Calling her a Thai Bitch tells me that you're already making your mind up about her. If you genuinely loved this lady you wouldn't call her that so it might be worthwhile looking deep inside and asking yourself if you're truly happy?
It sounds as if you're one of the thousands of men who've been taken in by a Thai bar girl. I know I shouldn't taint all with the same brush but it's a recurring theme - Man goes to Thailand, Meets a special lady, Falls in Love, Spends a fortune on her, Brings her back to UK, Marries her, Spends most of his cash on her, She leaves him.....
theyettie if this has happened to you, I'd get shut of her asap before she meets the next suitable victim client and leaves you anyway.
It might be worth going to see a solicitor and finding out where you stand before mentioning anything to her. I'm sure she knows her rights ie. I get half of what he you might as well find out yours.
Good Luck. Alex
You should still get a job - not try and get involved in the Escorting Industry.
Alex, you're a sweetheart
, I know you try to see the good in everyone & I love you to bits
, (haven't forgotten all your support, amongst many others during my recent crisis), but maybe Emily's right about this one - the guy's just a massive troll.
I can see that you're trying to bring some balance into this debate, but I really don't think he'll even appreciate it or listen. When you say you think he already has his mind made up, I think you're right.
As has already been said better by others, he wants to
pimp his wife to recoup his losses - sorry, establish a genteel high class escort agency to drag his wife out of the gutter we're all in, in his eyes.
You point out, correctly, that "It sounds as if [he's] one of the thousands of men who've been taken in by a Thai bar girl." Fair nuff, but
Thailand is a major player in underage trafficking of minors for sex (just look at Gary Glitter) - it's
renowned worldwide as somewhere you can get a beautiful submissive bride for peanuts. Now
I suspect this guy wasn't in the bar to try the local cocktails - rather than accidentally meeting a bar girl and falling in love (wasn't that a movie?)
I think he went there to buy a bride. And now it's backfired on him and bit him in the ass. Boo-hoo
. What goes around comes around, and as he's found out,
there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.Before we see these Thai women as conniving gold-diggers it's worth remembering the poverty they live in. They don't have the luxury of a welfare state or an NHS and a lot of them marry, come to the UK and send money back to their families who'd starve otherwise. This lady had kids - who he's moaning about spending money educating. Maybe she had her priorities right -
many of us are mothers and we'd do anything to give them a better life. If my sympathy is with anyone it's with her kids.
Well anyway personally, if I'm a b***h or any other derogatory term he cares to throw at me & I live in the gutter
I like it here. I Direct Cam 11pm-2am four nights a week, do themed bondage & schoolgirl shows, make movies with my b/f for PPV, sell panties I've come in (already sold some - hurray for me!!!) and do filthy dirty phone chat 1pm-11pm. I'm working on my private gallery which I intend to make as kinky as possible. I make money & don't have to leave the house.
The b/f & I finally managed through civilised adult discussion, without me going to Scotland, to work out a compromise we're both happy with so what's not to love? I don't cover my eyes (the way he wants his wife to do) for one reason alone -
I'm proud of what I do (the same way I am proud to call all you ladies friends & colleagues) & I like to think I'm good at it.
I can't wait to see what he comes back with, but calling the lady you're supposed to love, cherish etc. doesn't seem a particularly good omen
I have a gut feeling he already knows his rights - short marriages don't tend to end in a 50/50 split especially if he was the main earner and assuming he did pay for her boob job (which btw I'm sure he got full enjoyment from).
He's also disrespectful by his language
not only to all of us & to his wife but to every woman on this planet.
You all know about my recent "boyfriend trouble"
but my partner's not a hypocrite like this guy - he's never used an escort (and I believe him cos he's done some wierd & wild, even illegal shit in his life & he was open about it right from the start of our relationship, even stuff I'd
never have found out about), nor has he
ever called me disrespectful names. So why should this Thai lady have to put up with it?
Compared to this guy, my boyfriend is a paragon of virtue.
If he does cut his losses and dump her, IMO he'll have done her a massive favour.
Like you say if he calls her the names he does can he really be happy so is the marriage even worth saving anyway?Oh, good point well made Cindy -
"I fail to see how it is any of your business if any of the ladies who post here have partners"What I fail to understand is why he didn't go to PunterNet and ask for help there among his own kind as it were
Could it be, as Amy said he thought "the poor, thick prossies [will] be nicer to [him] than the punting gents, who will rightly see [him] for the lazy, wannabee pimp [he is]?
Anyhow, I've had a gutful of this twat after his last post. Unless he rebutts with something constructive (about as likely as me winning the lottery) I'm gonna write him off for the waste of space he so obviously is and spend my time doing something useful!