Hello everyone

Not a new member but hardly ever post so i though I would say hello!
Got this text from a reg -
Him: Shopping trip required!
Me: For What?
*Thinking: ooo I get presents as well as my hourly fee*Him: Need new clothes to impress new gf, need you to help me!
*Damn it!*Me: What do I get in return?
*Thinking: well I will still charge you my hourly fee and try and get free stuff too!*Him: Well its not sex so I wont pay you, but you will have my eternal gratitude and appreciation, maybe lunch too!
At this point I am wondering if I can pay my bills with the doggy bag I might take away from lunch!Me: You will have to come up with something better than that!
Him: Oh... ok... will let you know...
I love how he comes across at the end of the text like I am being unreasonable! I am going to find out how much a personal shopper chargers an hour and send him over the details!