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Author Topic: Latest Client Trends.  (Read 6005 times)


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Latest Client Trends.
« on: 22 April 2009, 03:28:31 pm »
Just something I have noticed lately, maybe this is an Irish thing, but lately few things I have noticed:
1. Clients are now calling me and hanging up with number showing, and after 4 or 5 of these misses calls, I finally got that they want me to call them back!  ???
2. They ask the price, show up, and lo and behold, they only 80, or a 100 euros. These smart asses I march out the door! None to gently I might add. They haven't a clue how close they are to getting a stiletto heel in the head
3. The amount of NS bookings has sky-rocketed to pandemic levels.
4.More requests for phone and chat sex.
5.Crazier than normal wankers on the phone.
Or is it just me?


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #1 on: 22 April 2009, 08:14:18 pm »
2. They ask the price, show up, and lo and behold, they only 80, or a 100 euros.
3. The amount of NS bookings has sky-rocketed to pandemic levels.

Im seriously thinking this econ is f-ing kicking many people's asses right about now. Its getting to the point where whenever I walk out the door, all I hear people talk about day and night is the damn economy. People are blaming every circumstance on it, and the fear is spreading like wildfire. At this point, I know several people who arent even directly affected by it, but the constant attention is like having a hurricane spinning out in the Atlantic just miles away from shore, and people are wondering whether it will hit or make a sharp turn into the ocean. I live in a place that is relatively in a protective 'bubble' compared to other cities in the country, yet the stinginess...the frugality is disgusting. Im not even keen to read the news online any longer, today yet another article about how much worse its going to get.


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #2 on: 23 April 2009, 10:35:10 am »
I feel for you, Joey, being in the US right now. People there are even MORE obsessed with the state of the economy and with counting their pennies and moaning about everything than we are, from what I can gather. :)

Yes, it's awful if you've lost your job when your family are relying on you to pay the mortgage and credit cards. Those people have all my sympathies but I think that actually, the majority of moaning and stinginess is coming from people who are just generally moany and stingy anyway! Now they're delighted to have The Economy to dourly blame for EVERYTHING. Lost a button? It's the economy. Catsick on the carpet? DAMN THE ECONOMY!

Anyway, this is very much going off-topic, but I've been thinking and talking to a few others about this sort of thing lately. I think that some people are actually doing *better* now because they are pro-active and creative and really see opportunities abounding right now. I'm currently training hard for a new career, and so are many others. I doubt there are many escorts out there who aren't working harder right now, whether it's more clients or just doing more for the ones you've got (or actually being nice to people who call, like I finally am :P) - I reckon 99% of us girls and boys are *not* reacting to this economic downturn by sitting on our arses, going to www.bitch& and complaining. Of course, we mention it in discussion but I think the real reason that negative talk about the economy doesn't stand up well on escort forums is because we are all aware of it AND all working to make sure we survive. Not because we're ignorant/in denial/whatever the punter-forum-lurkers think. ::)

Ugh, must stop typing now! Think I've got it all off my chest, LOL.

Violet - I found the trends you've noticed really interesting. Guys call you and hang up, because they want you to call them back?! Do you do it?!
Disclosure: The other person behind

Welsh Lass

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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #3 on: 23 April 2009, 05:33:15 pm »
I am getting a rush on for flavoured condoms.
What's that all about?
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #4 on: 23 April 2009, 05:56:43 pm »
I think that some people are actually doing *better* now because they are pro-active and creative and really see opportunities abounding right now. I'm currently training hard for a new career, and so are many others. I doubt there are many escorts out there who aren't working harder right now, whether it's more clients or just doing more for the ones you've got

I agree I am being more creative right now, but in coming up with discounts and such to keep things moving along. I mean, usually I dont but lately have been having to offer more quality: be it extra time, reduced-day rates etc.

As far as working harder? Yes I've been working harder lately, on my advertising, but the return has been small. In fact its been much less. I also had a friend in another state who's regular client cancelled out on him.

I would like to have more work...but at the moment it hasn't happen yet. And that bothers me. 


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #5 on: 24 April 2009, 12:13:31 am »
I feel for you, Joey, being in the US right now. People there are even MORE obsessed with the state of the economy and with counting their pennies and moaning about everything than we are, from what I can gather. :)

Yes, it's awful if you've lost your job when your family are relying on you to pay the mortgage and credit cards. Those people have all my sympathies but I think that actually, the majority of moaning and stinginess is coming from people who are just generally moany and stingy anyway! Now they're delighted to have The Economy to dourly blame for EVERYTHING. Lost a button? It's the economy. Catsick on the carpet? DAMN THE ECONOMY!

Anyway, this is very much going off-topic, but I've been thinking and talking to a few others about this sort of thing lately. I think that some people are actually doing *better* now because they are pro-active and creative and really see opportunities abounding right now. I'm currently training hard for a new career, and so are many others. I doubt there are many escorts out there who aren't working harder right now, whether it's more clients or just doing more for the ones you've got (or actually being nice to people who call, like I finally am :P) - I reckon 99% of us girls and boys are *not* reacting to this economic downturn by sitting on our arses, going to www.bitch& and complaining. Of course, we mention it in discussion but I think the real reason that negative talk about the economy doesn't stand up well on escort forums is because we are all aware of it AND all working to make sure we survive. Not because we're ignorant/in denial/whatever the punter-forum-lurkers think. ::)

Ugh, must stop typing now! Think I've got it all off my chest, LOL.

Violet - I found the trends you've noticed really interesting. Guys call you and hang up, because they want you to call them back?! Do you do it?!

God no I don't call them back! Are you kidding? Some one who is that out of pocket, shouldn't be calling me in the first place.


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #6 on: 24 April 2009, 03:17:54 am »
Quite what I was thinking!
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #7 on: 24 April 2009, 05:50:40 am »
God no I don't call them back! Are you kidding? Some one who is that out of pocket, shouldn't be calling me in the first place.

Whenever something like that happens, I think back to what Brandy said on the .info, about how some guys get off on having a girl (in my case, a guy) running around after them. sickos

In fact, the midst of the storm, I had some dumbass make a booking with me. Says he's from out of town. Get down to what we want, and he tells me the hotel he's in. I knew something wasnt right cause he asked me for more pictures AND made a statement about me spending the night...(being asked to spend a night happens with free fucks, but paying members NEVER ask me to!)

He gives me the number, without an area code...and hangsup.
« Last Edit: 24 April 2009, 06:00:30 am by JoeyR »


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #8 on: 24 April 2009, 02:10:05 pm »
There are definitely more TW, those who book in advance then either don't confirm or cancel saying work has changed.

Personally I've had a lot of time off ill recently, usually guys are ok about this - but  one or two seem to have an issue with this. Some try to persuade me to see them, others think I'm avoiding seeing them, and a third type are getting really aggressive - as if I've got it easy. I hate letting anyone down, if I'm not working it's because I can't (and can't do anything else!). It is nice to be popular but it's not always my fault!

Perhaps I'm not suited to this job.


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #9 on: 06 May 2009, 06:16:09 am »
Strawberry, oh hon you are suited fine. Some clients seem to forget that you too have a life and it isn't all about seeing to their every need. Either don't answer when you are not working or turn the phone off. Kisses V


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #10 on: 07 May 2009, 09:40:20 am »
There are definitely more TW, those who book in advance then either don't confirm or cancel saying work has changed.

I don't count these as timewasters per se - I give them until 10am on the day of the appointment to confirm and if they don't, I don't get ready or I take other bookings; I often have a standby list of clients who I can either contact myself or who are asked to phone back between 10 and 12 if they want to know about cancellations for the day. The confirmation call is their chance to bottle out without having to get in touch really, but I do make a note of it next to their name in my phone, and if it happens more than twice then I ask for a deposit before I will take another booking.

I'm getting more of those stupid irrelevant texts where you are supposed to think it is a wrong number and text them back. What can they possibly get out of that? This morning's reads: "Morning you bandit. What you up to tonight? Ammo called me last night and was askin bout linkin bobs tonight". That's barely even English, FFS! Stupid twats.


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #11 on: 09 May 2009, 12:02:55 pm »
Lol, I get the "wosup bandit?" ones too. I ignore them and any that say - hi, how are you today? feeling horny?


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #12 on: 26 May 2009, 11:39:20 am »
Lol, I get the "wosup bandit?" ones too. I ignore them and any that say - hi, how are you today? feeling horny?

Bandit! Lol! I like the word bandit, I'd rather be called Bandit than Hunny  :D An ex nicknamed me Pirate and I never knew why... No parrot or peg leg


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Re: Latest Client Trends.
« Reply #13 on: 30 May 2009, 12:03:19 am »
My funniest one was: Hi, I'm 16 years old and desperate for a free blow job.
Thing was it was typed out and spelt correctly - 16, sure thing!
mega LOL
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