Hello ladies been a while since I came on here now go easy on me pleeees I have decided after 9 years of escorting on and off to hang up my boots.
I did this before it didn't work as to be honest I didn't love the guy so it was just an arrangement which he broke
after 9 months so I left him and got back to escorting.
Last week Tuesday was my last day of whoring.
I met a wonderful man through the job last year he became a regular when ever I visited the area he would see
and paid very well always.
Recently he has found himself single the Mrs walked out on him reason being i don't know. So he
Asked me to give up the job and be with him permanently.
To be honest with you I have always like him a lot because he is my type and loaded which is a bonus.
He is very generous.
So I sat him down and put my cards on the table told him the truth about my financial requirements
Which to my surprise he is ready to take on. All my kids all grown and independent so does his
Which to me is a big plus.
My biggest relief is that we met through work so it's like the film naked attraction lol. So i don't need to hide
Anything about what I did for a job to him.
I am London based but have always toured mainly the southwest and has been my favourite area for the job.
He comes from the South West so that's not a problem.
At the moment we are spending time together to see how we are getting on and have booked a holiday for for week.
This will help us see if we can really be together full time as a couple or just friends with benefits.
So girls what would you do bearing in mind that he likes me a lot and I do also like him a lot we get
on so we'll.