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Author Topic: Intimate Care Products  (Read 9600 times)


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #45 on: 15 September 2018, 03:41:15 pm »
Boots have an own brand version of the balance active bv gel. Much cheaper.

I've tried this but found it nowhere near as effective. It's a different active ingredient. YMMV! :)


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #46 on: 15 September 2018, 05:11:15 pm »
They have the same active ingredient, although the lactic acid is higher up the ingredient list in the name brand. I don't know if the pH is buffered by any of the secondary ingredients, but the pH of lactic acid is the same as a healthy vagina and so supports the healthy flora.

If you're thinking of the stuff containing probiotica, I don't know anything about those.

VC it's called BV gel. Sits next to the name brand stuff on the shelf.


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #47 on: 18 September 2018, 10:29:16 am »
Used to get UTIs and thrush on a weekly basis until I stopped eating Gluten/wheat.

It turns out that having an intolerance to something can lower your immune system so I would recommend getting checked for food allergies.

Now I never get them and can wash as many times as I like. I use natural soap free wash though!


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #48 on: 20 September 2018, 03:41:24 pm »
I've been using feminine wash or fragrance free wash down below for about 6 years with no problems.  I use hand wash on baby wipes moist toilet wipes after a number 2.  Toilet paper alone can't clean your bum when you've had a number two if you are not having a shower after.  I don't pooh in public places so I can use this method at home or away.  I don't like having a pooh as it takes ages to get clean and will not stop wiping umtill the toilet paper is clean


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #49 on: 21 September 2018, 01:14:40 pm »
I know you should not use soap or shower gel down there but I do. Nothing inside my vagina but on the vulva but the lady at the clinic (when I had BV but had used balance active so had gone) said use aquous (sp)  cream or just plain water. I wash with soap and water after a number 2. I use balance activ about once a week and for me vital! I tried the canestan version but didn't work for some reason.


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #50 on: 22 September 2018, 04:48:57 am »
After lots of thrush and the occasional bout of BV I have got myself into a healthy state by doing what my GP suggested - washing with water only maximum twice a day. I have not been doing SW for the last month but I have had sex with my BF with condoms and all is fine - now going back to SW.

When doing SW I have always made sure I was squeaky clean down below - wash with intimate gel before each appointment - this is what had been giving me my problems. The issue I now have is that I do have what I regard as a normal vaginal smell - not nasty but a definite not freshly washed smell that is evident when I have sex with my BF he says it is fine and he likes it but will my clients? I'm not offering reverse oral.

How do other girls deal with this.

Sorry if this is too gross but I also have a question about washing after doing a poop. Again, in the past if I have poop before seeing a client - I jump in the bath and have a good old scrub around - but this breaks my rule about keeping my fanjo only washed with water. If I wash my bum with soap or gel it goes all over my down below region. I have tried wet wipe toilet paper but I'm paranoid that I still smell slightly. Am I being unrealistic about needing to be ultra clean?

Does anyone else just use wet toilet paper for a poop and have clients ever noticed???? I don't do anal play or rimming anymore (I used to!)

Thanks for your help.


Don't use the intimat washes, they are 100% not good for the natural pH, stick to your normal routine from civvie life. More likely to cause BV.

Stick to just outside washing, wipe down with a wipe, then maybe follow with a flannel, if you have to poo. Unless they're sticking their mouth there, you don't have to worry too much. If you have hair, you'll want to do more than one pass.

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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #51 on: 22 September 2018, 02:12:16 pm »
I just rinse with water in the shower, not a full shower just boobs, bum and lady garden.

I am too paranoid not to use shower gel and have a good scrub if I had a poo.  Having smelt so many stale arses over the years, I don't want to be the smelly one.

For me, it was worse when I had a period, as I smelled different.  I think I washed too much then. Gave myself BV once.  Wow I smelled like bad drains.  It makes you worried to wash on much after that.  So no more of those famine products as they were the cause for me.


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #52 on: 06 October 2021, 10:52:10 am »
Hello ladies,

I have had some really bad burning on the outside of my labia and a bit on the inside of the vagina. 

I've had STI checks and no STi.

I think this could be because of PH feminine wash that I have been using much more frequently recently. I have a gentle PH balanced one but I don't think that it is working :( Although it is fragranced free so not sure why.

Does anyone else have a similar issue?

Please let me know.



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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #53 on: 06 October 2021, 12:25:50 pm »
Please don't use any feminine washes, the vagina is self-cleaning and doesn't need any assistance. If anything, all they will do is disrupt the delicate balance of flora in your vagina and in worst case scenarios, give you a dose of BV.

Ditch whatever it is you are using and leave your vagina alone, it will stop burning in no time.

If you must use soap to wash you labia, use something like Gallinée Cleansing Bar which at least is formulated to match the PH of one's skin. However, you honestly don't need to wash your vulva with anything other than water.


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #54 on: 06 October 2021, 12:27:40 pm »
Please don't use any feminine washes, the vagina is self-cleaning and doesn't need any assistance. If anything, all they will do is disrupt the delicate balance of flora in your vagina and in worst case scenarios, give you a dose of BV.

Ditch whatever it is you are using and leave your vagina alone, it will stop burning in no time.

thank you xx


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #55 on: 06 October 2021, 01:17:04 pm »
Can't recommend Balance Activ BV gels enough. I use 2-3 times a week for maintenance.

If men are scared of what vaginas smell like they shouldn't be interacting with vaginas.  :)

Dont forget if using these you have to check what condoms you use;polyisprene-ok  (Skyns)
Polyurethane-no will degrade condom
Natural rubber latex-will degrade condom


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #56 on: 07 October 2021, 03:24:27 am »
Hello ladies,

I have had some really bad burning on the outside of my labia and a bit on the inside of the vagina. 

I've had STI checks and no STi.

I think this could be because of PH feminine wash that I have been using much more frequently recently. I have a gentle PH balanced one but I don't think that it is working :( Although it is fragranced free so not sure why.

Does anyone else have a similar issue?

Please let me know.


The only things that should go inside your labia are water or aqueous cream.

Around the area, something like a sensitive Sanex should be OK, or La Roche Posay do an extremely gentle body wash and cleansing bar.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde

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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #57 on: 07 October 2021, 09:14:28 pm »
Simple soap or wash works for me but only on the outside, I never push anything inside.
Bio active gel is also great if I've had a busy day or a client who I think may have upset my natural ph.


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #58 on: 09 October 2021, 10:05:26 am »
Since the menopause Vagisil stings so I use aqueous cream for the vagina but Cidal soap for the anus.


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Re: Intimate Care Products
« Reply #59 on: 09 October 2021, 11:22:31 am »

If your vagina is more sensitive since menopause, ask your GP to prescribe vagifem, it's a very low dose oestrogen pessary which really does work wonders  :)