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Author Topic: I just threw up on a client  (Read 10457 times)


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #15 on: 17 July 2011, 05:53:48 pm »
I have to agree with this.  I certainly wouldn't feel embarrassed - what does he expect?!  You're human, it's a natural reaction to having something stuffed down your throat.

It's another of those key differences between porn and real life, isn't it? Natural bodily functions (vomiting from deepthroat, pooping from anal - I've heard an amazing story about the latter involving a champagne bottle and a mother-in-law walking in at the worst possible moment; am possibly scarred for life!) can't be edited out of real life and I think anyone who wants to have porny sex in real life should be mature enough to cope with the consequences in real life, too. It's unfair if clients expect us to perform to impossible porn-based standards all the time, but hopefully most of them don't think like that.

Porny stuff can be fun and definitely has its place - I'm not anti it at all! But you do have to be a little realistic. No matter how many videos of something you watch, it doesn't mean things are always going to happen that way when you're doing it for real. I think this is why I tend to only offer very vanilla services for work and save the experimenting for my personal life, too - I have to know and trust a partner a lot before I can risk doing too many anecdote-producing things with him! ;D
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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #16 on: 21 July 2011, 06:21:10 pm »
Done it loads of times, one client wanted to watch me vomit over him, ???? all makes my eyes water , so afterwards i look like alice cooper with my eye makeup....  it cant be helped if there big, but them thrusting it deep to the back what do they expect....


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #17 on: 24 July 2011, 04:46:37 pm »
I always include the odd porn-style gagging noises as Clients seem to like this. It must appeal to their masculine ego at being too big for the average girl   ;)
On the side note of anal-play, I am really considering giving this up. Every time I have had a client who wanted my toys in Orifices, they have ended up covered in..well, you can guess! I know it is a completely natural result but it puts me off my own toys and I am unable to think of the Guy without visualising the mess he made  :-\


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #18 on: 24 July 2011, 05:02:58 pm »
You should ask them to 'prepare' before hand using enemas and such and advise them that if they don't you will blacklist them or charge them extra etc x

Anika Mae

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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #19 on: 24 July 2011, 08:46:45 pm »
Yeah I've added a bit to my services page explaining what level of preparation I expect for anal play (a good soaping for fingering and an enema for anything bigger). I haven't done any in ages, but next time it comes up I should be able to relax and not think about poo.


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #20 on: 25 July 2011, 11:21:02 am »
Every time I have had a client who wanted my toys in Orifices, they have ended up covered in..well, you can guess! I know it is a completely natural result but it puts me off my own toys and I am unable to think of the Guy without visualising the mess he made  :-\

You share your personal sex toys,
with clients? 
(blinks rapidly....) Just eeek!


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #21 on: 25 July 2011, 12:10:26 pm »
You share your personal sex toys,
with clients? 
(blinks rapidly....) Just eeek!

Also, even though I wouldn't use anything from the "Personal" pile with a client (be it lingerie, a dress or a dildo - I'm all about keeping things separate and within lovely safe boundaries :D), I don't even put anything up a client's bum without a condom on it. This is mostly because, yes, men often seem to forget that they earlier pooped out of the hole they now want you to stick things up. Condoms are a good hygiene-protector for both toys and fingers, and as a bonus, ensure maximum safety from STIs, too (not that fingers catch herpes very frequently, lol! But who wants anything mysterious and microscopic lurking under their fingernails for God knows how long?).
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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #22 on: 26 July 2011, 11:18:26 am »

You share your personal sex toys,
with clients?  
(blinks rapidly....) Just eeek!

No, I meant they are the toys that I use on Clients when asked - not on myself. I only* perform* anal play ( not receive ) and all these toys are anal ones. I should have explained  myself better.. :-\
But still, they belong to me and are in my kit-bag for when a regular feels like * a change*.
I always offer the use of condoms for this and carry high quality sterilising products for afterwards ( am scrupulous to the point of obsession when it comes to cleaning afterwards  :) )

My point was that, condoms or not - the memory of the mess is vivid in my mind when I think of the Client and see the toys in my kit-bag. It is not something I get asked to do very often, once every couple of months maybe - and only by regulars who wouldn't be offended if I said no so, it's the type of thing I ponder about withdrawing from my services, but is not an urgent matter to be dealt with    :D
« Last Edit: 26 July 2011, 11:24:11 am by kimba »


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #23 on: 26 July 2011, 01:16:30 pm »
Hey Kimba

I think if the memories it leaves you cause you the slightest bit of concern then just drop it from your repertoire. You said your regulars wont be offended if you say 'No' so personally, I'd chuck the entire bag of toys in the bin - and throw the bad memories in there too for good measure. 

This can be a hard job to let go of sometimes and I hate it when negative thoughts intrude into my non working time. I've dropped a service that I used to think made me quite a lot of money because I didn't enjoy it and felt myself getting tense every time I had a booking for it. I'm far happier now and my clients dont seem to be bothered that its no longer on offer either.

R xx


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #24 on: 26 July 2011, 01:22:44 pm »
My point was that, condoms or not - the memory of the mess is vivid in my mind when I think of the Client and see the toys in my kit-bag. It is not something I get asked to do very often, once every couple of months maybe - and only by regulars who wouldn't be offended if I said no so, it's the type of thing I ponder about withdrawing from my services, but is not an urgent matter to be dealt with    :D

I know what you mean - it's one of those things that is only urgent when you're holding a sex toy (or in my case, early in my career, looking at thankfully-disposable bedcovers) that is covered in poop!

Still, implementing rules now for 'just in case' situations in the future can be handy. Next time you get asked for anal play maybe just say that you absolutely adore it but do require that he cleans himself thoroughly beforehand (at home, in the case of enemas etc!) so you can't wait to try it on his next appointment. ;) That way he'll know that you're happy to do anal stuff on him but that there are certain "details" that he must deal with, rather than leaving you to deal with them - cos by "details", of course, I mean poo. And cleaning up poo is really not part of our job, is it?!

Oh, or like Rooby says, just drop the service! I think I'd be happy to offer it because I know that if we got started and I discovered the slightest lack of hygiene, I'd call a halt immediately with a full explanation of precisely how much poo there was and how I'm sure he doesn't expect me to get even condom-covered toys so covered in something that makes me retch just thinking about it because why would anyone book an escort in order to make her feel deeply uncomfortable and nauseous?!

But I'm good at speaking my mind, so if I ever felt that I'd feel obliged to continue despite the poo/retching situation, I'd just make sure not to ever even get started. :)
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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #25 on: 26 July 2011, 02:00:12 pm »
Hehe, yes you are both right of course and, as ever Emily, your posts always resonate strongly with me - you are able to express exactly what I didn't even realise I was thinking until you spelled it out so eloquently for me!  ;D

Hmm, now just the matter of the *dry-finger-stabbing-rudely-at my-anus* issue...( logs onto own website and administers CapsLock key and giant font application... ::) ) XX


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #26 on: 29 July 2011, 03:29:42 pm »
Just had this on AW......thought of you straight away!

lastly regarding deepthroat do you take it hard ??

i am looking for a lady that will take it hard enough to vomit on me. i
know it doesnt sound that nice but i seen it on a porn site and would like
to try it.......are you up for the challenge ??


Coty xxx


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #27 on: 29 July 2011, 04:42:51 pm »
... i seen it on a porn site and would like to try it...

That phrase makes my blood run cold. I wont accept the bookings as I know their grip on reality is going to be somewhere between vague and non-existent. Its a FILM ffs, its not real! Or maybe they believe Harry Potter ACTUALLY does magic...?

R xx


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #28 on: 29 July 2011, 05:22:20 pm »
... i seen it on a porn site and would like to try it...

That phrase makes my blood run cold. I wont accept the bookings as I know their grip on reality is going to be somewhere between vague and non-existent. Its a FILM ffs, its not real! Or maybe they believe Harry Potter ACTUALLY does magic...?

R xx

Absolutely!!! The amount of times I have to tell clients what they see on porn films is highly edited and not real......grrr.
I've just had to block him on AW. Told him I won't do it...and won't let him pee in my mouth, and won't swallow his cum...and won't do anal.....and won't do prostate massage...(I've seen him before so he knows all this) Don't know if he's drunk or high or just a cunt but he just won't take no for an answer....just had these two replies after telling him NO to everything 3 times!!!

as you know i am quite normal . i book escorts for doing fantaises that i
would like to try.i have asked you for these services simply because i
know you are honest with me and i know you are genuine. i would like you
to reconsider the date and if you let me use and abuse you in everyway
possible i will pay you what you feel is the proper rate for such
services. i dont require bareback nor do i ever require this service . i
want you to leave me feeling sore in everyhole you have .please take my
offer seriously tell me exactly what your limits are and also tell me the
price you require
thank you


Said NO for the second time here!!!

to set the scene this is what i want from the date .please tell me what
you will or wont do

most important thing is hard facefucking.....i want this to be very hard
and unpleasant with you rimming me and taking my piss when i feel like it.

i also want anal and dont want excuses about me being too big etc

and lastly i want you to give me a good fingering stretching me as much as
i can take.

ok ??

NO for the 3rd time and blocked!


Coty xxx


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Re: I just threw up on a client
« Reply #29 on: 29 July 2011, 09:05:59 pm »
URGH Jesus, he has ISSUES!!