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Author Topic: I am in love  (Read 7439 times)


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #15 on: 30 August 2009, 05:06:03 pm »
My poor resident fluffball, had his teeth cleaned the other day, so he had to go under, he also had fleas which I was going to eradicate with a vengeance, so when the doctor called to say he could shave him to help eliminate the fleas, I said shave him! Well, what returned home to me was this shaved, toothless Persian, with a mane, fluffy paws and tail. Talk about insult to injury. Poor baby! But the fleas are gone! He current place os residence is in the bottom of my daughters closet, all the way in the corner, so we have to leave her closet door and the door to her room open. The things we do for love.

Poor little Persian,hes probably scared to come out of the closet in case he gets sent back to the vets ;D

My little dog went to the vets last year to get his teeth cleaned and they took 8 of his teeth out! Ive never seen such a distressed looking pet before in my life,i burst into tears when i saw him.

My little kitty got spayed last week and they told me to stop her jumping about to keep her stitches intact. Anyone who has any advice on how on earth you keep a cat still without heavy sedation please share it with me as I'm not having much success with it so far.


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #16 on: 31 August 2009, 11:03:08 am »
put smarties tubes on her legs  :P Also has the added bonus of making them walk like a robot


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #17 on: 01 September 2009, 09:36:40 am »
put smarties tubes on her legs  :P Also has the added bonus of making them walk like a robot

I am having a great image of my kitty with smarties tubes on her legs ;D sadly i think she would rip my face into bloody strips before i get the chance to do it.

Getting her spayed means i can no longer play 'things on my cat ' though which basically involved balancing objects on her whilst she was in her ironing board 'come and get me boys 'crouch and seeing how long they would stay on!

Hang on,someones knocking on my door,think it might be the RSPCA ;)


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #18 on: 01 September 2009, 11:52:12 am »
A thing I do to wind up my cats is to whistle with my hand over my mouth and move my hand about so the noise sounds like its coming from all over the place. They start doing this funny thing with their ears and then they start chasing the noise. Great fun!


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #19 on: 01 September 2009, 01:31:16 pm »
Another thing to amuse yourself is if you have a torch. Shut the curtains and they will chase the light all over the living room flicking thier tails in annoyance.
Cats are spoiled rotten IMHO whereas dogs are easier to train, you can "assist" them out of your way by prodding them with your foot. I think next door have named thier dog "Get out of the bloody way!"
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Re: I am in love
« Reply #20 on: 02 September 2009, 01:17:35 am »
Laser pens are get for that too. One of mine sleeps either in the sink or the shower (odd creature) and wouldnt move when i was trying to get ready for work. I am sorry to say but I lost my patience and switched the tap on


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #21 on: 02 September 2009, 09:52:24 am »
Laser pens are get for that too. One of mine sleeps either in the sink or the shower (odd creature) and wouldn't move when i was trying to get ready for work. I am sorry to say but I lost my patience and switched the tap on

Yes laser pens are good,used to have one for my kittie when i lived in a flat and she was housebound,it gave hours of amusement for me and mush needed activity for kittie.

Your cat sleeps in the sink and shower Amber? now that is quite odd,you would think they would keep a wide berth of anything involving water. Animals are such little oddballs,they are fascinating.


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #22 on: 03 September 2009, 01:34:10 am »
My puppies had thier first ever bath today. Two at a time in the sink. They smell lovely now and even had a blowdry. Infact one of them looks quite "bouffant" now!
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Re: I am in love
« Reply #23 on: 03 September 2009, 02:46:24 am »
For Colette. You'll find this an excellent time waster.   :)


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #24 on: 03 September 2009, 03:18:36 am »
My puppies had thier first ever bath today. Two at a time in the sink. They smell lovely now and even had a blowdry. Infact one of them looks quite "bouffant" now!

 :'(  reminds me of when my puppy...I started off bathing him in a large bowl, and he couldnt get out. Then he graduated to the bathtub, and grew to jump out in a few weeks, then it was on to the water hose  :'(

I miss him  :'(


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #25 on: 03 September 2009, 05:16:16 am »
I have to close the door when im in the tub. Candy, one of my females will jump in the water with me otherwise. :o
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Re: I am in love
« Reply #26 on: 03 September 2009, 11:40:47 am »
I had a kitten that swam in the bath its not that unusual. One of mine has started staring at me in the shower the pervert!


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #27 on: 03 September 2009, 04:13:00 pm »
Resident fluffball is quite put out with me, seems not all the damn fleas have been obliterated! Grr so I locked him out of the closet and sprayed the place, he is most put out. Meanie that I am I am leaving for a naughty evening with BF1. So he will eventually fall asleep some where else, he can go back in tomorrow.

Welsh Lass

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Re: I am in love
« Reply #28 on: 04 September 2009, 08:46:02 am »
You know that thing they do with their paws? Like they do to the mother cat when feeding? They purr and claw at you? Yeah, that happens in bed a lot, while they are on the pillow and the top of your head seems like as good a place as any to show you they 'care'

It's hilarious when a client comes by and I always ask if they mind the cats, some do so I put them away in a room and shut the door but some say leave the cat, it's fine then the cat stares at you both all the way through. Sometimes I want to turn and say 'Stop looking at this!' Ha!
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: I am in love
« Reply #29 on: 04 September 2009, 09:40:23 am »
For Colette. You'll find this an excellent time waster.   :)

Davidseven,that was hilarious,where are all these people who have the time to come up with such things?
You know that thing they do with their paws? Like they do to the mother cat when feeding? They purr and claw at you? Yeah, that happens in bed a lot, while they are on the pillow and the top of your head seems like as good a place as any to show you they 'care'

It's hilarious when a client comes by and I always ask if they mind the cats, some do so I put them away in a room and shut the door but some say leave the cat, it's fine then the cat stares at you both all the way through. Sometimes I want to turn and say 'Stop looking at this!' Ha!

Yes cats in the room can be a bit of a passionkiller! I have to lock mine out when me and my boyfriend are getting down to some loving business,im shy you know ;D