Anyone had this idiot today? 
Hello Miss I'm Sarah and wanted to ask if i can give you a video of my x bf doing his ass with own cock and real name to post on your videos or just pass around? PS also got name , adders and number to go with video! doing this to pay him back for cheating on me and hitting me but need a hand to expose the prick pretty please as id love your help so so so much! Thanks Sarah x
Hmm , this one has got the spider senses going. It screams "mumsnet" to me.
For those who haven't heard of it , ( as i didn't know what it was until a few days ago either!) , Its a forum for super -mums/happy marrieds/ideal homemaker types. Bit of on line mothers meeting vibe. Upstanding pillars of the community sorts of Lady's - Not the sort of women who agree with prostitution.
One of these Lady's had found her hubby's i-pad open on his AW inbox ( silly man - 1st rule of punting is cover your tracks!!! ) , he has been a member of AW for 6 years and had been asking WGs for BB . Understandably the lady is devastated that her husband wanted bareback sex with " poor oppressed drug addicted prostitutes who must be getting pimped and forced to sell and degrade themselves " ( their view of WGs - ahem !!) . They were trying to conceive at the time and I do feel for her that shes been trying to try for child with a man who is sleeping around without protection . Thank God some AW joined and filled in these women to the reality of us all NOT been drug addict/pimped/oppressed women , opened the eyes of the mumsnetters a bit that did

. . . . . . the revelation of the 1st lady who caught hubby inspired others to snoop on their hubby's and theres a thread about 20 pages long full of women who've just discovered there "DH" ( darling husband - had to google that - puke !! ) is a lying cheating "pervert".
I do feel sorry for these Lady's , a lot of marriages ended now. The moral is punters shouldn't leave laptops n i-pads open on bloody AW when wifey is around . The bad side for us WGs is that some of these women have been making fake AW accs and getting up to allsorts of mischief making , trying to "trap" there "darling husbands" . Whats more worrying is this Mumsnet site seems to have quite a bit of political clout, by all accounts they were behind the daily mails "anti porn" drive . One to keep an eye on i think and just be aware that theres a lot of angry wives all over the UK on a anti - AW mission.