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Author Topic: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically  (Read 21819 times)


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #75 on: 24 December 2015, 10:09:36 am »
We must all be really quiet to still be commenting on this...... Personally I always think it's nice to be supportive to your fellow workers, Lois writes with satire, humour and cheese.... that was it, support her and laugh with her or don't, but you know what? My eyes have been truly opened to how many of you just love to be antagonistic and cause problems and dramas where there is absolutely no need... Just shows what a bitchy judgemental bunch of people society is.... Get over yourselves, so full of judgement, so you didn't agree with her? So what? You bitch slap her instead? So many of you pointing out why and how you are so much better than her and why she is so wrong.... Don't any of you realise none of it matters? Shrug your shoulders and move on, bigger things going on in life!! I found this site a few weeks ago and thought at first it was lovely, but it isn't... In stead of offering support so many of you choose to start attacking each other and for what?? Does it make you feel better? More important? Perhaps more powerful than the girl writing? Self importance is absolutely the most toxic thing in society! No doubt there will be a response to this with someone saying that they hadn't seen the research documenting this, so it can't be true..... So for that person, my real Job, a Therapist with 17 years clinical experience.... Focus on the positives people, empathise or just move past without dragging yourselves into a pit of toxicity which I promise you will only make you more judgemental in your real lives.... Its nice to be nice but when things go pear shaped its nice to have the support of your co workers too.... Merry Christmas to you all and wishing you more fun, life and tolerance in 2016 xxxx


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #76 on: 24 December 2015, 10:33:26 am »
Er, nobody has 'attacked' the OP or said they are 'better' than her, LML. Maybe you'd like to back this up with some quotes?

If you enjoyed the post that's great (although one thing it is most certainly not is 'satire') but this is a discussion forum, not a creative writing competition. People here get to participate and whilst I honestly don't know how much of the thread you've read through, many members have posted extremely positive views about their clients and their experiences of sex work?

The only real negativity I can see outside the OP itself is the disagreement from those who don't like seeing people being derided for no good reason - if you don't feel likewise then that's fine too, but perhaps explaining this and stating why or otherwise adding to the actual discussion would be more useful than trying to pick an argument over a post that you didn't even write, or making cheap shots about how others must all be 'quiet'?


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #77 on: 24 December 2015, 11:26:04 am »
littlemissLondon said:
So many of you pointing out why and how you are so much better than her and why she is so wrong....
Nobody here is better than anyone, but just because we both share the same job I'm not going to necessarily agree with your opinion. I may have a different one.

Littlemisslondon said:
Don't any of you realise none of it matters?

Sez who? Just because something doesn't matter to you doesn't mean that it shouldn't matter to other people.

littlemisslondon said
We must all be really quiet to still be commenting on this......Shrug your shoulders and move on, bigger things going on in life!

I  choose how I want to spend my time. If I want to eat boogers while doing a head stand infront of the keyboard for 2 hours it's none of your business. Stop judging others on how their free time is spent.

You come our as pretty judgemental for a shrink littlemisslondon.
« Last Edit: 24 December 2015, 12:15:30 pm by Ana30 »
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #78 on: 24 December 2015, 11:42:13 am »
This idea that if something offends you you should just scroll past it or 'shrug your shoulders and move on' - I can't get on board with this. Some comments need closer inspection and explanation. Presumably, if someone started posted extremely offensive, racist, sexist, ageist etc. slurs, the majority of us would agree that admin should step in to shut that down - it would not be acceptable to just ignore it and say, 'Oh well, there are more important things.'

Clearly there are times when intervention is required, although we all feel differently about what crosses the line.

In this case, healthy discussion and debate helps us to understand each other and maybe see things a different way.


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #79 on: 24 December 2015, 11:49:34 am »
This doesn't seem like healthy discussion here. Some posts have been good but many just seem to be going round in circles, not to mention getting away from the original subject.

Sometimes you have to let things be, pick your battles, save them for things that matter!

You may well ask, why am I posting then, well bored & in pain, looking for distraction that's me arm.

My pennyworth's, if anyone cares!

mature helen

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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #80 on: 24 December 2015, 11:51:00 am »
We must all be really quiet to still be commenting on this...... Personally I always think it's nice to be supportive to your fellow workers, Lois writes with satire, humour and cheese.... that was it, support her and laugh with her or don't, but you know what? My eyes have been truly opened to how many of you just love to be antagonistic and cause problems and dramas where there is absolutely no need... Just shows what a bitchy judgemental bunch of people society is.... Get over yourselves, so full of judgement, so you didn't agree with her? So what? You bitch slap her instead? So many of you pointing out why and how you are so much better than her and why she is so wrong.... Don't any of you realise none of it matters? Shrug your shoulders and move on, bigger things going on in life!! I found this site a few weeks ago and thought at first it was lovely, but it isn't... In stead of offering support so many of you choose to start attacking each other and for what?? Does it make you feel better? More important? Perhaps more powerful than the girl writing? Self importance is absolutely the most toxic thing in society! No doubt there will be a response to this with someone saying that they hadn't seen the research documenting this, so it can't be true..... So for that person, my real Job, a Therapist with 17 years clinical experience.... Focus on the positives people, empathise or just move past [/b]without dragging yourselves into a pit of toxicity which I promise you will only make you more judgemental in your real lives.... Its nice to be nice[/b] but when things go pear shaped its nice to have the support of your co workers too.... Merry Christmas to you all and wishing you more fun, life and tolerance in 2016 xxxx
This post wouldn't have caused such contraversy and division if she had.....
1.Been less judgemental
2.Felt less self important
3.Focused on the positives
4.Felt empathy.
5.Had some tolerance.
6.And moved past it.
On a public forum we have the right to put a response. I am all for supporting each other but I cannot support something I disagree with.

sammy s

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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #81 on: 24 December 2015, 12:12:41 pm »
So what about all the other posts on this forum about the most annoying thing a client has ever done, clients who stink, the grossest thing a clients ever done, irritating things clients have done etc, not to mention all the hundreds of comments about clients being ugly, smelly and having small cocks. I'm not saying I agree with everything lois wrote in her post (although parts of it were hilarious) but can every single one of you really say that you've never made one personal remark that might hurt your client's feelings ever in your life (whether on here or not). Yes, the client in question could read the post and work out that it's about him, but I'm sure there's hundreds of other clients who could read other posts on this site and work out they are about them too. This isn't the only one ever written that deserves to be picked apart!
Some of you are saying that lois was being malicious about things the client couldn't control which is why you are all up in arms. Yes, maybe he couldn't control being ugly and having a spotty arse, but lois was merely pointing out these facts due to the client insisting to her how amazing and perfect he is which is ridiculous behaviour. I'm sure she would agree that for ?200 it's worth having to put up with this kind of bullshit,  but she's perfectly entitled to feel drained afterwards with having to put on an act to massage his ego. This argument is going round in circles and I find it staggering that it has escalated as much as it has. People are going to be too scared to post their opinions in future without something like this happening! Escorting isn't all sunshine and smiles with perfect clients!


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #82 on: 24 December 2015, 12:17:19 pm »
Amy, please read again, I didn't say she had been attacked, that comment was a generalised one further down my message...
Ana, you've made some brilliant points, you really have and I have enjoyed reading them.... Yes there have been some great really positive comments and some and I think Jezebel said (I could be wrong) some are just going round and round.... Others have already commented on how bad December has been Amy, so really not a cheap shot!
Ana, yes my personal opinions really can be judgemental too, even for a 'shrink' although to be fair, I didn't say I was one, I said therapist but thank you for the promotion :)
My point is, no one died, no one has been traumatically injured or damaged beyond repair by this post have they? We've stirred up emotions but the bottom line is opinions are unique to us all and we are ALL entitled to them, its just a shame that we then sit in judgment on others, we can disagree without being so disproving... Ana said her self that this forum has been harsh of late, or words to that effect (don't shoot me down here) I'm all for healthy debate, and even heated ones, but where it changes and starts upsetting people and becomes defensive I just think its sad.... I would just like (Selfish of me I know!) everyone to just take a deep breath, relax and be happy, it is Christmas after all and Ana has boogers to eat! Just be really nice to have a big group hug, shrug our shoulders and not be so reactive, just be happy and kind to ourselves and each other xxx
« Last Edit: 24 December 2015, 12:19:27 pm by Littlemisslondon »

mature helen

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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #83 on: 24 December 2015, 12:37:08 pm »
So what about all the other posts on this forum about the most annoying thing a client has ever done, clients who stink, the grossest thing a clients ever done, irritating things clients have done etc, not to mention all the hundreds of comments about clients being ugly, smelly and having small cocks. I'm not saying I agree with everything lois wrote in her post (although parts of it were hilarious) but can every single one of you really say that you've never made one personal remark that might hurt your client's feelings ever in your life (whether on here or not). Yes, the client in question could read the post and work out that it's about him, but I'm sure there's hundreds of other clients who could read other posts on this site and work out they are about them too. This isn't the only one ever written that deserves to be picked apart!
Some of you are saying that lois was being malicious about things the client couldn't control which is why you are all up in arms. Yes, maybe he couldn't control being ugly and having a spotty arse, but lois was merely pointing out these facts due to the client insisting to her how amazing and perfect he is which is ridiculous behaviour. I'm sure she would agree that for ?200 it's worth having to put up with this kind of bullshit,  but she's perfectly entitled to feel drained afterwards with having to put on an act to massage his ego. This argument is going round in circles and I find it staggering that it has escalated as much as it has. People are going to be too scared to post their opinions in future without something like this happening! Escorting isn't all sunshine and smiles with perfect clients!
Punters who stink or act gross do so by choice, no escort wants to endure a session with them. On the other hand I have no problem with ugly men, small cocks or the ones who are a bit more emotionally needy. I do think escorts need to have a level of empathy, kindness and understanding in them to do this job as its not all about Wham bam thank you ma'am. Thats more about what I'm talking about here. 


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #84 on: 24 December 2015, 01:04:15 pm »
Escorting isn't all sunshine and smiles with perfect clients!

No it isn't. But that doesn't really give you the right to just go to town and destroy somebody over the internet. People have told funny stories about clients,horror stories and everything in between but this one seemed like an easy job with a guy who probably gets shit on in every aspect of life who is being stomped in the mud for little more than being a little bit eccentric and enthusiastic (or a lot depending on how you look at it). Are you being paid to care about your clients? No. What they are paying for though is a fantasy and it's really up to them how they want that provided to them. Is the idea of being paid to make somebodies fantasies come true such a difficult concept to grasp? Are some of us starting to get  a bit egotistical because of the money and looking down on all clients not just the assholes?

The thing that really bothered a few people including myself is just how she is looking down on the guy and belittling him. Some guys just feel ugly and worthless in life, they don't get attention from women or good work opportunities they probably work a shitty job and do the same shitty things each day. If making somebody feel better about their shitty life is hard then we might as well all just quit right now.


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #85 on: 24 December 2015, 01:06:07 pm »
We must all be really quiet to still be commenting on this.....
Well, speak for yourself but there's 24 hours in a day and it takes minutes to reply to a thread, I doubt posting on a thread means we are quiet, I'm sure as hell not.

I am sure some of us pop in here in and out, it literally takes minutes.


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #86 on: 24 December 2015, 01:12:13 pm »
Escorting isn't all sunshine and smiles with perfect clients!

No it isn't. But that doesn't really give you the right to just go to town and destroy somebody over the internet. People have told funny stories about clients,horror stories and everything in between but this one seemed like an easy job with a guy who probably gets shit on in every aspect of life who is being stomped in the mud for little more than being a little bit eccentric and enthusiastic (or a lot depending on how you look at it). Are you being paid to care about your clients? No. What they are paying for though is a fantasy and it's really up to them how they want that provided to them. Is the idea of being paid to make somebodies fantasies come true such a difficult concept to grasp? Are some of us starting to get  a bit egotistical because of the money and looking down on all clients not just the assholes?

The thing that really bothered a few people including myself is just how she is looking down on the guy and belittling him. Some guys just feel ugly and worthless in life, they don't get attention from women or good work opportunities they probably work a shitty job and do the same shitty things each day. If making somebody feel better about their shitty life is hard then we might as well all just quit right now.
I agree. It was the belittling that got me because I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot and a client wrote about her in the same way she would be fuming. Things like "you're way too spotty for a dude in his late 40s" and the comments about his cock were really uncalled for and unecessary. For me the booking didn't sound bad at all from what she wrote and it would've been plain sailing for me as I can big up my clients and make them feel great, it doesn't bother me at all. The guy was probably insecure, and this was probably his only way to be able to get some fun time and to feel like he's gods gift for an hour or however long. A guy who wants to be bigged up and wants complimenting is nothing compared to the dangerous or abusive men some of us encountered.

I just didn't see the problem with the booking. If he did read here he would know who she was talking about in a split second, and I can guarantee it would make him feel like shit.
« Last Edit: 24 December 2015, 01:14:06 pm by DesignerWhore »


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #87 on: 24 December 2015, 01:44:12 pm »
Posted on the Wrong thread.
« Last Edit: 24 December 2015, 01:46:41 pm by meetingdiversity »


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #88 on: 24 December 2015, 02:27:23 pm »

Pretty sure a lot of escorts have been on the receiving end. Being slagged off without mercy by punters. What the op wrote wasn't even an attack but escorts get slagged off in the worse way. By the men that pay, the men that don't, by women and society in general .

Exactly why we should know how awful it is to be derided and why we shouldn't stoop so low ourselves.
An eye for an eye sometimes! Sometimes turn the other cheek! Anyways this is boring now! Yawn! NEXT!!!


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Re: Insecure client - more emotionally exhausting than physically
« Reply #89 on: 24 December 2015, 02:28:34 pm »
I dont think Lois was trying to slag him off for having a small penis/no stamina or a spotty arse. I'm sure that is not the first time she has come across these things!

She wasn't even poking fun per say at him for having those things. She was just talking about how clients who need constant validation (ego stroking) are hard work. Which is true. She was also talking about the way he approached her.
She presented it in a really humorous way. Poor him for needing his ego stroking but  it was just a funny anecdote and not something to be telling her she isn't a good escort/ whatever over.

I mean if I went up to the Mac counter and said omg my skin is so great, look at it, everyone says I have the best skin  (when in fact my skin is shite) I think the girl at the mac counter is going to stroke my ego at that moment then go home and tell everyone the bemused tale of how the girl with shite skin insisted she had the best skin ever. Not because of how shite my skin is (which i'm sure she see every day) but because of the way I approached her.

I mean he could have just said, do you think I have a nice arse (and she would have said yes) but instead he said "I have a great arse!!! tell me how great it is" (to that effect)
But the client was paying quite a lot of cash to be bigged up, the server at MacDonald's has no financial incentive to she is paid to take your order not stroke your ego. Sometimes we escorts are more like therapists than sex godesses. It boils down to preference I would love 2 hours full pay to inflate his ego, it wouldn't bother me in fact I would enjoy it and if it made him feel better about himself then its all good. Some escorts can take 2 hours of pounding but that would be my worst nightmare so not a booking I would accept for any amount of cash. If the OP didn't enjoy this session she could have told him its not a service she is happy to provide and send him on his problem.

Wait but didn't she big him up? Not like she told him he has an ugly ass to his face. It's similar to when some of us fake orgasms, the client feels good thinking he is pleasing us but in our minds we are thinking of our shopping.
How is your faked orgasm similar to the OP's post?
Its not what she said to his face its how she handled it afterwards by coming on SAAFe to have a "rant" by physically deriding him (in detail) for things he couldn't help. What the OP did was no better than what punters do on the "forum that shall not be named" when they tear WG's apart for the fun of it it because she had a bit of a belly or shes not as pretty as her photos and a 101 other reasons it all leaves a bad taste.
I genuinely can't be bothered to explain! Sorry! This is getting lame now!