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Author Topic: If you could live your life over then would you still be a sex worker?😁  (Read 6034 times)


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Yikes! I am the only one so far who wouldn’t do this again....

hot flower

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Yes but I would have done it earlier when hookers really did make money.

Would that have been the 80s(ship window signs saying huge chest for sale) or the 90s(newspapers) or  the beginning of the century.
Me also I'd  have had a dungeon as well and been a dominatrix back in my younger days


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Like many others have said I also would of started earlier, since splitting with my children’s dad 6 years ago I’ve had one really bad relationship. If I could go back and have a do over I would start escorting as soon as my relationship with my kids dad was over. My bad relationship left me in debt which working now is helping pay off. Without that relationship I’d be in an ever better position than I’m in now thanks to escorting.


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I definitely would have been a domme with a dungeon back when there wasn’t many of them. ;D


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Yes and I would have started earlier.



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This is the problem to change being a sex worker would require a lot of change right from my year zero. There were points at which different choices could have taken me in a different direction, but it was always there and the different direction without other elements removed could have reached a really dreadful conclusion.

Vintage Miss

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I think I would have possibly started later. I was only 18 and it might've been better to have done it when I had a little more maturity (just speaking for myself I was a pretty immature 18 year old). But then again I was in a tight spot at the time and money making options were not flying up out of manholes in the floor and I needed money to get somewhere to sleep, and so you do what you have to. No real regrets.


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No, I’d make better career choices that enable me to make the same money as I am doing escorting. Shit happened and that’s my way of “catching up”... so hopefully I’ll make enough to enable my potential kids a better life and choose better than I did. Would I want my kids to do this, nope.


However as we cannot turn back time, the whole thing turned out very well for me and opened many doors financially - so in that sense I have no regrets, only regret being not having started this earlier. I’d probably be sorted by now if I started this at say 18/20.
« Last Edit: 31 March 2020, 12:42:05 pm by NorthernStar »


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I think the only reason I’m in regret is because I have nothing to fall back on in terms of other skills, like I was young when I started and though I would learn something new “tomorrow” and I’m getting on now...


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    • Pandora
Definately, but would have started much earlier as did a lot of NSA before. Now im older and the market is flooded so harder to make money.


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Like a lot of others here my only regret is coming to it as late on as I did.
They tried to bury us... they didn't know we were seeds.


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I echo a lot of other girls, I wish I had started sooner!  ;D


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Yes, I would have started way earlier. In 2008. Bought bitcoin in 2009 then I would be a billionaire today. I think I would still escort if I was filthy rich but minimum would be £25k overnight booking with extensive screening  ;D


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Yes definitely.  I did it one time in the 90s when I was 30 and had an amazing first experience but ended up going back to my normal job instead and not starting properly (albeit very part time) until I was 45.  That's the only thing I would change. 


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If I found myself in the same situation, widowed in my early, thirties then yes. One of the best decisions I've ever made. Obviously not being widowed would be my first choice.