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Author Topic: I Feel Like Such An Idiot  (Read 3186 times)


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I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« on: 13 August 2010, 10:48:45 am »
Yesterday I had my first phone chat. I don't usually offer this service since I don't like talking to people if I can't see their face, but someone asked and I thought 'What the hell? I might as well see how it goes.' So since my profile isn't set for phone chat, he paid by buying a months subscription to my private gallery which he'd asked me to change to the amount of credits he was going to pay. It was quite a lot of credits. He paid, I sent him my number, and we chatted. Well, actually, he chatted mostly because I was feeling so uncomfortable with the conversation. I thought he'd wanted to role play but he just wanted to talk about kids he used to touch. But as he'd paid I didn't feel as if I could hang up. (I now know this was stupid and won't disown my morals again. Please don't shout at me, lol.  :'() Also, I don't know if he was being serious or if that was his form of roleplay?  :-\

Anyway, I come online this morning and he's refunded his credits. I didn't know people could do that.

I just feel so stupid, but at least I know I'm never offering phone chats.

« Last Edit: 13 August 2010, 10:50:49 am by Roxy101 »

Lucy Chambers

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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #1 on: 13 August 2010, 11:01:45 am »
I did not know that people could do that unless they complained that something was invalid. Pandora is our resident AW expert, she will explain no doubt.

As to the, those things are way out of line. You should report him for his behaviour to the site at very least. Some guys keep an eye out for new ladies so they can scam them, in this instance it sound like something he has done before. Wanker, in many more ways than one- of you aren't comfortable doing phone chat don't do it, the same goes for webcam- just because it is available does not mean that you are expected to do it, and if something goes wrong it can have an adverse effect.

Chalk it up to experience, and if anyone talks about kids again tell them you will be reporting them to the authorities.


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #2 on: 13 August 2010, 11:46:39 am »
Oh god, I'm sorry you went through that.

It does sound like he's a practiced arsehole and some people are just so terribly good at being absolutely horrible that there's hardly any defense against them.

As Lucy said, Pandora or someone similarly expert at AW will hopefully come along and give helpful suggestions as to what you can do! I don't want to sound too idealistic but would it be possible to report his behaviour to AW and at least get him reprimanded?

And yes, there is absolutely no need to offer phone services/webcam/stories or any of the millions of ways AW seems to think we'll want to literally be prostituting ourselves furiously 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The thought of even the text chat thingy makes me feel exhausted! Of course, good for the women who are adept and energetic enough to make the site work for them, but it's not at all necessary for all of us to do that if we'd be happier just working in our own way.

(hugs) I just had such an inward rant about the kind of cretins who think it's okay to inflict their revolting selves on others and not even pay for the privilege. They should be removed from society and made to live on a horrible arsehole island with each other, see how THEY like it. Grr!
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #3 on: 13 August 2010, 11:53:30 am »
Thanks, both of you :).

He didn't even have any negative feedback. He had tones of positive for phone chat and escorts.

I'm a bit reluctant to accept any bookings from people with any negative feedback now. I mean, I've had two people trying to book me, but because they've had a few negative and didn't allow people to see their feedback, I've declined the offer. Is this the right thing to do? Or am I just being overly paranoid now?


Lucy Chambers

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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #4 on: 13 August 2010, 11:57:03 am »
Decline it- if they have negatives there is usually a reason. If you are able to, there should be a link on his profile saying Authentic Member, use that link to complain. Be ultra cautious with AW guys.


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #5 on: 13 August 2010, 12:04:11 pm »
Decline it- if they have negatives there is usually a reason. If you are able to, there should be a link on his profile saying Authentic Member, use that link to complain. Be ultra cautious with AW guys.

How do I click onto a guy's profile? When I click on their name it comes up with the email box and if I click on their feedback or I get is that little box at the top showing me the negative and positives.


Lucy Chambers

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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #6 on: 13 August 2010, 12:06:05 pm »
Are you a AW verified member?

If not, you cannot view the profile. So, you need to go to the help centre (toolbar) and then go through the articles. None will match your complaint, so it should give you the option of then contacting them. Put your complaint in full, it should be backed up by the credit reversal.

Hopefully they will play fair, but I don't hold out much hope, you may not get your credits back but at least you can complain about the wanker.

L x
« Last Edit: 13 August 2010, 12:09:26 pm by Lucy Chambers »


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #7 on: 13 August 2010, 12:08:03 pm »
Are you a AW verified member?

Is that where you put a face picture up?

Lucy Chambers

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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #8 on: 13 August 2010, 12:10:35 pm »
Are you a AW verified member?

Is that where you put a face picture up?

You would need to add a face picture and either your passport or driving licence. I will go out on a limb and say do not do this if you haven't already.


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #9 on: 13 August 2010, 12:13:13 pm »
Decline it- if they have negatives there is usually a reason. If you are able to, there should be a link on his profile saying Authentic Member, use that link to complain. Be ultra cautious with AW guys.

How do I click onto a guy's profile? When I click on their name it comes up with the email box and if I click on their feedback or I get is that little box at the top showing me the negative and positives.


If you're looking at your emails, there's a separate 'profile' link to use to get to their profile. But I think you have to be verified now to see clients' profile details? It doesn't matter much, though, because you can still use that separate 'feedback' link to find out if they've caused other escorts trouble.

Never think you're being too paranoid. It's just your instincts speaking to you and they'll be right 99% of the time. :)

A decent client will never give you trouble about safety or verification or anything - he would understand that you need to protect yourself and will have every sympathy. Never trust someone who tries to hide information about themselves (including their feedback) or who gets sulky or rude with you if you ask. Also, be careful with anyone who has a quick, slick 'excuse' for their bad feedback - there are a lot of accomplished wankers out there who have no hope of anything, except trying to get laid for free by tricking hookers. They are pathetic so write 'em off.

It might seem like you only hear from creeps one week so it can get dispiriting, but keep you chin up - there are plenty of lovely, nice clients out there and one will be along very soon! :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #10 on: 13 August 2010, 12:22:47 pm »
Thanks, both of you.

I feel much better now. I'm always going to listen to my instincts, and hopefully I won't be tricked again. I had a bad first experience, but at least now I'll be more caustious in the future.


ETA: Also quickly while we're talking about AW. How do you change a picture that goes onto the front  page of your profile? I want to swap one picture for another, so I deleted one of the 3 and went onto profile details then onto pictures. But I don't understand how to do it.

« Last Edit: 13 August 2010, 12:24:49 pm by Roxy101 »

Lucy Chambers

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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #11 on: 13 August 2010, 12:27:18 pm »
You need to open your edit details page, go to the section that says 'escort' and change it from there. Then reload your browser cache, as it will still show the old ones until you do.


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Re: I Feel Like Such An Idiot
« Reply #12 on: 13 August 2010, 12:51:15 pm »
I use to do phone chat as well, with a company in the states. They would send the calls to your house phone so you could work straight from home.

After a while, it seemed many, many men wanted to get on and talk about touching kids, or me pretending that I had been molested by my father or brother when I was a kid.

It took only about two months or so of this and I just couldn't do it anymore, it creeped me out waaay too much, so I quit.

If this ever happens to you again, just remember this. YOU are in control, not the client. No matter if he paid you or not, you have the option of at any time telling him that you are not comfortable with something and you are ending it. You can always refund them back their credits if that makes you feel better about it.
"Sex is is exchanging sex for money is simply an exchange of power." -Samantha from Sex and the City