Join me in this ladies
five random facts about yourself
1, I was on crime watch when I was 8 years old knocking on the door of a shop. It was one of the first crime watch shows that resulted in the arrest of the murderer who murdered a sweet shop owner
2 Everyone I meet loves my hair - little do they know its not real and that i buy it in bulk from American and China
3 I failed my driving test 5 times
4 I can only sleep on the right hand side of a bed
5 I am named after a bloody boat - both my first name & surname - yes a bloody boat - It was once a well known tv program in the 70s.
1. Everyone I meet loves my hair
2. I passed my driving test on the 6th attempt so also 5 fails!
3. I sleep on the left-hand side of the bed
4. I'm named after a biblical character
5. I was once kissed by Kriss Akabusi
1. Everyone I meet loves my hair, even though I haven't had a proper haircut in nine years.
2. I don't drive, but I can pore over a road map for hours. I'm a transport anorak and have a special favourite book with maps of all the underground rail systems in the world.
3. I sleep on the left side of the bed, but because I'm completely deaf in my right ear I have to have my phone under my pillow with vibrate on for the alarm, or I'd never get up.
4. I'm named after a character in an old TV western.
5. I once broke my collar bone dancing to the Prodigy at what we older folk will fondly remember as a 'rave'