on about all the bad stuff happening with banks and jobs and it is relentless, all the time, always bad news, the only bit of good financial news I have seen in ages here is that Simon Cowell made a profit (I can't think about Tesco's profit, I don't like Tesco much and wish they would sod off and give smaller firms more of a fighting chance!) That is as far as we go to being marginally cheerful about things and then it's said with an almost scorn.

The financial man on Tv said all of America is in panic. People are not spending at all. That the panic is worse over there than it is here. I can believe that is actually the truth.

So, your problem here is your prospective clients are scared to spend cash. Afraid for their jobs and your media is doing a good job of making those in work feel afraid. A far better job than we are doing here and we are not doing too badly on it at all!

You have established the area your working from is not going to work out for you.
So, what can you do to raise a bit of cash so you can go on tours? You have mentioned that they always turn out a profit for you?

I have realised that we all have to be realistic for a while. Not lower our standards but certainly lower our expectations.
I never before did half hours. I do them now.
I get up every weekday, get bathed, get dressed, get makeup on, get my hair sorted. Then I sit and get on with other work I have and when the phone rings I am ready to take that half an hour right away.
I never used to do that. I only do the personal jobs on the weekends now. Like the shopping and so on, I don't want to be in the shop and miss a potential call because of it.
I find personally, the weekdays are my earning days, the weekends not so. So I have changed routines to accommodate that.

To hear you having such a rough time makes me quite sad for you. The post you wrote that struck me the most was the gym one. Where you can not go and work out as you can not feed your body what it needs while in that routine. I have seen the guys at the gym, I know what they pack away food wise while they train.

At the risk of offending you, which I in no way want to do... Ok, Joey, the moan is over, we have heard it, read it and you have our sympathies.... Let's all see what we can do to help you out.

The most important thing to address is your attitude. It's going to be hard but you need to buck up a bit. Stop thinking Oh no, this is terrible and start thinking, right, it's tough, what can I do about it?

Like your tours for example.
Think how you can raise cash to go on only one. Only one will make it possible to do another. How can you advertise that?
I have been in the situation a couple of years back, before I started this, where things had to be sold Joey. I had to sell my stuff to get by.
It's only stuff. You can get more stuff so think what you can do to fund only 1 tour?

Let's see a thinking Joey, as in thinking positive not negative now. We are all behind you on this, we are all suffering right now, you are more than us, yes, so let's see you fighting your way out not drowning under it all?
Come back with ideas and we will all round up and help you out?

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: No one seems to have a clue why business is dragging along
« Reply #2 on: 25 April 2009, 10:29:29 am »


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Re: No one seems to have a clue why business is dragging along
« Reply #3 on: 25 April 2009, 10:46:24 am »
I agree with Joanna. When I went to LA, I got the impression that there's definitely a bigger panic over there than here. I didn't make a huge profit, I didn't expect to. I was happy with what I got considering the circumstances.
Even on the flight over I sat next to and was chatting to a newly-graduated teacher with dual citizenship for the UK and the US. She said that California was firing teachers left right and centre and she was considering going back to the UK to teach as there was nothing for her in California. The funny thing is, there's one job that's safe in this economy in the UK and that's teaching. There are people who've been made redundant here who've actually turned to teaching because we're in such need. I can't understand the concept of sacking teachers in the States, who teaches the kids then?
There's definitely a panic in the States. I'd imagine you're not the only one suffering over there.


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Re: No one seems to have a clue why business is dragging along
« Reply #4 on: 02 May 2009, 08:26:43 pm »
I can't understand the concept of sacking teachers in the States, who teaches the kids then?
There's definitely a panic in the States. I'd imagine you're not the only one suffering over there.

well, in cases such as that from what I can remember is that usually either 'substitute' teachers come in or classes end up having 40-50 kids being taught in 1 room rather than the usual 15-25 kids. And then if its really tight, for the grade schools they will have a single teacher going over multiple subjects,  teaching it to 40-50 kids per class. Not an easy way to learn.

This past week there still hasnt been much progress in my schedule, but Im also not expecting any different. I've officially hit rock bottom! I'm over due on 3 different bills, my car's shot, and Im just barely keeping my phone on. Just last night appearently the damn phone company didnt update a payment to my account which caused my phone to be off most of the night yesterday. I almost had a heart attack when I tried to make a call this morning saying my service was disconnected. Hell I probably missed a Friday night call  >:(

The good news, is....before the end of this month, this entire situation will cease to exist. I command it to LOL. I have a chunk of change coming to me that will allow me to go off to different markets. Im already scheduled in Washington next month, and also back to Florida. And this time, its early advertising...If anything this slump wil just give me more time to think about how to plan things out so that I wont have to deal with this for a month longer!