It's been SO long since I've had such a detailed email on a/w!! I feel like I should actually read all of it and reply.........
I'm 21 and I've a problem regarding sex and was wondering if you could be kind enough to assist me on this, please
To put my questions, I like to explain you something about my cock erections. Well you would be fully aware how mens cock get erected and how they are when erect. But in my case, I get soft erections and my cock even drops-down. By drop-down I mean if you put your thumb on my penis head and press it towards its base, you can compress it just under your thumb, just like if you put your thumb on your nipple and press it towards yourself, you can push the nipple deep inside. So if you like see my cock pictures,they are inside my profile, one of soft cock and the other one in which I hold my cock is of erect cock. By seeing those pictures it would then become evident to you that if you press it inwards, it will drop down.
I don?t know whether you feel comfortable about anal sex but my question is regarding anal sex and would be very nice if you still attempt to assist me on this. And for this part of question, if you think that its somehow useful to look at the escort picture, then you can view them via (http:removed by me!/)
Well my question on anal sex is based upon two parts which I?ll put to you differently:
1. I was offered sex only once by the escort whose website link I?ve given above, and if you wish to see her body figure. Well she asked me if I like to try anal sex and to which I agreed. So she got into the position and I tried to penetrate her anus. BUT I don?t know why, but my cock DID NOT EVEN TOUCHED/REACHED her anus, though I tried really hard by pushing my pelvic area so my cock could reach her anus BUT still it did not. And after two or three pushes and she ??it?s fine?? and we stopped ( I think she asked me to stop because she felt uncomfortable or may be painful by me pushing my pelvic against her bum).
Anyways, my basic question is that when I can at least touch my cock with her vagina, WHY MY COCK DID NOT EVEN TOUCHED/REACHED HER ANUS?

According to my logic and understanding, it should had. The mechanism I apply is the same that if one can touch her anus with her little finger and even insert it into anus, then WHY my cock stayed far behind?

2. My second part?.. When she offered me to do her anus, she said that the anus is much tighter than the vagina. For a second if we assume that my cock reached her anus, would penetrating her anus had been any difficult because my cock drops-down. As I?ve said before that if one puts his/her thumb over my cock and presses my cock towards its base, my cock simple compresses to a single dot. So would penetrating a tighter anus be any difficult for me?

? And if it did dropped-down then in which way I could still have managed to penetrate her?

Regards and wait for your reply
He only has 4 aliases though - worth a shot?