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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688186 times)

sadie x

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2580 on: 10 April 2012, 10:28:39 am »
as if you would put your self in that situation..
he cant be for real..what an idiot!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2581 on: 10 April 2012, 10:49:29 am »

10.22 this morning, phone rings.

Hugest chav that has EVER called me - 'AREET PET? I wanna come see you today'
Me - Shocked silence!
Chav - 'Whey. D'ya speak or what?
Me (Shaking my head!) - Yes. Can I help?
Chav - I wanna see you. Time y'vailable?
Me - I'm sorry, I'm not available until next week now.
Chav - Ehhh? I'm back at work next week man pet!!!
Me - Again, shocked silence thinking 'twatweasel!'
Chav - Did ya hear is?
Me - I do apologise most profoundly if the death of a family member is an inconvienience to you but as I stated I won't be available.
Chav - Ah fuck, sorry pet....... Hangs up.......

Nope. No-one has passed on but was I chuff seeing him  :FF   :FF

sadie x

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2582 on: 10 April 2012, 10:52:50 am »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2583 on: 10 April 2012, 11:03:59 am »

10.22 this morning, phone rings.

Hugest chav that has EVER called me - 'AREET PET? I wanna come see you today'
Me - Shocked silence!
Chav - 'Whey. D'ya speak or what?
Me (Shaking my head!) - Yes. Can I help?
Chav - I wanna see you. Time y'vailable?
Me - I'm sorry, I'm not available until next week now.
Chav - Ehhh? I'm back at work next week man pet!!!
Me - Again, shocked silence thinking 'twatweasel!'
Chav - Did ya hear is?
Me - I do apologise most profoundly if the death of a family member is an inconvienience to you but as I stated I won't be available.
Chav - Ah fuck, sorry pet....... Hangs up.......

Nope. No-one has passed on but was I chuff seeing him  :FF   :FF

Lol. I posted a thread about a similar scenario in Bilge & Bile. Maybe we should get together and compile a handbook titled "Phone Etiquette For The Would-Be Punter?. We could all be the next J.K Rowling!!  ;D ;D

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2584 on: 10 April 2012, 11:24:48 am »
I have took over the weekend a number of calls in excess of 10 from guys enquiring for MMF or even MMMF one one call the caller even asked me if I did recreational drugs and could they.  I got quite stroppy and explained I do not participate in recreational drugs and do not see anyone who is using them while with me, not to mention I would have no problem calling the police if someone brought drugs onto my premises.  No call me paranoid but I think I am been plagued by a bunch of idiots who are out to cause a bit of trouble - that is my gut feeling anyway.  Needless to say my OH is close at hand today thank goodness!!  I have saved all their numbers in my phone and have 5  different numbers they have been using.  It makes me wary! I will be glad when the school holidays are over and they go back to class!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2585 on: 10 April 2012, 05:23:29 pm »
ok, I've got this guy right now, whom I have been seeing regularly over the years (not frequently at all because he's not that well off) and he's turning weird. He sent me various love messages and was begging for a meeting. The problem I have with him is a) he's annoying and arrogant as fuck b) I had very bad infections a couple of times after being with him and I know he does see otehr women casually because he's a self proclaimed commitment wus.
So ok fine, texts lovely and all but HE JUST REFUSES TO GET TESTS DONE. Now, he did agree to protection but WHY is he so scared of tests? Gets so defensive when I ask as well. This is an easy booking and its nice to be so glorified but its turned into him being 'utterly bitterly disappointed' because I always keep putting the meetings off.

probably the wrong place to post this as well but can you guys recommend any places in london which do free std testing?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2586 on: 10 April 2012, 05:39:00 pm »
Any GUM WALK-IN clinic.
He can give a fake name & DoB
(but it's essential to remember these details or he will not be able to access the results)

sadie x

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2587 on: 10 April 2012, 05:39:38 pm »
Id refuse to see him..
hes a big man,he should look after his own health,and not be putting women at risk..wank**


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2588 on: 10 April 2012, 05:48:28 pm »
ok progress people, he's booked in to a clinic tomorrow.

I think he just finds it offensive I ask because he's got this racial discrimination issue (indian)

Btw I must be totally the Asian type because if anyone fancies me so much, 9 times out of 10 he's Asian.

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2589 on: 12 April 2012, 08:29:21 am »
Call me sceptical but he may just be saying he is booked in and all ok just so he can see you again, how will you know he has been to the clinic what tests he has had done and what the results are - it is all very confidential.  If it was me and I had any doubt whatsoever I would just tell him I did not want to see him again and explain why I felt uncomfortable.  If he is genuine he will respect you and your wishes and not contact you again.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2590 on: 12 April 2012, 01:48:44 pm »
Have to say agree with K on this one. Would not trust this guy as far as I could throw him, You seem to be the forgiving type ? a guy gives you an infection on more than one occasion (thereby impacting on your business), is reluctant to agree to your requests and to top it all off seems to have a big royal chip on his shoulder. Surely business can?t be that slow, that you have to entertain this crap? 


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2591 on: 12 April 2012, 05:42:32 pm »
Well I will of course request everything on paper, not printed out. I sent him to a specific clinic and I know what the result sheets look like from there.
I'm not really seeing guys right now. I have so many things going on and I travel every two weeks with my regular SD, have to manage my day job and am also looking for an apartment which really doesn't leave time for much else. I don't need to see guys at the moment as far as finances go. This guy I've been seeing since my first month of escorting though and I gained a lot of confidence thanks to him. He's the one that introduced me to my very first SD who got me the job I have now and which I love, there's a lot of history behind this.

Yeah its so weird he was reluctant to get the tests done but I think he was more offended because of our history than anything else. I just get totally paranoid over my health (always a good thing) The infection he gave me was bacterial, not an STD.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2592 on: 16 April 2012, 10:49:20 pm »
Speaking of STDS... Had this one just now:


I am thinking about making my first visit to an escort (never done this before) and have seen your details on AW.
Before I make a booking I would like to know a few things...

I would class my self as a handsome chap in his early 30's and although married, I think the time has come to fulfill my sexual desire which outstrips the supply within marriage! The only thing that concerns me is the health and hygiene side of things. As I have not done this before I have some concerns around the topic of STI's - I do not want any (I am sure the feeling is mutual)!

Without being offensive I am looking for the reassurance that these worries can be put aside - whilst the activities conducted may be of a 'safe nature' not all things can be prevented such as the dreaded HERPES!

I hope you view this email as a chance to potentially meet a new, genuine client who is charming and wants the best out of life and hopefully doesn't put you off!

By the way I am available this week only!

Tim x

Still not quite sure what to make of this!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2593 on: 16 April 2012, 11:29:25 pm »
Seems reasonable.
I get questions about this and reply that  I practice safer sex,
I'm tested for STI's every two months and that I've never caught anything
but even this is no guarantee.
And I assume every client potentially has a communicable STI
and act accordingly.  He may wish to consider taking the same measures
and responsibility for his own sexual health and not trust it to a stranger.
They usually book with me after that.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #2594 on: 16 April 2012, 11:32:35 pm »
Speaking of STDS... Had this one just now:


I am thinking about making my first visit to an escort (never done this before) and have seen your details on AW.
Before I make a booking I would like to know a few things...

I would class my self as a handsome chap in his early 30's and although married, I think the time has come to fulfill my sexual desire which outstrips the supply within marriage! The only thing that concerns me is the health and hygiene side of things. As I have not done this before I have some concerns around the topic of STI's - I do not want any (I am sure the feeling is mutual)!

Without being offensive I am looking for the reassurance that these worries can be put aside - whilst the activities conducted may be of a 'safe nature' not all things can be prevented such as the dreaded HERPES!

I hope you view this email as a chance to potentially meet a new, genuine client who is charming and wants the best out of life and hopefully doesn't put you off!

By the way I am available this week only!

Tim x

Still not quite sure what to make of this!

I don't think he sounds that bad - a bit too cautious perhaps but not necessarily a bad thing in this game? Maybe just respond with something about regular visits to GUM to help him overcome any concerns x