I feel for you, Joey, being in the US right now. People there are even MORE obsessed with the state of the economy and with counting their pennies and moaning about everything than we are, from what I can gather.

Yes, it's awful if you've lost your job when your family are relying on you to pay the mortgage and credit cards. Those people have all my sympathies but I think that actually, the majority of moaning and stinginess is coming from people who are just generally moany and stingy anyway! Now they're delighted to have The Economy to dourly blame for EVERYTHING. Lost a button? It's the economy. Catsick on the carpet? DAMN THE ECONOMY!
Anyway, this is very much going off-topic, but I've been thinking and talking to a few others about this sort of thing lately. I think that some people are actually doing *better* now because they are pro-active and creative and really see opportunities abounding right now. I'm currently training hard for a new career, and so are many others. I doubt there are many escorts out there who aren't working harder right now, whether it's more clients or just doing more for the ones you've got (or actually being nice to people who call, like I finally am

) - I reckon 99% of us girls and boys are *not* reacting to this economic downturn by sitting on our arses, going to www.bitch&moan.com/forums and complaining. Of course, we mention it in discussion but I think the real reason that negative talk about the economy doesn't stand up well on escort forums is because we are all aware of it AND all working to make sure we survive. Not because we're ignorant/in denial/whatever the punter-forum-lurkers think.

Ugh, must stop typing now! Think I've got it all off my chest, LOL.
Violet - I found the trends you've noticed really interesting. Guys call you and hang up, because they want you to call them back?! Do you do it?!