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Author Topic: I'm still weighing up all the options before starting to do escorting  (Read 1801 times)


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I'm still weighing up all the options before starting to do escorting.

Agencies.... I've also seen the possibility of working for agencies. Honestly I'd like to be indipendent, without someone who  stops money out of my  gain; after all I'm onwer of my body and I'm proud of it, but the thought of meeting clients not really reiliable make me a certain fear. 

Earnings... beh! this is another doubt because I think to do escorting for not long time, maybe I could change mind in the next future and go on doing it. At the moment I can't  estimate yet my profit however  tomorrow is tomorrow and only my destiny knows what will happen.

Boyfriend.... Although my boyfriend is the only one who knows how to make me angry several time, it's even true that he is the only one who understands me and I don't want to change him; he is quite open mind and now he doesn't look shocked about my decision. Honestly, last mounth I spoke to him about my thought of starting this hobby, we had a long dispute but now he seems to be calmed down (at least in outward appearance). But I don't know yet how the situation will be in the future when he will realize in person what means having a girlfriend who does escorting.

The last thing... maybe it's could sound stupid but it's a matter of curiosity, I'd like to know whether  someone of you keep up the count of clients met and if it is yes, how many?  ;) ;) ;)


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The last thing... maybe it's could sound stupid but it's a matter of curiosity, I'd like to know whether  someone of you keep up the count of clients met and if it is yes, how many?  ;) ;) ;)

I would say that information will be useless to you tbh It's no reflection of what you would make as it comes down to so many variable factors, some you can control, some you cant.

It would be better if you could escort with your boyfriends support and help. I would say just be honest with him, include him, ask him for his opinion on things so he'll involved in the business side. This I feel will make it easier for him to see it as the job that it is. My husband is very involved in what I do.  :)


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It would be better if you could escort with your boyfriends support and help. I would say just be honest with him, include him, ask him for his opinion on things so he'll involved in the business side. This I feel will make it easier for him to see it as the job that it is. My husband is very involved in what I do.  :)

My boyfriend was close to me when I saw your answer.... 
He told me: "If I had known, I would have worked as pimp instead to register at the university" and then he went to smoke a sigarette. But he is not angry, maybe is curious to partecipate but he is too proud  ;)


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The last thing... maybe it's could sound stupid but it's a matter of curiosity, I'd like to know whether  someone of you keep up the count of clients met and if it is yes, how many?  ;) ;) ;)

I think most of us keep a clear and accurate record of the clients we've seen and hours we've worked because we need to for tax purposes. Some escorts even keep spreadsheets to allow them to track their busiest and quietest months etc. :)

And as Friday said, it's impossible to look at another girl's income and draw any conclusions relating to yourself from it. You could have a pair of identical twins working in an identical fashion in two flats next door to each other, but they'd still probably have totally different client numbers/average booking durations/earnings. Also, many of us have different goals. For me, six clients a week is a lot, but for others, that's a quiet Monday! And we all operate differently.

Like with anything in life, you can muse and mull and discuss til you're blue in the face but nothing beats getting stuck in and figuring things out for yourself (if you want to). I'm definitely not trying to push you into working if you're uncertain about it (uncertainty, or a bad feeling in your gut, is probably the #1 reason NOT to start at this time) but if you really want to get started, then do. I promise you'll learn the answers to all of your questions almost immediately. :)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Like with anything in life, you can muse and mull and discuss til you're blue in the face but nothing beats getting stuck in and figuring things out for yourself (if you want to). I'm definitely not trying to push you into working if you're uncertain about it (uncertainty, or a bad feeling in your gut, is probably the #1 reason NOT to start at this time) but if you really want to get started, then do. I promise you'll learn the answers to all of your questions almost immediately. :)

Emily is so right on this. I have been working in the adult industry for over 3 years now but only started escorting 19 months ago. Until I did the first job there was no real way of knowing how I or my partner would really feel about it. I hope you can use all the information you have here to your advantage as I had nothing when I started lol  :D


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Hmm well I've had boyfriends alongside this job, and also been single too. As long as they stay supportive for you that's the main thing. My experience is also that apart from knowing when you are working, they need have no further involvement. One of mine thought that reading my website, checking up on every booking I had, and reading every forum I was on was the way for him to cope. It wasn't and he had to step right back before it engulfed him.

I don't keep absolute numbers, just enough for my own tax purposes and have a rough mental idea of quite times, busier times and how many new/old/regular clients I see in any period. You can analyse this business as much as you like, but it's so difficult to predict.