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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688739 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3525 on: 11 October 2012, 10:17:46 pm »
All this technology has a lot to answer for, now instead of giving idiots a cooling off period, they can spread all their silliness all over the place, and sometimes for free. OI VEY!

I know that one but Im too attached to my Harry Potter (Harry and any of the hot males, especially Snape, Draco, Lucius, Bill or Charlie), Supernatural (Dean/Castiel or Sam/Gabriel)
and Twilight (Edward/Jacob) slash.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3526 on: 12 October 2012, 08:56:58 am »
All this technology has a lot to answer for, now instead of giving idiots a cooling off period, they can spread all their silliness all over the place, and sometimes for free. OI VEY!

I know that one but Im too attached to my Harry Potter (Harry and any of the hot males, especially Snape, Draco, Lucius, Bill or Charlie), Supernatural (Dean/Castiel or Sam/Gabriel)
and Twilight (Edward/Jacob) slash.

Haha. I love all that and could never read fan fiction because it would totally ruin it for me? Btw, isn't dean from supernatural one of the most beautiful looking men on the planet?

If you like all that stuff you should try the dark hunter series by sherrilyn Kenyon. Such good books.

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3527 on: 12 October 2012, 09:29:11 am »
I had a Phone Call last went something like this:

Man: Hi There, do you do Outcalls

Me:  Sorry, no, I only do In Calls

Man: Well I don't live far from you.

Me:  Well then you can come to me

Man:  Well I don't mean to alarm you but I've just come out of Prison and I have a Tag on my Ankle that means I am not allowed out at night....are you sure you wouldn't consider an OutCall?

LoL....To be fair he DID sound like a nice Guy but I just won't take the risks with Out Calls....I don't feel safe with them....And I don't have a Car so it's hard to get to Places....

Bless him....I wonder if he managed to see someone???
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3528 on: 12 October 2012, 09:53:29 am »
All this technology has a lot to answer for, now instead of giving idiots a cooling off period, they can spread all their silliness all over the place, and sometimes for free. OI VEY!

I know that one but Im too attached to my Harry Potter (Harry and any of the hot males, especially Snape, Draco, Lucius, Bill or Charlie), Supernatural (Dean/Castiel or Sam/Gabriel)
and Twilight (Edward/Jacob) slash.

Haha. I love all that and could never read fan fiction because it would totally ruin it for me? Btw, isn't dean from supernatural one of the most beautiful looking men on the planet?

If you like all that stuff you should try the dark hunter series by sherrilyn Kenyon. Such good books.


Oh my god yes, how can someone so masculine looking have those lips, I mean seriously women would kill to have lips like that. Prime Texas beef lol

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3529 on: 12 October 2012, 11:24:54 am »
We've heard from this guy pretty much constantly for five days and he wanted to meet today in about half an hour, we were unsurprised when he didn't confirm...

He started with this:

"Would love a meet- just a couple of quick questions- I am 100% straight is this OK ? I would like James to join in but only with Amy. Plus would Amy wear a tight white top(no bra) and a denim skirt with black thong?
Sorry to be fussy but as coming down from London..."

Every time he asked for something that we said was fine, he'd say something like "really pleased X is fine/great", and the "I'm coming from London" thing kept coming up as if we needed to bow to his every specific whim just because he'd chosen to drive so far to see us.

He apparently was going to buy something from my Adultwork wishlist but the one thing he tried to buy was sold out so he then let me know that:

"just went on to your wishlist to buy you a little something for replying so quickly."

Which was rather condescending. Then when he started making an actual booking he said:

"Friday lunchtime ish looking possible- about 12 say for 1 hour- see how it goes! Hard to be absolute as driving from London. How does that sound?"

We told him he had to be more specific with time and such so maybe he should come on a day when he's less rushed.

He said he'd watched a load of our movies on Weds night (I'm inclined to believe him as our statement shows several being bought in succession just before he messaged to say he was really excited about meeting on Friday) which seemed like another attempt to get a few brownie points.

He then insisted that he could only arrange the final details by phone (we keep everything to messages so we have a written record of the details) and got a bit funny when we said it'd have to be by message, but he said he'd confirm as we requested to get the address. And we've heard nothing else despite him reading our last message yesterday first thing. ::)

lady c

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3530 on: 12 October 2012, 12:13:31 pm »
hi lady/c would like to see you and if we get along u will get your what do u mean reward...him... we shall meet have coffee if i like you and you like me will will have a personal service if not we will just go our own way.. me...  no thanks.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3531 on: 12 October 2012, 03:43:17 pm »
"Hi my name is Don and Im hoping to meet you

I have a new STD paper from clinic and Im hoping you may consider sex no condom as I can prove you will be safe with my new paper from the clinic.

Hoping you say yes as this is planned as a one off treat for me.



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3532 on: 12 October 2012, 04:04:31 pm »
"Hi my name is Don and Im hoping to meet you

I have a new STD paper from clinic and Im hoping you may consider sex no condom as I can prove you will be safe with my new paper from the clinic.

Hoping you say yes as this is planned as a one off treat for me.


Hopefully he's just trying to provoke you into giving him some verbal abuse he can get off on, he can't be for real!
Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3533 on: 12 October 2012, 04:09:00 pm »
"Hi my name is Don and Im hoping to meet you

I have a new STD paper from clinic and Im hoping you may consider sex no condom as I can prove you will be safe with my new paper from the clinic.

Hoping you say yes as this is planned as a one off treat for me.


I do not think it's a real booking.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3534 on: 12 October 2012, 04:46:44 pm »
I dont care it is real or not , just dont understand why they choose to contact girls who is not offering this kind of services  >:( . By the way he has two positive feedbacks and one from girl who is offering bareback  :o


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3535 on: 12 October 2012, 10:11:27 pm »
I dont care it is real or not , just dont understand why they choose to contact girls who is not offering this kind of services  >:( . By the way he has two positive feedbacks and one from girl who is offering bareback  :o

I get BB messages all the time and I sometimes think its cos im young and they think easier to manipulate, they clearly dont read my profile and i just block them

i read on a punter forum a punter posted he was specifically messaging girls who had no mention of BB in their profile and didnt have it selected as a like on AW, asking if they did BB because according to him clients should be 'wary' of girls who dont specifically say in their profile they dont offer BB and that every punter should presume girls who dont say that they dont offer it, are offering it  ??? so he was trying to 'catch girls out' offering it who dont post that they do on their profile and then looking to 'out' them on punter forums

so therefore the client could either be a bareback seeker to be avoided or a scheming twat who has no respect or belief in your profile and who just wants to damage your rep if he can, avoid them all  ;D
« Last Edit: 12 October 2012, 10:13:15 pm by Kimmy »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3536 on: 13 October 2012, 12:49:33 pm »
Reverse booking on AW from guy with no feedback, "looking for a hot clean girl for fun including bareback to completion in my hotel. I am mid 40s ok looking very clean and fun to be with.

Girls all this (clymidia, hiv and everything else) can be yours for ?600 for 2hrs.

Theres 5 bids better hurry and get in there.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3537 on: 13 October 2012, 03:30:00 pm »

Some men do spend years looking at profiles before taking the plunge.

..And he was one of them!!My God he was a beautiful 25 year old, who was just so nervous about having sex, and had wanted to book an escort for ages but couldn't!And he said it was just that my profile was so sweet and nice, what a bland USP; nice. But if it gets me more like him I'll be delighted!

Fuck me, I just fucked a hottie - isn't life grand!

Right, I'm going to have to find a homeless person and give them some moolah....

Ruby Reid And Alex

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3538 on: 14 October 2012, 01:17:58 am »

Yep, just got that as a text...


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3539 on: 14 October 2012, 02:12:58 am »

Some men do spend years looking at profiles before taking the plunge.

..And he was one of them!!My God he was a beautiful 25 year old, who was just so nervous about having sex, and had wanted to book an escort for ages but couldn't!And he said it was just that my profile was so sweet and nice, what a bland USP; nice. But if it gets me more like him I'll be delighted!

Fuck me, I just fucked a hottie - isn't life grand!

Right, I'm going to have to find a homeless person and give them some moolah....
So nice when a fine specimen of manhood walks into your room. It makes all the idiot clients fade to the background.
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