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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687115 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1620 on: 18 September 2011, 11:57:24 am »
Text from 'Potential' Client (after he had made a booking) - "Are you really a 25 y.o female?"

Me - "yes why would you need to ask?"

Him - "Well I just thought you may just be getting enjoyment from the arranging of things"

Me - "No I actually do the bookings. If you want to go ahead with your booking please confirm so now"

> I'm thinking , what the hell?!!! I get enjoyment out of you turning up on time and handing me the money! The arranging is just a necessary step I have to do, a duty I can't be bothered with on a wet Friday afternoon in Tescos! <

Him - "Ok maybe I can call you sometime and we can chat"

Me - "No"

"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1621 on: 18 September 2011, 06:26:23 pm »
Im sooooooo bored.  My enquiries today:

Two guys so nervous even speaking to me I knew they wouldn't book!

One nervous guy who booked, confirmed, then texted to say he was too nervous to go through with it (fair enough I don't mind that)

Another asking if I do quickes .....aaaaaaaaaagh why do only about 5% seem to actually read profiles.

Yesterday - 2 walk outs...........say no more

I lovely guy later last night - hallejuhah!

On cam one guy just saying  PEE?

NO NO and NO!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1622 on: 18 September 2011, 06:29:55 pm »
And just now..............

Me: I'm in a hotel

Him: No no no I don't do hotels.........

God I give up on today!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1623 on: 18 September 2011, 06:37:39 pm »
"Hi would you sell me some of your poo and take picture/video of you doing it for mr to eat? If Si how much xxxx"

Also he has 4 positive feedback saying what a lovely guy he is ...
« Last Edit: 18 September 2011, 06:41:38 pm by Welsh Belle »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1624 on: 18 September 2011, 07:23:56 pm »
Yeh several times I've been asked....

"Do you s**t on cam" 

Err does my profile say I'm into this?

I keep a straight face and say:

" I'm afraid I can't poo to order"


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1625 on: 19 September 2011, 12:34:16 pm »
This one assures me he's 'nice and normal'.

Hey! Just seen your website, u look very hot! You can add me on facebook if you like to see im nice and normal.

Let go of my ears! I know what I'm doing!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1626 on: 19 September 2011, 12:41:40 pm »
« Last Edit: 13 May 2015, 04:16:00 pm by LouLou37 »
"Good things come to those who hustle" Anais Nin


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1627 on: 19 September 2011, 01:11:59 pm »
I had a text this morning:

"Hi xxx can you do 69 for ?30"

I mean...................................words fail me.  Needless to say I didn't bother replying.

I also had a follow on email from someone else:

"Hi. Just looking at ur pics again. Sooo sexy - but a bit concerned now as u certainly dont look 35 in those pics! Are they definitly of you - and if so, when were they taken?"
to which I replied

"If you don't want to beleive my pics are recent or of me - thats your problem.

My feedback speaks for itself"



« Last Edit: 19 September 2011, 01:21:18 pm by Mellow »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1628 on: 19 September 2011, 01:13:04 pm »
Ooh, that reminds, me, I had a 'massage guy' ring the other day, he offered me a job,  :D, working as his partner doing 'four handed massage'.
Wonder if anyone falls for that, EVER?
Let go of my ears! I know what I'm doing!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1629 on: 19 September 2011, 01:25:44 pm »
Oh yeh has anyone else had a big long text from a guy claiming to run a successful freelance escort buisness offering free websites etc claiming it will bring you in a lot of extra work and at the end asks you to note he is NOT an agency just helps freelance girls.

Hummm why do I not beleive him??? I'm doing pretty well on my own thanks!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1630 on: 19 September 2011, 03:00:57 pm »
Ok not sure I'm posting in the right thread here for this but...

And so to today............

Had a booking with a guy who I'd cammed for  (during which he'd asked to do a sex show on cam I strangely enough declined).  Then he arrived .......first he asks for 2 hours...10 minutes in he asks again about the sex show.......I say no I haven't agreed to it and I feel uncomfortable that you are pressuring me about it.

Then he not long after asks for it to be just 1 hour (and I like a fool give some money back (I seriously think I need assertiveness training here).  He comes quickly and leaves within half an hour claiming tiredness.

Well maybe he was but I know the real reason is that I wouldn't do the bloody live cam sex show!!!  Its pissing annoying as I'd blocked out 2 hrs for him and declined other bookings.  I guess it is at least partly my fault for being such a pushover.

I think I need a strategy to deal with things like this as .....I am naturally not assertive and just can't think what to say when confronted with things like this.  He seemed a polite enough young guy but I felt uncomfortable with him pushing the boundaries.  I find someone doing this politely very hard to deal with.

What do other ladies do in these situations?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1631 on: 19 September 2011, 03:05:05 pm »
I've had a lot of problems with a so called tantric massage guy called Matt. He's tried every trick in the book to get a freebie out of me! Bloody idiot!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1632 on: 19 September 2011, 03:24:48 pm »
I had a text this morning:

"Hi xxx can you do 69 for ?30"

Jeez he just sent exactly the same text again!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1633 on: 19 September 2011, 09:15:07 pm »

Hi I'm interested in half an hour today, I'm ****, aged 30 - sat sept 17, 16.39

Can you just let me know either way.thanks a lot.  Sat sept 17 17.02

Hi sorry *** am finished for the day, will be back tomorrow x sat sept 17  17.33

You sure you cannot fit me in now? as I don't live in York. Sat sept 17 17.37

Ok can I make an appointment for tomorrow? Sat sept 17 17.46

I'm hoping for something on a fairly regular basis..?  Sat sept 17 17.58

I'm not a timewaster so if you would like to give some appointments a go just say so.  Sat sept 17 18.08

Hello **** I was out with the dog and about to0 get dinner, if you call tomorrow phone wil be on from 9am, we can sort something out then, speak soon  Sat sept 17 18.29

Ok, thats great thanks x Sat sept 17 21.49

Will phone you in the morning, if you get a min this eve can you just send me a description. thanks x sat sept 17 21.49

Hi wondering if you can arrange appointment today? Sun sept 18 09.20

Hello am araid I did intend to go to the flat but have woke up with the start of a cold, today am going to take the day off and rest up in the hope it does not develop any further,. apologies  sun sept 18 09.23

Fair enough can we do something another time soon?, I could be interested in a regular visit sun sept 18 09.27

I will be in York toda if by any chance you feel better. x sun sept 18 09.47

It's ok no worries. Sun sept 18 11.10

Up to you, I'm in York, have cash.x sun sept 18 13.08

Hi, I think I will give it a miss thanks, 13 texts in two days when I can't see you I consider excessive.  sun sept 18 14.20

It just wasn't very clear to me if you wante4d to meet another time because you didn't reply, ho9w about another time soon, I'm not a messer, will be there when I say so.  Sun sept 18 14.30

I'm genuinely looking for something on a regular basis.  sun sept 18 14.49

Come on don't give up x sun sept 18 15.17

What are your usual rates? sun sept 18 15.38

Up to you, I have a good size one and I'm not a messer.. sun sept 18 16.20

You saying no then?  Sun sept 18 17.32

Give it a chance  sun sept 18 19.51

I have a partner but would like more when poss that's all. sun sept 18 21.26

21 Texts give it up not interested  sun sept 18 21.32

Because I am the one making the effort and you don't reply, I don't understand but fine if that is what you want sun sept 18 21.35

I told you last night I had finished workj and off today, I want you to stop texting now as your obsession guaranteees I do not wish to see you sun sept 18 21.47

I just asked for a description which never came, and was told last night you were working today which you then changed, its not obsession, I don't even know your appearance, if you decide otherwise there could be something regular, leave it with you.  sun sept 18 21.53

Will you consider? Today 10.08

Ok will try another ad if you are not keen. Today 15.38

I work hard so want to get some good fun. Today 15.44

Back off your obsessive nature is getting on my nerves, bordering on harassment of which both my security or the police will handle  Today 18.14

I'm not interested in you now as you are not a nice person,. goodbye Today 18.19

At fooking last!!!!  Next step will be HIMBO giving him a call!

Thought about offering NURU Massage??


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1634 on: 19 September 2011, 09:37:34 pm »
Today from Guess Where (come on then, how many of us have had this one  ::)):

Hi I'm 100% real about this. I live in iceland and i'm looking for someone who would like to spend the weekend with me in a log cabin.
I will pay for everything, flights etc. The log cabin is not in the middle of nowhere it is in a town,
a park with loads of summerhouses in and 2 towns nearby. The cabin has a jacuzzi and all the facilities,
and i was wondering if you would be interested in coming to take care of me (satisfy me in every way) dine with me and fulfill all my needs.
If you'd be interested in flying on say a friday i'd pick you up from the airport we spend the weekend at the cabin for the weekend and i'll drop you back at the airport.
Get in touch if youd like to see my picture. If you're interested please be reasonable about the price as i'm paying for your trip and everything while you are here.
Please get back to me at [optimist] and i'll send you photos of me if you like.
, Im not paying any extra, im paying for the whole trip, the flights, entertainment, food etc While on the trip we can visit places like the national park, geysers and volcanoes, hot water springs, the blue lagoon and other things like that.
Would you be willing to stay from DATE 28.10.2011 to DATE 07.11.2011

Anybody fancy getting in a total strangers car and then working for free for three days in a foreign country? Me neither, funnily enough  ;D.