my turn my turn! (edited to protect the crazy)
Hello Ellie
I am XXy.o doctor(xxxxx) from XXXX, well travelled gentleman with a wide spectrum of interests,
[list redacted]looking for educated partner during my stay in London August 5-11 Hotel Dorchester, in case You are interested in dating with me please reply according to,
I wish to know more about You in the following ones:
1. Your interest and experience in dancing tango&salsa,
2. if You have joined any event meeting of Rotarians,
3. If You have practised yoga or ballet
4. I need someone who also follows the trends in the market of cosmetics,
5. better in addition who obsess the guidelines of British medical system and institutions which refer to dermotologists.
6.You have to consider the fact that I am a dermotologist, and want to appear in my social circle and events
with a lady who is well groomed and experienced extraordinarily in reflecting the natural beauty of her skin care.
7.Enhanced beauty effect of legs whilst performing elegance on exquisite pair of high heels for private clubbing activities is special wish of mine, which should also convince third eyes about my professional expertize
8.I dont like female companions with bladder weakness.
My professional background consists of following experiences:
[1-5 - list of very specific medical areas, redacted]I am also sending You some pics of me and my travels,
looking forward to discuss the details, in case You wanna date with me
warm regards
What I want to know is why the crazies always chose the Mandarin Oriental, or the Dorchester, for our supposed tryst? Like these are the only schmancy hotels they know??
Again like Amy my first thought upon receiving this was that it was so long since I'd had anything good enough for this thread!
