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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687955 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3240 on: 23 August 2012, 10:41:30 am »
Reverse booking I just read...

"BB sex

I am a real Norwegian"

as opposed to all those Norwegian imposters!!  :o :o :o

Lmao Friday.

Just woke up to this tired classic via text -

''Hi can u do 7 days booking i can pay u ?40,000.  Call me.  Dill.  And i can pay u ?20,000.  Today.  Dill''

Well ladies, it's been nice knowing ya but it looks as though (Thanks to Dill) I'm retiring early hahaha  :D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3241 on: 23 August 2012, 10:22:10 pm »
I got this text today -

'UR a Polish Cunt!'

...bit strange. I'm not even Polish... ::)

Devilish Afro

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3242 on: 23 August 2012, 10:52:46 pm »
That's really awful.   There's nowt so queer as folk.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3243 on: 23 August 2012, 11:42:44 pm »
Just got this:

"Hi baby. We met before ages ago how much for 15 mins? U doing anal yet?"

Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3244 on: 24 August 2012, 05:41:00 am »
Reverse booking I just read...

"BB sex

I am a real Norwegian"

as opposed to all those Norwegian imposters!!  :o :o :o

Lmao Friday.

Just woke up to this tired classic via text -

''Hi can u do 7 days booking i can pay u ?40,000.  Call me.  Dill.  And i can pay u ?20,000.  Today.  Dill''

Well ladies, it's been nice knowing ya but it looks as though (Thanks to Dill) I'm retiring early hahaha  :D
I get the same texts from him all the time, he used to go under the name 'Jay' and will even ring and say this bullshit. Everytime I tell him why does he bother and to fuck off and get a bloody life but I still get another one a few months later.

Green Carnation

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3245 on: 24 August 2012, 08:46:22 am »
Just got this:

"Hi baby. We met before ages ago how much for 15 mins? U doing anal yet?"

That is just...Essence! Haha

I have also recived a few pearls in the last few days. I've noticed higher activity of idiots and timewasters.

Text Received this morning before 8 am:
- 1hr outcall, call me NOW

Same guy yesterday:
- what's ur postcode

Someone this morning:
- how much

A guy whom I met some time ago, and wouldn't see him for duoble the money. He was the 'now do this, now do that' type, very rude and wanted to make me feel like someone worthless, yesterday i received this:
-can you do 30 mins for ?40, we met before (?40 is half my half an hour rate)

fanny chan

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3246 on: 24 August 2012, 10:57:57 am »
had a guy yesterday with these word
guy - do u do watersport?
me - i can pee on u if u like but i dont allow it the other way.
guy - then would it be ok if i hold ur fanny open then piss inside u?
me - no (did i not jus say i dont allow it?)
guy - what if i paid u an extra ?10?
me - i told u i dont offer that service
guy - ok then how bout ?20 extra?
me - *puts phone down*


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3247 on: 26 August 2012, 12:02:47 am »
It's been SO long since I've had such a detailed email on a/w!! I feel like I should actually read all of it and reply.........

I'm 21 and I've a problem regarding sex and was wondering if you could be kind enough to assist me on this, please

To put my questions, I like to explain you something about my cock erections. Well you would be fully aware how mens cock get erected and how they are when erect. But in my case, I get soft erections and my cock even drops-down. By drop-down I mean if you put your thumb on my penis head and press it towards its base, you can compress it just under your thumb, just like if you put your thumb on your nipple and press it towards yourself, you can push the nipple deep inside. So if you like see my cock pictures,they are inside my profile, one of soft cock and the other one in which I hold my cock is of erect cock. By seeing those pictures it would then become evident to you that if you press it inwards, it will drop down.


I don?t know whether you feel comfortable about anal sex but my question is regarding anal sex and would be very nice if you still attempt to assist me on this. And for this part of question, if you think that its somehow useful to look at the escort picture, then you can view them via (http:removed by me!/)

Well my question on anal sex is based upon two parts which I?ll put to you differently:

1. I was offered sex only once by the escort whose website link I?ve given above, and if you wish to see her body figure. Well she asked me if I like to try anal sex and to which I agreed. So she got into the position and I tried to penetrate her anus. BUT I don?t know why, but my cock DID NOT EVEN TOUCHED/REACHED her anus, though I tried really hard by pushing my pelvic area so my cock could reach her anus BUT still it did not. And after two or three pushes and she ??it?s fine?? and we stopped ( I think she asked me to stop because she felt uncomfortable or may be painful by me pushing my pelvic against her bum).

Anyways, my basic question is that when I can at least touch my cock with her vagina, WHY MY COCK DID NOT EVEN TOUCHED/REACHED HER ANUS?????????? According to my logic and understanding, it should had. The mechanism I apply is the same that if one can touch her anus with her little finger and even insert it into anus, then WHY my cock stayed far behind????????

2. My second part?.. When she offered me to do her anus, she said that the anus is much tighter than the vagina. For a second if we assume that my cock reached her anus, would penetrating her anus had been any difficult because my cock drops-down. As I?ve said before that if one puts his/her thumb over my cock and presses my cock towards its base, my cock simple compresses to a single dot. So would penetrating a tighter anus be any difficult for me??????????? And if it did dropped-down then in which way I could still have managed to penetrate her?????????????????????????????????

Regards and wait for your reply

He only has 4 aliases though - worth a shot?   :FF  :FF
« Last Edit: 26 August 2012, 12:05:13 am by sara1980 »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3248 on: 26 August 2012, 12:12:04 am »

Looking at his (awful) feedback I suspect this was for phone chat but had to share....  ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3249 on: 26 August 2012, 12:18:04 am »
email just arrived

"Hi i am looking for a working girl to rent my private discreet flat in Eastbourne East Sussex, Bn21 3le. Its 5 mins away from town and 150 pound a week.Its 1 bedroom furnished flat,and i have know trouble over the 5 months i have been doing and have had not any trouble from the police.If interested contact me on 07922719099 pls."

I like the fact that I live in Scotland hasn't put him off one bit..  ::)

apart from all the other obvious alarm bells  :FF


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3250 on: 26 August 2012, 04:53:34 pm »
 Caller ...Hi its my birthday Im looking to book for 5hrs booking with you , dinner and GFE , how much is that ? Are you free monday(after id said i wasnt free monday!)
Are you free monday asks again to which I repeat, I have told you im only free Fri that week and its ?500 for 5 hrs
Caller ..." I want dinner with you first and how long will that be!?"
I replied," how long is a piece of string,? its impossible to say".
caller dosnt understand this and then gets confused. :FF
I then inform him again the total cost as he asks yet again.
I ask him his age and he informs me he is 27yrs old British male.   
I then ask him to look at my diary dates and list him as clown in my phone !!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3251 on: 26 August 2012, 10:11:11 pm »
I responded to a reverse booking about a frequent series over meetings over October.

He replied today saying As I mentioned I will have 2 - 3 months free from
sometime in October and would like a 'friend' to visit perhaps every week
for a suggested price of �100/time though the lower I can get this price
the more often it can happen.  I am open to all ideas though and can
accomodate if required  I love your profile and feedback though I note
your pricing is higher than I have mentioned.

I asked him to clarify if he meant ?100 per hour or ?100 per visit irrelevant of length of time.

It would be �100/visit.  Depending on how we get on and how time
constrained your time is this could be 30 mins or all night!  I have had
both extremes and it often depends on how we both feel on the night.  I
guess its a flexible thing though I would impose no limits on time for
these meetings.  I often cook dinner however if my friend is happy to join
me. I enjoy the un-predictability of these AW meetings and I sometimes
even make friends (a taboo I know).  Let me know if you have your own

So he wants to make friends and never spend more than ?100. I don't think escorting is the right field to be fishing around in.

Edit: now he's just said

Well Im happy to pay �100/hour and this may run to 30 visits in the time I
have available so I admit my original booking may have been unclear

The mind boggles!! :FF
« Last Edit: 26 August 2012, 10:23:52 pm by XxAnnaliseXx »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3252 on: 27 August 2012, 03:35:18 pm »
What a day of the good and the bad lol. The bad concerning those idiots and the good with a few genuine bookings made me smile indeed. I thought to try the available today option on aw for a one off. And boom here we go again on a ride. Two bookings had today for the same time and didn't show, so now they are blocked instantly having the last laugh. I promise myself that the available today won't be used ever again costing me for there crap.  To deal with society, sanity's needed, then every things going to be alright Bob Marley lol.

Tomorrow is a pampering day getting my nails and feet done.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3253 on: 27 August 2012, 06:39:36 pm »
Hi I hope your having a nice Bank Holiday,

This is very cheeky I know but you know the saying don't ask don't get.

As you see I have a profile on here & I'm trying to get more feedback in order to get more bookng one hopes, that why I'm so cheap.

I'm willing to clean any room in your home fully nude or give you a nice body massage or worship you for free, I love sucking toes & worshiping, so if you like having your feet massage you will love me sucking your toes & massage your feet, I will be your slave for a hour or more all for free,

I also love watersports and will take it full face and into my mouth, I'm ok with you taking photos of me & putting them up on your site for all to see, or in your private gallery where you can make some money off them.

As I said I know it very cheeky to ask but it also maybe fun for you to have me worship you or even clean a room for you fully nude.

I will be the the London area 2moro if you would like me to come round so that you can use & abuse me or even if you just would like to interview me 1st & get a look what I'm like that will be fine with me even if it just for 15mins.

Thank you both for taking the time to read this cheeky email but please do email back even if it a no thank you?? & if it a yes then all I ask is that you leave me some nice feedback & I will do the same for you.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the bank holiday

Mark xx

Well seeing as I'm laid up in bed post op with another 6 weeks bed rest ordered he can come clean my flat if he wants! Actually I told him to F off and blocked him! Really not in the mood for any messages right now especially as my profile says I'm NOT WORKING!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #3254 on: 27 August 2012, 07:09:56 pm »
Hi I hope your having a nice Bank Holiday,

This is very cheeky I know but you know the saying don't ask don't get.

As you see I have a profile on here & I'm trying to get more feedback in order to get more bookng one hopes, that why I'm so cheap.

I'm willing to clean any room in your home fully nude or give you a nice body massage or worship you for free, I love sucking toes & worshiping, so if you like having your feet massage you will love me sucking your toes & massage your feet, I will be your slave for a hour or more all for free,

I also love watersports and will take it full face and into my mouth, I'm ok with you taking photos of me & putting them up on your site for all to see, or in your private gallery where you can make some money off them.

As I said I know it very cheeky to ask but it also maybe fun for you to have me worship you or even clean a room for you fully nude.

I will be the the London area 2moro if you would like me to come round so that you can use & abuse me or even if you just would like to interview me 1st & get a look what I'm like that will be fine with me even if it just for 15mins.

Thank you both for taking the time to read this cheeky email but please do email back even if it a no thank you?? & if it a yes then all I ask is that you leave me some nice feedback & I will do the same for you.

Hope you enjoy the rest of the bank holiday

Mark xx

Well seeing as I'm laid up in bed post op with another 6 weeks bed rest ordered he can come clean my flat if he wants! Actually I told him to F off and blocked him! Really not in the mood for any messages right now especially as my profile says I'm NOT WORKING!

Tell him you don't do "free" and your hourly fee is ?100 per hour for the privilidge of being your maid/servant and this is non-negotiable.

Or send him my way and let me play with him. MWAHAHAHAAA!! 8)