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General Category => Blather and Babble => Topic started by: Lucy Chambers on 03 July 2010, 08:27:37 pm

Title: I really resent
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 03 July 2010, 08:27:37 pm
people thinking that being a slut qualifies them to be an escort. I was far more a slut when not a escort.

I am not a slut. I am a prostitute. I choose, maintain and enjoy several off the books relationships, and nuture hundreds of professional interactions..however that does not mean that I go weak kneed at the sight of and gentlemen..what do you think?
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: UrbaneAspects on 03 July 2010, 09:28:05 pm
however that does not mean that I go weak kneed at the sight of and gentlemen..what do you think?

If the willie is big enough, then I may get weak  :P

Lets take this to the dictionary: There seems to be 2 definitions stating 'prostitute' as a definition of a slut which may also mean 'escort'. Most people's VISUAL idea of a prostitute-slut is a hooker walking the street with a crack addiction. OBVIOUSLY, that does not include anyone on this forum. But then again...even Paris Hilton has been considered a slut and she's only done what, porn?

slut   /slʌt/  Show Spelled[sluht]  Show IPA
1. a dirty, slovenly woman.
2. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.

slut (slŭt)   
n. 1.
a.A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.

b.A woman prostitute.

2.A slovenly woman; a slattern.
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 04 July 2010, 05:32:06 am
however that does not mean that I go weak kneed at the sight of and gentlemen..what do you think?

If the willie is big enough, then I may get weak  :P

Lets take this to the dictionary: There seems to be 2 definitions stating 'prostitute' as a definition of a slut which may also mean 'escort'. Most people's VISUAL idea of a prostitute-slut is a hooker walking the street with a crack addiction. OBVIOUSLY, that does not include anyone on this forum. But then again...even Paris Hilton has been considered a slut and she's only done what, porn?

Obviously that does not include anyone on this forum. Apologies if anyone thought it did. And I also resent the dictionaries definition!  :)

slut   /slʌt/  Show Spelled[sluht]  Show IPA
1. a dirty, slovenly woman.
2. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.

slut (slŭt)   
n. 1.
a.A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.

b.A woman prostitute.

2.A slovenly woman; a slattern.

Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: Miss Jameson on 04 July 2010, 06:55:39 am
Lets take this to the dictionary: There seems to be 2 definitions stating 'prostitute' as a definition of a slut which may also mean 'escort'. Most people's VISUAL idea of a prostitute-slut is a hooker walking the street with a crack addiction. OBVIOUSLY, that does not include anyone on this forum. But then again...even Paris Hilton has been considered a slut and she's only done what, porn?

slut   /slʌt/  Show Spelled[sluht]  Show IPA
1. a dirty, slovenly woman.
2. an immoral or dissolute woman; prostitute.

slut (slŭt)   
n. 1.
a.A person, especially a woman, considered sexually promiscuous.

b.A woman prostitute.

2.A slovenly woman; a slattern.

Where I'm from, sluts get laid, whores get paid. Screw what Webster is talking about.

people thinking that being a slut qualifies them to be an escort. I was far more a slut when not a escort.

I am not a slut. I am a prostitute. I choose, maintain and enjoy several off the books relationships, and nuture hundreds of professional interactions..however that does not mean that I go weak kneed at the sight of and gentlemen..what do you think?

I am with you on this one. I am actually NOT a slut. Because I'm a mom, I am so selective on who I date and what I show to my daughter. But I respect and understand poly amorous people. Any salaciousness inside me I express in this industry.
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: cindy on 04 July 2010, 11:20:19 am
I really dont give a damn about anybody labelling me whatever. I dont feel the need to justify myself in or out of work. They can think what they bloody like. Im not out to change societys views and educate them. Im just doing my job and living my life. When ive lived my "Four score years and ten" they can find somebody else to talk about. So I really dont care! (For the record though Im never a slut but always a whore.) ;)
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: Dani on 04 July 2010, 02:16:04 pm
Slut, whore, prossie, hooker etc are all just words. I am not bothered which they use although I do like hooker and Floosie ;D

The definition I was brought up on was that a slut is someone who gets paid for sex and a slag is someone who does it for free.

If a girl can happily give it away for free then why shouldnt she decide to earn money from it. As long as she has the right outlook, the emotional capacity to cope and a friendly persona then who are we to judge what reason she decided to choose this career.

We are all in this line of work for different reasons and each to their own
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: cassie on 04 July 2010, 07:33:31 pm
I think in most cases it depends on your personal intepretation of the expressions or moreover the interpretation of the person applying the term.

Slut and slag mean exactly the same to me and is something I'd use as an insult. In my mind it is someone who has sex indiscriminatly and unsafely, the kind of person who can't remember the next morining with whom they have had sex and whether protection was used or not regularly.

With all other slang terms for prostitute it depends on who says it, what tone of voice it is said in and what context it is said in. If it is meant friendly or teasingly and said by a mate of mine I'm fine with that.

Its like my pakistani friend and I; she calls me 'chunky chinky' and I call her 'skinny paki' anyone else saying that to her or me would get a slap.
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: EmilyJones on 04 July 2010, 08:31:19 pm
Yeah, the wider issues of labelling of women and being derogatory about them no matter what they do (whether whore OR virgin) do concern me but the personal side is no more than an annoyance, as it is any time I accidentally come face-to-face with an ignorant bigot. I'm sure we all feel the same there. :P

I do feel like there are lots of positive things happening at the moment, though, with women becoming increasingly free to express themselves sexually and/or be open about doing sex work etc without being instantly put down but there are still some (or lots of) revolting double standards in pretty much all societies.

I think not using contraception is always a mistake (unless you've been very, very carefully planning for a baby, of course!) and sex when drunk isn't exactly the most delightful experience but nothing I'm prepared to try and moralise about. I literally can't imagine using the word slut or slag about anyone these days but these days I'm exposed to so many different people who are open about their various sexual needs and desires that it's just easier to leave them to their choices and get on with my own life, otherwise I'd have no time to sleep!
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: cassie on 04 July 2010, 08:57:01 pm
Re-reading my post I would like to add that I have only had cause to use the word slut once, which was aimed at the woman, who infected my friend with HIV, by having unprotected sex with my friend's husband. Obviously it was just as much his fault and the names I called him are unrepeatable.

I generally don't believe in using insults or swearing out of context, as it dilutes the effect of the words.
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 05 July 2010, 05:55:15 pm
Thanks guys!

Interesting opinions. The reason for my posting was, while updating some things on the other site, I came across a profile for a young lady who I will not name.

She is a part time  escort,dogger, porn star, 'cum bucket' and bare back provider. She offers full on, 'no holes barred' gangbangs sic (with a grand total of 500+ reviews)  In my opinion, she is a slut with a laptop, not a escort. Now normally I would never pass judgement, but I noticed that her tours coincide with mine in a lot of places, which then got me thinking which customers we might share...

So, in that case, is it still each to their own? I would hate to be thought of as the sensitive type, i'm from yorkshire!

Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: EmilyJones on 05 July 2010, 06:54:29 pm
I wonder if she'd be doing so much of the STD-gettin' if there weren't presumably hundreds of men willing to pay to join in? I know there are plenty of people out there who honestly have a fetish for paid sex and so would work in the sex industry even if rates were ?10 per hour. And considering that my whole schtick is how I'm a Nice Girl, posh and fussy and classy and blah blah (just as ridiculous as the adverts saying how someone's a big ol' slut or whatever, really) I'm not in much of a position to judge anyone else for their hilarious advertising and working persona.

That said - really, our clients are like babies in a big playpen full of very easily accessible sweets and chocolate and jelly. It's not a good idea to offer OWO without thinking carefully about the fact that your classy clients have probably already put their penis anywhere else that they were allowed, too. I'm assuming that that's your only worry when considering sharing clients with bareback escorts? One of my clients once blithely informed me that the previous week, he'd been to see one of the 'cheap birds' on Adultwork and she'd run off with his money, leaving him sitting on a sofa next to a crack pipe. I took a lot of headdesking before I came to terms with the fact that there are certain risks that anyone sexually active is taking, no matter how professional and sensible. As long as there's a market for 'sluts' we might as well all be taking the same stupid risks.
Title: Re: I really resent
Post by: Lucy Chambers on 05 July 2010, 06:56:44 pm
too true. So my rant stops there! :)