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Author Topic: Its time to leave town when: the TW's just get stupid...  (Read 1039 times)


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Its time to leave town when: the TW's just get stupid...
« on: 05 November 2009, 02:23:58 am »
I thought of posting this on Abby's thread, but I'm feeling pretty damn pissed off myself now and just thought I would have hi-jacked her rant... :D now my turn  >:(

This is just getting ridiculous. Not sure if its due to the Holidays coming and we are being left to deal with the wolves, but its just gotten a bit silly lately. Im not even touring and everytime the phone rings or an email comes through its some jerk playing some silly game.

Last night ; A text asking "R U avail"? By the time I got showered and ready to go the guy doesnt pick up when I call to leave. Then, almost an hour later the guy texts me again asking if Im still avail. At this point I had just arrived at a bar  >:( he then calls real quick and hangsup before I could pick it up. I got smart and called him from my other cell and caught him on his shit!

Then today, Guy called me early this morning, and although I didnt hear it I texted him back saying if he was interested to contact me. He texts back, then ask for link to my ad. A bit suspicious, but gave him the benefit of doubt and emailed him a link. No response until this evening. He calls and leaves a voicemail (a regular sounding one) and a text. Mind you, Im in the middle of my gym training and my daytime minutes...

This ****** spends about 5 min. on the phone with me, gives me his address and then after a couple more questions ask, "are you an escort?" I'm like, well hello you hit me up from my ad on craigslist what do you think? Asked me my rate and then hungup! I was so furious I texted him that I was going to post his number and email on a public forum for escorts to warn them that he's a prank so don't do it again. He sent me 3 very apologetic texts saying he had no idea...  ::)

I hate it when people do stupid sh!t like this...Im lining the pockets of the people who create our advertising medium, yet I end up with ridiculous stuff like this?
« Last Edit: 05 November 2009, 02:26:23 am by JoeyR »


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Re: Its time to leave town when: the TW's just get stupid...
« Reply #1 on: 05 November 2009, 09:38:57 am »
Your giving these guys too much of an opportunity to waste your time Joey.
The first guy for example. I can only speak for myself but people who send me stupidly short 'text speak' messages like that don't even get a reply. They are ALWAYS tws and i have never yet had an exception to that rule so now i don't even waste my phone credit on them.
Second guy,somebody who rings stupidly early in the morning does not deserve a text back from you. They haven't had the decency to wait until a godly hour to ring you so why be polite enough yourself to text them back? And him asking for a link to you site is a dead giveaway,how did he get your contact details if he hadn't seen your site already?
Unless you are also posting ads on other sites (i do the same) in which case i would suggest putting the link to your own website on each ad that you have on other sites. Then if any idiot rings and asks for your site link you can just say politely 'the link to my site and all my details are on the ad you found my number on,have a look back on there and if you still want to make a booking your welcome to ring me back'

Seriously Joey,you are still being too soft on these guys. It sounds like you are putting too much effort into chasing these guys for fear of losing a booking and just ending up getting stressed out. You need to start taking a harder line with the idiots for the sake of your sanity.