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Author Topic: Retired escorts - how was your transition?  (Read 7145 times)


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #15 on: 06 September 2021, 06:33:47 pm »
If any girls are looking at retiring and are fed up, you can actually come up with a smart exit strategy for yourselves. If anyone is interested in crypto and wants to meet for a coffee and chat let me know, it can get quite lonely in London with the lock downs and be nice to meet with like-minded girls still. But crypto is not for everyone and this is not financial advice #dyor.

Arianna I have PM'ed you! :) x


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #16 on: 06 September 2021, 09:12:22 pm »
It must be  tough falling for a client and needing to let go of those unwanted feelings .
These guys dont seem to quit seeing escorts and  they  want what they can get for free given the chance
In the meantime if you retire from this work look upon it as another job  it certainly isn't the easiest and following quitting it finding something else you want to do dosnt come overnight that can be daunting whether you escorted or not .
Dont ever give yourself a hard time over your choices ♡


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #17 on: 09 September 2021, 01:15:27 am »
If anyone is interested in crypto and wants to meet for a coffee and chat let me know, it can get quite lonely in London with the lock downs and be nice to meet with like-minded girls still. But crypto is not for everyone and this is not financial advice #dyor.

Would love to learn more about crypto -- sent you a PM the other day, Arianna!   ;D


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #18 on: 09 September 2021, 01:40:22 pm »
Can we stay on topic folks, please? The system sends a notification to members when they have a PM or they'll see it when they log in - there's no need to keep the rest of us informed :).


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #19 on: 17 September 2021, 06:20:24 am »
Basically he opened up, was honest to you but you were not honest to him by not disclosing you used to charge for sex. So in your eyes it's ok to charge for sex but it's not ok to pay for sex? Some double morality there. Amazing things happen when people are honest to each other, you guys could have reached some sort of agreement, like if he was planning to continue paying for sex then you could continue hooking. I believe that's a pretty fair thing. On the other hand if you're not into the "sexually open marriage thingy" i could understand you bailing out. Ghosting him after a 6 month relationship just for being honest? Wow... that's pretty cruel in my opinion, probably the guy will never disclose his pay for sex habit to the new girlfriend as he will be too afraid of being dumped again (which is funny considering the ex who dumped him was an escort herself). Again... double standards.

Love, reread what I wrote: “A year later, I met this great guy (in my civvy life) but later found out that he goes to working girls and is familiar with this world. He didn’t know that I worked but he told me everything that I needed to know, to know that he would still continue. Listened to everything he had to say then ghosted him. I was upset with myself  because I took a good four-six month break trying to see where our relationship would go.”

To provide some context, he told me that it was something he was addicted to and was probably never going to stop. Keep in mind, he told me this not knowing that I even know the industry exists. If you read properly, I met him outside of the industry. As someone that wanted a monogamous relationship at the time, why would I willingly get into a relationship with someone I don’t yet trust to know that part of my life, is technically involved in that part of my life, and has already said he isn’t going to stop?

Hence, we both weren’t looking for the same thing —- we had varying needs/wants. If I would’ve known prior, I wouldn’t have explored the connection as long as I had.  If I wanted him as a client, that wouldn’t have been a problem. Although, I didn’t go into the relationship agreeing to expose that part of myself so I shouldn’t have to “compromise”, or essentially “meet him halfway”.

Remember, just because you work or have worked doesn’t mean you have to put yourself in situations that don’t align with what you inherently want. If I wanted a client, he would’ve been perfect, but I didn’t invite him into my space with the notion that he could be my new regular x


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Re: Retired escorts - how was your transition?
« Reply #20 on: 03 October 2021, 11:55:45 am »
I left a couple of years ago, partly because of my partner (who knew what I did) and partly for myself. I wanted to get a career going before I'd been out of civvy life so long it was impossible, and it was becoming very difficult to be touched by strangers when I was in love with someone. It was incredibly daunting going to job interviews, and on tough days of often think how I could be making so much more money for so much less work etc, but then I'd remember why I was doing it. Happy to say I've worked my way up and got a great job now, and the in limbo transition period doesn't last forever. It gets easier, and you won't feel like an alien forever.