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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687802 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2730 on: 12 May 2012, 05:15:27 pm »
This thread is making me LOL ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2731 on: 12 May 2012, 06:00:12 pm »
This thread is making me LOL ;D

Bet your jealous you didn't get in there first eh Cat? lmao


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2732 on: 12 May 2012, 06:07:15 pm »
Hahahahaha:-) You drive a heard bargain but yeah 50/50 sounds fair!
I'll just walk to the meeting to save on fares so I'll be ?2.50 up at the end of the night lol

why walk that money will go far you tight ass ;)

Wow all that money, you lucky, lucky girls! If you need a driver, happy to oblige, if you wouldn?t mind paying me 50p out of that jackpot amount  ;D

ill give you 55p as im feeling generous today, me and coty have got lucky.

sorry to all that missed out, first come first served basis. maybe next time? x
Sometimes it's not the youngest or the richest clients you want or the ones you have most in common with.

For me the perfect partner is one where I never have to be myself.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2733 on: 12 May 2012, 06:12:06 pm »

Wow all that money, you lucky, lucky girls! If you need a driver, happy to oblige, if you wouldn?t mind paying me 50p out of that jackpot amount  ;D

ill give you 55p as im feeling generous today, me and coty have got lucky.

sorry to all that missed out, first come first served basis. maybe next time? x

Wow thank you. I?m soooooooo happy. Now I only need 254 more driving jobs like this one to make what I?d have made in a single hour selling my fanny. Who says times are hard?  ;)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2734 on: 13 May 2012, 06:58:14 am »
Just received a call at 5:30 am!
I miss the call but then I respond by text.

Me:Who is this ?

Fool :R u available ?

Me:When ?

Fool: Now

Me: NO. It's 5:50am and if you had read my profile , you also would have read the part where I say that I need notice.

Fool:So can u see me later and what's your name on adult world ?

Me:How did you get my number ?!

Fool: From adultwork ur the only sex (think he meant sexy)  black girl on there near enough

Me(panicking):So  if you found me on there , why are you asking for my name ? I'm lost

Fool:Cause I lost it i was on ipad it died so using my bb now

Me: Please refrain from calling so early. I need my beauty sleep.

[i]Fool:I told u because i lost ur page when my battery died m memory ain't to good and its full of fake ppl on there so can't find u[/i]

Me(now that he'd awoken me ,I was interested to see what he was gonna come up with):Anyways when would you like to meet , for how long and where ?

Fool:I'm in victoria and I was looking for a 2-3 hour 3sum. Me m friend and you.Were into all services not really anal though...

(I tell him off a bit then ask him what his AW profile name is) He then comes up with this:

Fool: I haven't got a profile on adultwork and what do you mean by a bit more precise me and my friend wana have a 3sum with sex and oral

(I tell him NO again) Then he says:

Fool: Could u meet me one up than OFF....


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2735 on: 13 May 2012, 10:05:51 am »
Ugh people like that are so annoying! Reading that just topped off the email that I just got, wondeing if anyone else got this too:

Hi Princess ,

I am looking for a beautiful young girl like yourself make fun and laugh about my wifes looks and force me to be unfaithfull to her.

I would like it very much if you made me bring pictures of her to you as you laugh about them and tell me how she is nothing compared to you and you have beaten her by making me do this.

You could call her names and even make me do this in our marital bed ?

Youth and beauty should come first ?

Prove how much better you are by making me do this and giggle about how you could ruin our families life if you wished to do so.

I have been with my wife for nearly 40 years and would love it if you would tell me how much more powerful and better you are than her.

Please force me to see you and make me do sexual things on our marital bed as you laugh about this.




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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2736 on: 13 May 2012, 12:19:38 pm »
"Can I send to a pic of my cock?"

Jesus H Cr*st - what do they think, that we're going to be straight on the phone going "Oh my GODDDD your c*ck is so beautiful I want to f you for HOURS - without condoms - with my two friends, for FREE". I all my life I can honestly say, there's only been a couple of willies that I've thought , uuuh, that is a thing of beauty. It's not a common reaction I have to say!



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  • Hiya! Jennifer from the WestMids here :D
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2737 on: 14 May 2012, 02:58:00 am »
I get this all the time!

Its 'what will you do for ?30?'
My reply is always 'My rates are on my page, please don't insult me by trying to lower them'

They reply 'I'm a clean young guy with good feedback, come on baby. For me please'

The tooth fairy taught kids to sell their body parts for money.
Blame her for prostitution.
You only live once.
Jennifer/ West Midlands xoxox


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2738 on: 14 May 2012, 03:17:37 am »
"Can I send to a pic of my cock?"

Jesus H Cr*st - what do they think, that we're going to be straight on the phone going "Oh my GODDDD your c*ck is so beautiful I want to f you for HOURS - without condoms - with my two friends, for FREE". I all my life I can honestly say, there's only been a couple of willies that I've thought , uuuh, that is a thing of beauty. It's not a common reaction I have to say!

bwahahahahahahaha...oh man, next time someone sends me a pic of their dick I'm going to write all of that just for a joke!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2739 on: 14 May 2012, 03:27:44 am »
Urgh...what an awful man:-(
Poor wife.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2740 on: 15 May 2012, 08:18:01 pm »
Stopped doing OWO and man some men kill me.

I just got a call from a guy who said "can you tell me about your service". I already dislike this and alarm bells usually go because it's all on my website/ads

anyway I said "I don't do Oral without"
he: "what do you mean you don't do oral without?"
me: "umm...i mean I don't do it"
he: "why not?"
me: "because-"
he: "because I mean you're charging a very high rate and your clients are very upmarket aren't they"
me: "that makes no difference"
HE: "I think it does"
me: "look i have a boyfriend so i stopped oral without"
he: "you're working for your boyfriend"
me: "! but i stopped doing OWO out of respect for him" i don't even know why I was still on the phone with him by this point, i'm too polite!
and he continues....
he: "so okay i will see you if you do this service"
me: "i don't do that service"
he: "so you mean you wont do oral without?"
me: "..........No......."
he: "okay.....welll.....but-"
and i hung up.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :FF

Do I ring a pizza place and order chinese food? come on gentleman, USE YOUR BRAINS!!!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2741 on: 15 May 2012, 08:53:17 pm »
Hello all :)
My favourite phone call I've received today ;D ;D :
- Hi, do you meet black guys?
- Hi, yes.
- You know, I got a problem! I've got really big cock!
- There is a solution - cut it.



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2742 on: 15 May 2012, 11:10:19 pm »
I hate the big cock thing. Stupid idiots. :-X


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2743 on: 16 May 2012, 08:58:11 am »
From yesterday's selection:

Idiot (by text): where are you

Me: I'm in Dublin city centre

Idiot: 50? OK

Me: 50? would be lovely. Just pop it under the door as you're passing, or for another 50 I'll let you in for a half hour.

Idiot: which street you in

Me: I'm on Chancer street. It's just off I Don't See Hagglers avenue.

Idiot: ring u later

You won't, since I've blocked your number ;D. Imagine that x 100 or so in order to experience an Ireland tour without leaving the comfort of your home...


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2744 on: 16 May 2012, 10:44:43 am »
Amy, I love the way you handled it and am actually quite tempted to try it out myself (if I may)  :D

Yes, I'd risk it for a biscuit, as I said, you know me.