Adam is back!!!!!
I?ve messaged you earlier from my other account ?adam?? but cannot remember its password now
You then said that my cock is of inadequate size to pleasure any women through penetrative sex and thus won?t be such enjoyable as it cannot get into the vagina or do penetration. Since then I?ve been doing a lot of work on this and came to conclusion that your view seems too unaware and uneducated of your own self and of your own vagina, as to how actually your vagina gets pleasure :/
So just to educate you, during sex there is NO need for the cock to go inside or to touch the G-Spot as the g-spot is actually the extension of your clit. With the size of my cock I can touch the clit of the women and which is equally pleasurable by women as if I?m stimulating her g-spot. So how do I lack size if there is actually no need of size and penetration?

? Lol
Hope this suffices and educates you about your vagina and how it is pleasured, and also hope that now you do reckon that my cock is by no way any different to any other cock, but you are free to rebut whatever I?ve told you and if you still think my cock is of inadequate size and less pleasurable. Do you have any reasons to what you have said previously?

Oh if you wish to view the pictures of my cock again, then there are couple in my profile. Regards
Adam, the biggest porn star
Jeez I'm so glad that he educated me