I havent found (nor have looked) to network with other escorts. However, to me it almost seems close to impossible to do so unless something like a duo booking occurs. Since I havent actualy depended on networking to find clients, I dont really know how good it would be to actually do so. I mean, from what I know networking is basically like 'referring' someone to. Outside of message boards, where does that actually happen?
I'm asking cause on another board; a member comes up on my thread talking about how he's gotten alot of clients in this city because he 'networked' with other clients who know and talk to each other and refered him. I'm not one to say that it does or doesn't happen; but if it does then I'd like to know how. I can never learn too much. This person also claims that the 'networked' clients were not found on the 'typical' websites.
Ugh, I hate to feel like I'm 'out for someone' and gossiping but thats why I came here and asked. People just come up and want to show someone up on a freakin forum and sometimes you have to find out from others if its true or made up. How important is networking here and how and where do you do that? Like I said, I'm not aggressively seeking someone to network as the websites and forums are good enough, plus I'm naturally not keen to 'making friends' with everyone. i've just never been like that. Usually when I meet people, it just happens. Boom. And from there all sorts of oppurtunities open up. But I dont really try to be too friendly and open to people especially since its not always returned. but I can see networking probably good to have that going on regardless, right? Or wrong...