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Author Topic: ideas for good reponse to insulting email  (Read 7437 times)


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ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« on: 08 June 2009, 08:57:28 pm »
I dont normally bother with replying to insults but i feel i will be doing a public service to bring this w**ker down a peg or two. This is the email i recieved (of course address and name excluded):

I saw your little website online.
I looked at your photo's - when I want to spend money on a woman I love fantasy and a touch of that special gorgeous woman - but in one photo I can see a big belly - so I wouldn't be interested.
good luck though, I suppose there are men who like the tubby type.

Answers on a postcard please!!!!!

Much love Steph


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #1 on: 08 June 2009, 09:55:33 pm »
opps sorry just reaslised where i have posted this and it should be in the blather and babble threads. Can you please move it for me.

many thanks



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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #2 on: 08 June 2009, 10:49:58 pm »
My personal advice is to not react at all.  This guy will love getting a rise out of you so don?t make his day by even answering.  He is trying to engage you into an email exchange and would be really excited to know that he managed to rile you.  I totally understand and sympathise that this is upsetting and insulting but you got to develop a thick skin in this business.  Compared to you I would probably qualify for a far more cutting insult like ?pot-bellied warthog? lol but hey plenty of guys love different ladies and this guy probably has an issue with women full stop.  Just rejoice in getting positive feedback from lovely gents that actually book you and ignore grunters like this! 


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #3 on: 08 June 2009, 11:24:08 pm »
I was wondering if I would be lowering myself by responding. Even tho I am a bit insulted by the pointless email, I am just gratefull for the highlight that I provide a service for guys who don't like skinny women.

I know I am going to be extra grateful to the next client who compliments me!

Anika Mae

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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #4 on: 08 June 2009, 11:54:51 pm »
No no no, he's a troll. If you respond you'll only encourage him.

However, I did respond to one of those emails once. I said that I could tell by his email that he was having a bad time; maybe just a drunken night lashing out or maybe a period of low self-esteem. I said that I'd suffered from depression and low self-esteem myself when I was younger, and that although I was on holiday so couldn't guarantee a timely response, if he wanted to cut the vitriol and talk about it I'd help if I could.

I didn't hear anything from him/her after that, and it was satisfying. :)


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #5 on: 09 June 2009, 04:23:31 am »
LOL....I pissed myself laughing reading Honey's post. Hil ari US!

See, normally I would have recommeded to tell him off to the maximum degree...but there's 2 reasons why I wouldnt. For one like they said, he (or she, its probably a chick doing that!) wants you to get mad. They know they've offended you when you do so it just gets them rolling on the floor, pissing on themselves like drunkards...laughing. Two...its an email. This person obviously wouldnt say this to your in person or even the phone...which is unfair game as you cant come with a come back to how they looks.

But...deep down inside, I feel people need to be told off. Seriously. People cannot get away with sayying hurtful things and expect to be let off the hook. I would have told him,

"yes I am, and guess what I make good money from it and guess what?  Obviously your ass wanted me enough to write that shit to me for you to even waste your fucking time sending me that shit. Aint it funny how you cant stand that I can work it yet am doing just fine? But thanks for reminding me that I still can work it"

Now that...would have put him/her in his/her place. They'd feel  :o about your confidence and  >:(  that you can do what you do.


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #6 on: 09 June 2009, 07:21:01 am »
i personally feel they are looking for a response, i think it's a kind of game or something, never understood how and why people can get of something..

there is a story in the book 'woman that dances with the wolves', (its about us women to reempower and to embrace the wilder and darker sides of ourselves) anyhow the story ends with the little girl returning after having solved the tasks, empowered and grown to the old environment (very much cinderella based) to the 'evil' step mother and sisters, and by not giving them attention they shrank into nothing... the moral of the point is to what we give attention that is what we nourish


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #7 on: 09 June 2009, 07:38:10 am »
No no no, he's a troll. If you respond you'll only encourage him.

However, I did respond to one of those emails once. I said that I could tell by his email that he was having a bad time; maybe just a drunken night lashing out or maybe a period of low self-esteem. I said that I'd suffered from depression and low self-esteem myself when I was younger, and that although I was on holiday so couldn't guarantee a timely response, if he wanted to cut the vitriol and talk about it I'd help if I could.

I didn't hear anything from him/her after that, and it was satisfying. :)

Yes I've done similar. I said I was sorry to hear that he was feeling so bad about himself that he needed to boost his sef esteem by abusing stangers.

I said I hoped he got better soon and wished him well.

I didnt hear back either but 9.5 times out of 10 I would not bother with a reply, but every now and then I get the urge.


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #8 on: 09 June 2009, 08:02:21 am »
Let's face it this person has no life, and he wants to engage you in participating in his foolishness with him. Look at what he is admitting, he spent time on your website and looking at your pictures! He sounds like he wants to destroy your self image, then after he has tried to do this, he will offer sympathy and do your the favor of letting you offer your service for a lower rate, or screwing him for free! It is a game so many men play with women. There are books and movies about the subject. Ignore him, it will drive him crazy, and don't be surprised if he tries another angle.


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #9 on: 09 June 2009, 09:47:28 am »
What a dick!!!


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #10 on: 09 June 2009, 12:50:31 pm »
Absolutely do not reply. He seems to have some sort of reason to get in touch with you and be nasty for no reason, and I firmly believe that reason is that he wants to book you but can't afford it.

Oh, and the other reason of course being that he is a TWAT.


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #11 on: 09 June 2009, 03:56:50 pm »
I have decided to go with the no response option and to see if he writes again. On the main basis of its been some hours since i read it and i dont want him thinking i have been sat up all night crying about it. Apart from that i am far to busy to get involved in a email meeting of minds (if indeed he has one!)


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #12 on: 09 June 2009, 05:28:11 pm »
I wouldn't bother to reply either. I used to get a few of them when I first started out, I don't anymore. I soon realised that some guys didn't understand women that aren't a perfect size 10 could actually make money selling sex. Think about it, nothing irks a guy more than seeing an imperfect woman (in my case and in their eyes) making money from selling my body. I actually derived great fun at the fact that they were that compelled to write to me in the first place. It just showed me how much they resented me. Which is cool.

BBWs are more accepted now. So I haven't received any fan mail of that ilk in years. But if I did it'll go the same way, deleted.


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #13 on: 09 June 2009, 11:53:08 pm »
I agree with the majority and I feel you were right not to reply, though the you are a sad person who needs to boost his selfestem reply would have been good too.

 I often find it hard to resist replying to these idiots, but I don't want to give them the satisfaction of thinking they got to me at the end of the day I'm glad I appeal to idiots like them anyway. and as Joey said, I can work it and do perfectly well with it.

I'm still puzzled by a call I had from a thoroughly pissed individual slurring: 'I've seen your pictures and I can believe you are the size you say you are'
Not sure if it was meant as an insult or a backhanded compliment, either way I never heard from him again.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: ideas for good reponse to insulting email
« Reply #14 on: 10 June 2009, 05:59:46 am »
He sounds like he wants to destroy your self image, then after he has tried to do this, he will offer sympathy and do your the favor of letting you offer your service for a lower rate, or screwing him for free! It is a game so many men play with women.

That is some dirty, wicked, rotten, gross, disgusting sh*t. I would so smack someone for trying to do something like that to me.

'I've seen your pictures and I can believe you are the size you say you are'
Not sure if it was meant as an insult or a backhanded compliment

Sounds like someone being flippant. Deserved a backhand to the face!

and by not giving them attention they shrank into nothing... the moral of the point is to what we give attention that is what we nourish

This is so true, that it makes you sit and think. Some attention is better than none at all