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Author Topic: just found out my wife's an escort  (Read 13550 times)


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #15 on: 07 October 2009, 02:24:07 am »
Im sorry love, but I fail to see how it is any of your business if any of the ladies who post here have partners.
find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.

Welsh Lass

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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #16 on: 07 October 2009, 07:33:53 am »
Yes, Evie, once the words Thi Bitch are used, my respect for the man goes up tenfold, obviously....
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #17 on: 07 October 2009, 07:35:46 am »
Calling her a Thai Bitch tells me that you're already making your mind up about her. If you genuinely loved this lady you wouldn't call her that so it might be worthwhile looking deep inside and asking yourself if you're truly happy?

It sounds as if you're one of the thousands of men who've been taken in by a Thai bar girl. I know I shouldn't taint all with the same brush but it's a recurring theme - Man goes to Thailand, Meets a special lady, Falls in Love, Spends a fortune on her, Brings her back to UK, Marries her, Spends most of his cash on her, She leaves him.....

theyettie if this has happened to you, I'd get shut of her asap before she meets the next suitable victim client and leaves you anyway.
It might be worth going to see a solicitor and finding out where you stand before mentioning anything to her. I'm sure she knows her rights ie. I get half of what he you might as well find out yours.

Good Luck. Alex

You should still get a job - not try and get involved in the Escorting Industry.


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #18 on: 07 October 2009, 08:45:42 am »
Like a few other ladies, I read this and decided to ignore it at first, but a few other things have come to light, so I must say a small piece. I do have to ask the question. What is he really upset about, her escorting, or her leaving him and taking her escorting money in the bargain?


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #19 on: 07 October 2009, 08:47:47 am »
I, too, saw this yesterday and had to lay down and take some smelling salts before I could respond. When I finally recovered, it was this morning and everyone else had said what I thought.

This guy is a massive troll and his last post was revolting. If he could really manage to read the rest of the forum, he could find out all sorts of valuable information about how real escorts feel about their partners/not having a partner/being married/anything inbetween. He could learn a lot from us as I'm sure lots of punters do, as this forum is not private and I don't think it needs to be - but I really don't like the members of SAAFE being treated like pillocks by people (both men and women) who repeatedly post questions that have already been answered and/or show a total lack of respect to the people who give a lot of their free time to answering questions and helping to foster a sense of safe community (for *escorts*) here.

Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #20 on: 07 October 2009, 10:29:52 am »
i want u people to know i am not here to take  the piss i met my girl in a bar in thailand and was giving her a grand a month may be (1) i am stupid for thinking a thi bitch loved me not money but she was happy for me to take care of her when i was work all night and giving her every thing such as a boob job and payig for her kids school  (2) now i think you girls cant find love money is everything well look at some people who win the lotto and thy wish that they DID NOT cos it fuked there life up i am not on here to sell anything
now my mind is i bits can an escort be happy with a boyfriend.
(3) i got on this site cos i was trying to understand all the terms such as OWO and then is stared reding more and i dont want simpathy i just wanted to see if other girls had BFs or HUSBANDS i am not here to try and SCAM U or PIMP MY wife when  i went ith escorts was when i was not with her I am not aCUNT I am just trying to UNDERSTAND IF WE CAN SAY TOGETHER

ok, let's keep this SIMPLE so you can understand:

(1) Think the word is Thai not thi you ignorant twat. And a 'bitch' is a female dog.

(2) Got love and money, happy thanks.

(3) Think PunterNet have a sticky with that one covered - as you'd know if you were no stranger to escorts.

btw, you did get one thing right, you are stupid. Go away back to whatever rock you crawled out from under and stay there.
xoxo ~ lila ~ xoxo


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #21 on: 07 October 2009, 10:39:50 am »
If you met her in a bar in Thailand and you were giving her money then you didnt "just find out" thats shes an escort/prostitute, you knew from the begining you moron. Also watch your mouth when you post on a predominantly female forum such as this, words such as 'bitch' and 'cunt' are unacceptable!


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #22 on: 07 October 2009, 03:13:54 pm »
Calling her a Thai Bitch tells me that you're already making your mind up about her. If you genuinely loved this lady you wouldn't call her that so it might be worthwhile looking deep inside and asking yourself if you're truly happy?

It sounds as if you're one of the thousands of men who've been taken in by a Thai bar girl. I know I shouldn't taint all with the same brush but it's a recurring theme - Man goes to Thailand, Meets a special lady, Falls in Love, Spends a fortune on her, Brings her back to UK, Marries her, Spends most of his cash on her, She leaves him.....

theyettie if this has happened to you, I'd get shut of her asap before she meets the next suitable victim client and leaves you anyway.
It might be worth going to see a solicitor and finding out where you stand before mentioning anything to her. I'm sure she knows her rights ie. I get half of what he you might as well find out yours.

Good Luck. Alex

You should still get a job - not try and get involved in the Escorting Industry.

Alex, you're a sweetheart  :) , I know you try to see the good in everyone & I love you to bits  :-* , (haven't forgotten all your support, amongst many others during my recent crisis), but maybe Emily's right about this one - the guy's just a massive troll.

I can see that you're trying to bring some balance into this debate, but I really don't think he'll even appreciate it or listen. When you say you think he already has his mind made up, I think you're right.

As has already been said better by others, he wants to pimp his wife to recoup his losses - sorry, establish a genteel high class escort agency to drag his wife out of the gutter we're all in, in his eyes.

You point out, correctly, that "It sounds as if [he's] one of the thousands of men who've been taken in by a Thai bar girl."  Fair nuff, but Thailand is a major player in underage trafficking of minors for sex (just look at Gary Glitter) - it's renowned worldwide as somewhere you can get a beautiful submissive bride for peanuts. Now I suspect this guy wasn't in the bar to try the local cocktails - rather than accidentally meeting a bar girl and falling in love (wasn't that a movie?) I think he went there to buy a bride. And now it's backfired on him and bit him in the ass. Boo-hoo  :'( . What goes around comes around, and as he's found out, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Before we see these Thai women as conniving gold-diggers it's worth remembering the poverty they live in. They don't have the luxury of a welfare state or an NHS and a lot of them marry, come to the UK and send money back to their families who'd starve otherwise. This lady had kids - who he's moaning about spending money educating. Maybe she had her priorities right - many of us are mothers and we'd do anything to give them a better life. If my sympathy is with anyone it's with her kids.

Well anyway personally, if I'm a b***h or any other derogatory term he cares to throw at me & I live in the gutter I like it here. I Direct Cam 11pm-2am four nights a week, do themed bondage & schoolgirl shows, make movies with my b/f for PPV, sell panties I've come in (already sold some - hurray for me!!!) and do filthy dirty phone chat 1pm-11pm. I'm working on my private gallery which I intend to make as kinky as possible. I make money & don't have to leave the house. The b/f & I finally managed through civilised adult discussion, without me going to Scotland, to work out a compromise we're both happy with so what's not to love? I don't cover my eyes (the way he wants his wife to do) for one reason alone - I'm proud of what I do (the same way I am proud to call all you ladies friends & colleagues) & I like to think I'm good at it.

I can't wait to see what he comes back with, but calling the lady you're supposed to love, cherish etc. doesn't seem a particularly good omen  :-\ .

I have a gut feeling he already knows his rights - short marriages don't tend to end in a 50/50 split especially if he was the main earner and assuming he did pay for her boob job (which btw I'm sure he got full enjoyment from).

He's also disrespectful by his language  >:( not only to all of us & to his wife but to every woman on this planet.

You all know about my recent "boyfriend trouble"  :( but my partner's not a hypocrite like this guy - he's never used an escort (and I believe him cos he's done some wierd & wild, even illegal shit in his life & he was open about it right from the start of our relationship, even stuff I'd never have found out about), nor has he ever called me disrespectful names. So why should this Thai lady have to put up with it?

Compared to this guy, my boyfriend is a paragon of virtue.

If he does cut his losses and dump her, IMO he'll have done her a massive favour. Like you say if he calls her the names he does can he really be happy so is the marriage even worth saving anyway?

Oh, good point well made Cindy - "I fail to see how it is any of your business if any of the ladies who post here have partners"

What I fail to understand is why he didn't go to PunterNet and ask for help there among his own kind as it were  ???  Could it be, as Amy said he thought "the poor, thick prossies [will] be nicer to [him] than the punting gents, who will rightly see [him] for the lazy, wannabee pimp [he is]?

Anyhow, I've had a gutful of this twat after his last post. Unless he rebutts with something constructive (about as likely as me winning the lottery) I'm gonna write him off for the waste of space he so obviously is and spend my time doing something useful!
xoxo ~ lila ~ xoxo


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #23 on: 07 October 2009, 10:05:40 pm »
Language Lila!  ::)

I was feeling, and someone else had mentioned that this had turned into a kind of witch hunt so yes, I played Devils Advocate.

Maybe Emily's right, maybe we're all right and he is a troll but there's no certainty. I simply looked at the other side of the coin and offered an informed opinion. As for remembering the poverty these women live in - does this make it ok for them to take someone for every penny they have? IMO No it doesn't  (I'm once again showing that there are 2 sides to each story)

He shouldn't be posting on here but he did so now he has the opinions of ladies in the industry.

No person should put up with being called names, especially by the one who supposedly loves you. Not so long ago you were calling the one you love fit to burn, so the comment about it not being a good omen - does this also apply to your relationship? I'm not attacking you, just pointing out that when we're angry we often say things about those close to us.

I do try and see the good in people but I'm also a realist. Sometimes it pays to take a step back and consider all sides of a debate before being insulting and aggressive.

theyettie if you're still lurking around it'd be good to see what you have to say.

Alex x


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #24 on: 08 October 2009, 01:41:52 am »
Language Lila!  ::)

I was feeling, and someone else had mentioned that this had turned into a kind of witch hunt so yes, I played Devils Advocate.

Maybe Emily's right, maybe we're all right and he is a troll but there's no certainty. I simply looked at the other side of the coin and offered an informed opinion. As for remembering the poverty these women live in - does this make it ok for them to take someone for every penny they have? IMO No it doesn't  (I'm once again showing that there are 2 sides to each story)

He shouldn't be posting on here but he did so now he has the opinions of ladies in the industry.

No person should put up with being called names, especially by the one who supposedly loves you. Not so long ago you were calling the one you love fit to burn, so the comment about it not being a good omen - does this also apply to your relationship? I'm not attacking you, just pointing out that when we're angry we often say things about those close to us.

I do try and see the good in people but I'm also a realist. Sometimes it pays to take a step back and consider all sides of a debate before being insulting and aggressive.

theyettie if you're still lurking around it'd be good to see what you have to say.

Alex x


Sorry  :( ,  didn't mean to go overboard, I do sometimes.

I think rather than Devil's Advocate you were a balanced voice of reason. That's a good thing and I wasn't attacking you, just debating your points.

And yes, hands up, I fess up, I was mad at my SO and I'm guilty as charged of hypocrisy. Can I have Emily spank me as punishment, something tells me she'd smack me real hard  :) !

Finally, I too would like to hear a comment from the Yettie. He's entitled to speak in his own defence I guess and maybe it would be better if he did speak up, at the end of the day without more input from him all any of us can do is speculate.

Or maybe the whole thing should just be left to die a natural death.......
xoxo ~ lila ~ xoxo


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #25 on: 08 October 2009, 04:06:17 pm »
Well, I had my doubts that I voiced initially about the OP but I don?t like to jump on a bandwagon of too vociferous cyber mobbing as I would like to get the facts straight first.  What I really cannot stand is so when people post incomplete, half truths that are totally misleading when you are trying to at least give them the benefit of doubt.  I am still puzzled about the motives of posting this whole idiotic thread.   The language and attitude shown by the OP subsequently is utterly disrespectful to his partner he claims to love and inappropriate to the peers on this forum.  So what if she left him ? he brought her over with probably the promise to look after her, why else would a woman come from a totally different country and background to a foreign country.  So now he is unemployed and unable to provide for her ? she is obviously gone back to the best means of earning money.  However, why on earth should she financially support this guy?  She obviously has left him and has no interest in having him be a part of her business.  Plus I am a little puzzled about someone with such a poor grasp of spelling and grammar proposing to write a site for her unless he wants her to look like an illiterate fool!

Oh, and Yettie please do not send me unsolicited PMs thanking me for believing you ? I quite frankly do not care for you and yours situation and certainly did not believe your ?story?.


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #26 on: 08 October 2009, 05:10:03 pm »
Well, I had my doubts that I voiced initially about the OP but I don?t like to jump on a bandwagon of too vociferous cyber mobbing as I would like to get the facts straight first.  What I really cannot stand is so when people post incomplete, half truths that are totally misleading when you are trying to at least give them the benefit of doubt.  I am still puzzled about the motives of posting this whole idiotic thread.   The language and attitude shown by the OP subsequently is utterly disrespectful to his partner he claims to love and inappropriate to the peers on this forum.  So what if she left him ? he brought her over with probably the promise to look after her, why else would a woman come from a totally different country and background to a foreign country.  So now he is unemployed and unable to provide for her ? she is obviously gone back to the best means of earning money.  However, why on earth should she financially support this guy?  She obviously has left him and has no interest in having him be a part of her business.  Plus I am a little puzzled about someone with such a poor grasp of spelling and grammar proposing to write a site for her unless he wants her to look like an illiterate fool!

Oh, and Yettie please do not send me unsolicited PMs thanking me for believing you ? I quite frankly do not care for you and yours situation and certainly did not believe your ?story?.

You put it so much better than I could - I myself wondered what a website written by this OP would look like, the titles going through my head are unprinteable  :-X !

I reviewed the thread and for the life of me can't see   ??? where he would get the idea that you 'believed his story'. Another attempt to gain sympathy methinks - divide (by PM) and conquer?

The fact that he hasn't responded makes me think he was trying it on, didn't get the response he expected and has gone to ground to lick his wounds  :'( . What a guy!
xoxo ~ lila ~ xoxo


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #27 on: 08 October 2009, 05:19:05 pm »
I almost feel sorry for Yettie - hmm - maybe - no definately NOT.

What a utter idiot, just a shame I wasn't around to join in.

But why are we discouraging him from controlling his b***h's (using his word) business, wouldn't that technically make him a human trafficking exploiter?

And in the current climate that would not be a good thing for him  ;)

He is oviously an idiot who is trying to pull one over us thick prossies or a very bitter stupid old man, who is mad that a clever young woman has got one over on him and used the only opportunity she had to improve her situation.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #28 on: 08 October 2009, 09:36:05 pm »
I knew there was a reason why I still peruse this forum from time to time... you girls really do know how to tear someone up!
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling


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Re: just found out my wife's an escort
« Reply #29 on: 09 October 2009, 03:45:35 pm »
I've been to Thailand twice & seen all this happen before my very eyes. There is only one reason men go to Thailand alone, to pick up underage or young looking girls who will literally "do anything" for a fiver.Or young men!!  I've seen them at the airport seeing one off then waiting for the next one to fly in. As they're seeing them they've been pretending to cry & telling them how much they luv them & how they're going to miss them "Oh you have my bank account details don't you!?" All the bar girls (& I met some really nice girls & had such a laugh with them) will go out with the blokes for money!! So what is his problem!!!??? He knew what he was doing but now he wants to pimp his wife out & other girls too. He's a twat, end of.
