Got ANOTHER phone call from the guy who keeps asking
"hello, u can see me tomorow? "
Me: "It depends where you are and what sort of booking you want"
Him: "ok how much you charge?"
Me: "?xxx for 1 hour ?yyy for two"
Him: "oh ok, you do for less for me?"
Me: "no, my rates are fixed"
Him:" Ok I see you tomorow 4 o clock?"
Me:" I tell you what, if you want to make a booking, go to my website like I keep asking you to and message me with more detail"
Him:" I don't like websites"
Me: " well you can't make a booking for tomorow at half 10 at night over the phone it's too short notice"
Him: "ok, how big your cock?"
Me: *put phone down*
what is wrong with some people!!!!???
I can bet i'll get a call from him tomorow too.