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Author Topic: I've turned into a bitch (Help)  (Read 5499 times)


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I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« on: 05 November 2015, 11:46:16 am »
Sigh, ladies, with the amount of TWs that I come accross on a daily basis, I have turned into an uptight bitch. I hang up the phone on stupid guys, down right say to them that I don't want to see them, reply with rude texts etc and I can't seem to control myself. I really want to stop but it's like someone else is speaking or hanging up the phone in that moment. Like someone else takes control or something. Before I had self control and I was able to ignore stupid texters and be sweet and bubbly on the phone. I have just developed a nasty attitude and it's hard to get rid of ! has anyone else experienced this? What do you do to stop yourself?


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #1 on: 05 November 2015, 11:52:28 am »
Sigh, ladies, with the amount of TWs that I come accross on a daily basis, I have turned into an uptight bitch. I hang up the phone on stupid guys, down right say to them that I don't want to see them, reply with rude texts etc and I can't seem to control myself. I really want to stop but it's like someone else is speaking or hanging up the phone in that moment. Like someone else takes control or something. Before I had self control and I was able to ignore stupid texters and be sweet and bubbly on the phone. I have just developed a nasty attitude and it's hard to get rid of ! has anyone else experienced this? What do you do to stop yourself?

You sound like you need a holiday (preferably a nice exotic beach sorrounded by palm trees).  ;D
Mornings were made for sleeping, wild sex and bacon.


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #2 on: 05 November 2015, 11:57:32 am »
A break might be good. In any case just don't show them that they got the better of you it's what these idiots want. Many probably get off on you being angry.


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #3 on: 05 November 2015, 02:54:28 pm »
It's a shame nonsense emails calls have to ruin it for genuine clients, a good client usually sorts out that mood. When it's slow its understanble it will make you grumpy because you'll not have that moneywad cushion to keep you bubbly but if its an all the time thing. You could try agency's as they do it all for you. Keep you sweet .

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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #4 on: 05 November 2015, 03:07:59 pm »
I am not as extreme as you, I don't reply to any nasty texts, and when they are getting on my nerves on the phone, I just play sweet& stupid, and say something like 'oh sorry! Hubby just arrived home, have to go bye!'. But INSIDE, I am fuming, want to bite and kill. I regularly swear and shout at home (to the air, I live alone). But what I have noticed is that this mood only comes to me when I'm either: hungry, extremely tired, haven't slept properly for a few nights. So I just chill out for a couple of days, don't check my phone, emails, don't go to any bookings, and just recharge. It helps.

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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #5 on: 05 November 2015, 04:23:09 pm »
I'm always like that, its my natural state as I see it ignorant men TW's and men with too many free miutes on their phone don't deserve my sweetness  I have to ration 

I always mirror how they speak to me right back at them so if they're all YO! Wot and fink I'm the same back I then tell them I'm busy/not available/or no I don't want to book you as you're not my type of client then I hang up.

Its no problem at all for me to flatly say to TW sounding guys "What you're asking is on my profile and if you cant take a minute to read it I don't have a minute to talk to you BYE!." And there endeth the conversation.

The same goes for heavy breathers trying to quietly wank on the other end of the phone I become very abrupt and no nonsense. Even if they were to be genuine I don't want those kind of clients so I don't care. Its like Lord Sugar said "When you are selling something its a waste of your time talking to people who don't have the money to buy it so move on"

Basically I know from the first two words out of a clients mouth if I'm interested to meet him and to those gents I'm my normal sweet self.


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #6 on: 06 November 2015, 02:15:01 am »
I have often wondered how other Escorts speak on the phone. Is everyone else all sexy/dirty/breathy/turned on sex addicts..or are they like me, expecting to be addressed in the same manner as one would book a hair/Doctor/Dentist appointment? ;D
Like Helen, I know within 2 words if they are *worthy of my time and the call is terminated within seconds. Never rude or aggressive, but yes, cold and abrupt. I sometimes get sulky little texts telling me how I have missed out. In some ways, it can be the worst part of an Escort's daily routine.

* It helps me never to answer my Vivastreet number, they either click my website link or..bugger off  frankly :-\


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #7 on: 06 November 2015, 09:50:21 am »
I've just been really abrupt to a guy on the phone, said he was a first timer so I was feeling a bit rude for a few seconds. Because I've been dicked around by several this week I'm irritated & he did called me on Tuesday sounding confused so had him pegged as a time waster from the outset. We can't always be sweetness & light when we're dealing with idiots & time wasters. I don't have a lot of patients anyway but on PMS week so I'm extra grumpy. Sounds like you may need to channel your anger into something. I find yoga help me immensely

I have often wondered how other Escorts speak on the phone. Is everyone else all sexy/dirty/breathy/turned on sex addicts..or are they like me, expecting to be addressed in the same manner as one would book a hair/Doctor/Dentist appointment? ;D
Like Helen, I know within 2 words if they are *worthy of my time and the call is terminated within seconds. Never rude or aggressive, but yes, cold and abrupt. I sometimes get sulky little texts telling me how I have missed out. In some ways, it can be the worst part of an Escort's daily routine.

* It helps me never to answer my Vivastreet number, they either click my website link or..bugger off  frankly :-\

I just answer with my normal telephone voice & speak a bit softer. I get the sulky texts too, sometimes respond, it helps get out some anger.  :P


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #8 on: 06 November 2015, 10:22:54 am »
Yea you'd think I was a hair salon. Add in a bit of flirting if need be but mostly I just sound like a receptionist.


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #9 on: 06 November 2015, 10:45:59 am »
I just respond as I would on the phone with any other business. It's a number to make an appointment not to call for a friendly chat or a sex line. The ones who don't understand this and waste my time won't last long. If the first words out of their mouth after "hello" isn't "I'd like to make a booking for X day at X time" I'm not going to be happy. In theory you could be nice to first timer shyness but honestly all that says to me is "I'm going to book and then chicken out and not even have the decency to cancel so you can get somebody else"


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #10 on: 06 November 2015, 01:32:55 pm »
I agree with everyone else.

I find that the phone is the biggest drain on my emotional reserves. I try to remember not to waste a drop. I don't get paid to argue. Sometimes it's fun to take a swing at them and may release a bit of stress, but it usually isn't worth it. At best you're wasting psychic energy. At worst you're starting a war with a truly nasty character.

When it's slow, you've had a bad day, been messed about by a no show or something, these cunts can really get under your skin.


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #11 on: 06 November 2015, 04:09:16 pm »
my tone is getting worse lol I've just lost it with a guy & called him a prick under my breath as he rung off, woops! He may not have heard, he was taking the piss out of my tone & why can't they just say what time they want & for how long? Always have to ask how bloody long they want. He started taking the piss so I did it back  :-\ now he's calling me back  ???


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #12 on: 08 November 2015, 12:20:19 pm »
Sigh, ladies, with the amount of TWs that I come accross on a daily basis, I have turned into an uptight bitch. I hang up the phone on stupid guys, down right say to them that I don't want to see them, reply with rude texts etc and I can't seem to control myself. I really want to stop but it's like someone else is speaking or hanging up the phone in that moment. Like someone else takes control or something. Before I had self control and I was able to ignore stupid texters and be sweet and bubbly on the phone. I have just developed a nasty attitude and it's hard to get rid of ! has anyone else experienced this? What do you do to stop yourself?

Do not text back and if a TW or an idiot calls you just say sorry you have no availability left and keep their number or block them.  I do not let me phone get to me or emails, this is a business and i treat it as such.  Always remind yourself you are not a charity, either the guys follow the rules and be polite or you just ignore them, the only thing you owe your clients is a good service when they make a booking and show up and be polite.  Beyond that nothing.

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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #13 on: 08 November 2015, 01:24:39 pm »
Jessica, your tolerance level has gone right down, Im in a similar behavior mode on the phone with these time wasters and just find myself keep blocking. they try calling repeatedly and cant get through at a later stage, my phone just cuts them off !!!
It can really get to me but remember that the genuine clients are not going to behave that way, i hope you have some decent regulars
I get emails from these fools and texts which i just ignore, if by doing that it pisses some of  them off good yet some they may get turned on by any reaction from an escort as their  social and people skills are often limited (clearly)
 Just blank block and ignore when you can  :)


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Re: I've turned into a bitch (Help)
« Reply #14 on: 09 November 2015, 12:59:47 am »
I go ont punternet and shout at people :D

seriously, I know I will never get any bookings off there, and it lets me vent at the idiots and timewasters, bottling it up doesnt help,

However if you are finding its how u feel about a lot of the time, and you can afford it, I would recommend a break, just to destress