I never normally put anything in here but I've just read an AW email (sent at 4.30am, naturally! From a "P****foryou", as I'm sure you'll all have the same thing, too
) which basically ticks all the No boxes so well that it's almost like he composed it just for this thread! I thought I should pop it in here so his efforts don't go to waste, ha.
Hi Emily
I am very interested in booking you, especially as your profile suggests we will have a lovely time together. Your pictures seem to suggest you are a very very attractive lady - lucky me !!.say overnight (12 hours) 8 till 8 for ?750 ?
Am seeking a lovely easy going ladyfor a night of role play, fun and daft giggles at me hotel in London - i have all the required number of limbs and both my eyes work !! - I even have mates that are girls !! .I will provide the coke, mdma, weed, beer, wine, food etc.....hoping you can provide a few uniforms, some viagra and an address book of possible other girls we can get over for a while. as it will be a big night i have booked the room for the next night as well, so if you want you can stay for a while and we can relax and chill for the next day.......any road.....all i am looking for is an easy going caner who fancies a great time with a half decent looking, and nice bloke.......
Just to confirm, as I would like a party night (but respectful to you of course), and I can provide the wine ands drugs, that;
a) you want to share those with me
b) if we wanted to , you would be happy for us to get a second girl over (but only for a couple of hours of course -as I expect to have my hands full with you !)
c) you can bring loads of Viagra (nothing like the comedy view of a chap that you can rest your hat on !)
d) you can bring some uniforms and enjoy games and role plays
Lets face it, it is a long booking and I hope that you wish to relax and fill the time with some relaxed and sexy fun + giggles + good chats of course
He wants discounts, drugs, services I don't offer, extra girls that I apparently keep in my cupboards despite being straight... I can't even be mildly miffed because it's all just so hilarious that he thinks I might even reply.
Poor kid. I hope he gets his life a bit sorted soon, it sounds like he's destined to end up an abandoned corpse in a hotel room - all money and possessions stripped from him by whatever "ladies" he ends up booking - naked and dead with a massive viagra boner at this rate! Hopefully it's all just a silly fantasy though. Whew!