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Author Topic: I feel so insulted.  (Read 5921 times)


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #15 on: 28 February 2016, 03:10:47 pm »
Thank you guys!

Haha Nova that's true!

I did reply and I told him I was offended by his comment and i pointed out that he's older than me by far! He should behave in a manner that befits his age. It's so silly to throw all his toys out of the pram because I'm not available once!
He replied (paraphrased)

"Thank you for the vitriolic message (eh? Did he read the message i sent ???) I know that all you want is money etc, This is what all the adult work girls want, you won't have to deal with my old body anymore as I now know you can't stand it. Gold digging whore etc"

I was baffled because he was playing the victim and inventing things that I never said. :FF
To say I was incensed when I read it because I never said I didn't enjoy his company. Nor did I ever say I can't stand his "old man body" or anyones for that matter.
I never said all I wanted was his money (because if I did, wouldn't I have booked him in? In fact wouldn't I work a lot more than I do now!) and I had no idea why he started playing the victim when I told him off for doing something so juvenile and unnecessary. I expect this behaviour from someone my own age!

Honestly that gold digging comment is one that some guys like to throw around the moment you point out they're wrong.

I had one email me a rather sexual email (nothing about a booking mind you)  which I ignored. He then emailed me again and told me to check out his cock. I replied no thanks, go away. He started screaming I was a gold digging whore.  ::)
I replied if being a gold digging whore keeps me away from men like you then yes! I am one.

So bloody juvenile. I shouldn't have engaged him in all honesty. I'm annoyed with myself but it really irked me because he seemed like such a nice guy and i have seen him a few times! And it baffles me that he insulted me all because I wasn't available for a booking!!!
Ha! Gold digging whore comes up a lot when these men are bitter they can't have you.

I would've said "Thanks for the compliment, good luck in your escort search, bye!" That would royally piss him off that you aren't flying off the handle men like this hate the fact they pay for it and that's why they get so nasty when rejected, probably can't stand the fact he is declining with age and can't pick up the women he could in his 20s.


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #16 on: 28 February 2016, 03:13:58 pm »
I am the only one who sees why the client is quite peeved???

Imagine if you wanted to make an appointment to a hairdresser for example who you decide you like and have started using regularly. You ring them up for an appointment they tell you to ring back in a week or two, so you do now they tell you they are full, would you not be pissed and tell them your taking your money else where? I would.

I am also baffled what his age has to do with it.
Personally I see it as this, if they haven't made a solid appointment with confirmation then they are just enquiring, which means anyone who does actually book and confirm gets the booking, first come first serve basis for me. I have done the same as OP and asked guys to contact me in a fortnight if they want to book, and if other clients happen to come along and ask for a booking before those guys do then of course I will book them in.

If I enquire about an appointment with my hairdresser but don't actually book in time then I expect that slot will be filled up if I don't call back and book in good time.
« Last Edit: 28 February 2016, 03:15:50 pm by DesignerWhore »


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #17 on: 28 February 2016, 03:26:34 pm »
I am the only one who sees why the client is quite peeved???

Imagine if you wanted to make an appointment to a hairdresser for example who you decide you like and have started using regularly. You ring them up for an appointment they tell you to ring back in a week or two, so you do now they tell you they are full, would you not be pissed and tell them your taking your money else where? I would.

I am also baffled what his age has to do with it.
Personally I see it as this, if they haven't made a solid appointment with confirmation then they are just enquiring, which means anyone who does actually book and confirm gets the booking, first come first serve basis for me. I have done the same as OP and asked guys to contact me in a fortnight if they want to book, and if other clients happen to come along and ask for a booking before those guys do then of course I will book them in.

If I enquire about an appointment with my hairdresser but don't actually book in time then I expect that slot will be filled up if I don't call back and book in good time.

Yes entirely reasonable and I totally agree.


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #18 on: 28 February 2016, 03:43:34 pm »
Candy girl I can understand that he might be annoyed that he's trying to make a booking BUT:

1) The first line of my auto reply email states I only see a VERY SMALL AMOUNT OF CLIENTS.
I let them know from the offset I have limited availability.
I say this before I tell them to contact me again in the last week of the month to "try" for a booking next month.
He commented  on my little availably so he knows the score.
I made no promises about keeping spaces open/having large amounts of availability/squeezing him in and the reply was a generic auto reply that everyone gets!
 It simply states I have limited avaibilty every month. I am fully booked this month, please try again next month.

2) He didn't he simply say when my second auto reply told him I was fully booked again.
"I've been trying to book you, I'm quite annoyed that I can't, so i'll go elsewhere"

He made a sarky comment about him not being the "chosen one"
Was there any need. If your hairdresser is booked do you giver her sarky replies because she told you she's sadly fully booked?
Is it her fault if other people book her before you?
When I told him that it was unnecessary and I yet again explained my availability and why i operate the way I do and why it's not my fault if other people book me before he does. I was polite.

He replied by saying, "well you exchange your body for cash". There was no need for that comment?
I feel like he was trying to let me know my place/insulting me.

So because he's pissed off that I'm not available again that gives him the right to sarky replies and insults? Why doesn't he just move on or polity spell out his concerns? Your hairdresser wouldn't accept you being rude because you can't book and taking shots at her profession.
How much clearer can I be about my availability? Because I tell everyone I have limited availably. Everyone else has received that same email. Nobody else is having a hissy fit. 
In what way can I tell him that will suit him and not piss him off so much that he feels he need to make idiotic comments?

Would that be acceptable anywhere? when designer plastic surgeons are fully booked do I tell them they're cunts for not booking me in because they told me they had limited spaces and I should get in contact at a later date?


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #19 on: 28 February 2016, 03:49:28 pm »
I referenced his age because he's a mature adult man! And so should act like one.

I would expect sarky comments and insults from some younger entitled dweeb. He tries to take on the role of "sensible older gentleman" but because i'm fully booked he acted in a manner that was unnecessary and really silly.

 He could have politely explained his feelings to me. Theres not much I can do. I can't and do not want to be available more. I did not promise him a booking!  I told him to "try" again next month. he tried again too late. How is it my fault

Also If I pencil him in then that means I may be taking on more bookings that month than I want to! (Why should I?)
Or I may end up cancelling on him. In a silly forum that's grounds for a negative review (even if the provider is someone they've seen before but because I've agreed to a booking!) Not giving anyone that kind of power over me
« Last Edit: 28 February 2016, 03:58:29 pm by lulu7 »

Green Carnation

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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #20 on: 28 February 2016, 05:21:22 pm »
But she is not a hairdresser, and she is not 'open for business' every day.
Also, if he just wanted take his money elsewhere, why not do that without all the petty nastiness. So no, we don't see why he'd behaved that way.


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #21 on: 28 February 2016, 06:38:31 pm »
But she is not a hairdresser, and she is not 'open for business' every day.
Also, if he just wanted take his money elsewhere, why not do that without all the petty nastiness. So no, we don't see why he'd behaved that way.

How do you get bookings months in advance Lulu, tell me your secret lu?

OK substitute hairdresser for accountant, plumber, estate agent, everyone has limited hours.

From original post "I told him then to contact me in the last week of the month to talk about the next month. "

 I get were he was coming from, why the nastiness because he feels treated badly.


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #22 on: 28 February 2016, 06:59:55 pm »
I see a small amount of people every month.Some people then ask if i'm available for the next month and if we can book a date for then now.
 E.G. LETS SAY I see 5 people this month  (and 5 is my max) then this month 5 more people may ask to pencil in a date with me next month.  Plus I have a few USP's that have proved helpful.

How was he treated badly???????

Because I asked him to contact me in the last week of feb to discuss a booking in march. (i paraphrased that part) Is that the same as telling him. "I will definitely see you in March, lets set up an appointment in the last week?"

And nevertheless if he felt he had been slighted and he had misunderstand my message he could have explained it to me politely.  There is no need for nastiness. I would be slated if roles were reversed.
(In addition he understood that I might not see him as his first response was a stupidly sarky "i'm not one of the chosen ones" or paraphrased to that effect) So your defence of his nastiness is unfounded.
« Last Edit: 28 February 2016, 07:09:50 pm by lulu7 »


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #23 on: 28 February 2016, 07:33:20 pm »
I see a small amount of people every month.Some people then ask if i'm available for the next month and if we can book a date for then now.
 E.G. LETS SAY I see 5 people this month  (and 5 is my max) then this month 5 more people may ask to pencil in a date with me next month.  Plus I have a few USP's that have proved helpful.

How was he treated badly???????

Because I asked him to contact me in the last week of feb to discuss a booking in march. (i paraphrased that part) Is that the same as telling him. "I will definitely see you in March, lets set up an appointment in the last week?"

And nevertheless if he felt he had been slighted and he had misunderstand my message he could have explained it to me politely.  There is no need for nastiness. I would be slated if roles were reversed.
(In addition he understood that I might not see him as his first response was a stupidly sarky "i'm not one of the chosen ones" or paraphrased to that effect) So your defence of his nastiness is unfounded.
He hasn't been treated badly at all. It's you that's been treated badly.
If he really wanted to see you he would've made sure to email you in good time to set up a meeting, he cannot be angry at you because you took on bookings from clients who emailed before him.

He's not a priority since he was only enquiring. I could understand if he made a confirmed and solid booking but he didn't, which means you owe him no special treatment and we all work on a first come first serve basis where if a client emails on Monday for a booking Tuesday he is more likely to get it than a guy who emails Tuesday afternoon.

I really don't see how this is your fault. He acted wrongly and got angry because he missed the oppurtunity to see you. I also get booked up quickly and see a small amount of clients.

Here's another scenario if there is a concert and you have to buy tickets and the ticket place opens at 9am sharp and you get there at 12pm and there are no tickets left is it the ticket sellers fault? NO! It's your own fault for not getting there in time to ensure you get the ticket.

Had he emailed earlier he would've been booked in, he can only blame himself. X


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #24 on: 28 February 2016, 10:19:53 pm »
Had he emailed earlier he would've been booked in, he can only blame himself. X

But as far as I can work out, he emailed when Lulu TOLD him to. I'm not excusing his childish/nasty reaction, but can understand him being annoyed. If someone told me to contact them in the last week of February to arrange a booking in March, I would expect them to have some availability in March.
"There is no sin except stupidity" - Oscar Wilde


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #25 on: 28 February 2016, 10:40:29 pm »
Had he emailed earlier he would've been booked in, he can only blame himself. X

But as far as I can work out, he emailed when Lulu TOLD him to. I'm not excusing his childish/nasty reaction, but can understand him being annoyed. If someone told me to contact them in the last week of February to arrange a booking in March, I would expect them to have some availability in March.
He didn't have a confirmed booking though, so in my opinion has no right to be annoyed. If a bunch of clients email LuLu before him and book in what can she do?

I am sure he wasn't the only client to email and get asked by Lulu to email in the last week of Feb, yet he happened to fly off the handle. I'm assuming most of us work on a first come first serve basis, I've told client to email me at a certain date to talk about bookings and some guys email earlier in the day than others so of course appointments will go to them first. If he had emailed a few days before I'll assume he would've got a booking. She can't help it if she gets booked up.

She clearly states she told him to contact her in the last week of the month which started on 22nd Feb? And he emailed on 25th Feb going by the date of this post so had he emailed on Monday he would've probably got a booking, I honestly cannot see how his annoyance can be justified here. As going by my concert analysis, if I turn up late to get this concert tickets I can't be annoyed at the ticket seller, I can only be annoyed at myself for not turning up at 9am to ensure I got one. :)
« Last Edit: 28 February 2016, 10:46:58 pm by DesignerWhore »

Alice G

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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #26 on: 28 February 2016, 10:52:22 pm »
He clearly has a problem. If he feels he is not the "chosen one" maybe he could call himself the "Special One" and next time there is a vacancy for manager at Chelsea FC then he could apply.
Would ignore this guy totally.
It is up to us who we see and don't see. I am so fussy who I meet.
One thing that guys cannot bear,  and that is being ignored or rejected by us escorts.
Just remember  that it is our life and we can choose what we want to do and who we want to see.
It is bad enough being rejected and ignored in civie life but the same happening when they are paying for our service really dents their big ego.
Stick to the nice genuine guys that treat you with respect and don't expect you to  treat them as "special" and "chosen"
He is just a twat!


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Re: I feel so insulted.
« Reply #27 on: 29 February 2016, 03:10:46 am »

He is bitter that he didn't get to see you and his ego is probably hurt because you haven't agreed to pencil him in regardless of availability.

A lot of clients delude themselves in to thinking they have a connection with their chosen escort, so when something happens (like this for example) it's a reality check and I guess it stings for them to be reminded that they are just one of many and can easily be replaced.

As an adult he should have had the decency to take it on the chin so to speak.

You haven't done anything wrong by prioritising the confirmed bookings that came before his second enquiry, if he doesn't like it then tough.

Like you said, why should you take on extra bookings you don't want to do just because he's spat his dummy out  ::)