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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688737 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1410 on: 04 August 2011, 01:22:42 pm »
Call received "Hello, is that the escort?"
Me "THE escort?" (not to be confused with 'a' escort or 'some' escort)
Him "yes"
Me "THE escort???"
Him *gettin irate* "yes, is this her?"
Me "Um do you mean Dionne?"
Him "Whats that?"



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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1411 on: 04 August 2011, 04:23:48 pm »
Call received "Hello, is that the escort?"
Me "THE escort?" (not to be confused with 'a' escort or 'some' escort)
Him "yes"
Me "THE escort???"
Him *gettin irate* "yes, is this her?"
Me "Um do you mean Dionne?"
Him "Whats that?"


Wow!  Just wow! Lol!  ;D
I am not selling sex! I'm selling condoms with free demonstration!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1412 on: 04 August 2011, 06:25:10 pm »
Call received "Hello, is that the escort?"
Me "THE escort?" (not to be confused with 'a' escort or 'some' escort)
Him "yes"
Me "THE escort???"
Him *gettin irate* "yes, is this her?"
Me "Um do you mean Dionne?"
Him "Whats that?"


Jesus wept!  And grrrrr. And arggghhhh! lmao
Man don't we have a lot of crap to put up with?

Coty xxx

Your Tera

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1413 on: 04 August 2011, 07:03:40 pm »
Honorable mention for the ones who ring up, want to know what time you can get to them, but waffle about tell you where they actually are...


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1414 on: 04 August 2011, 07:13:11 pm »
Honorable mention for the ones who ring up, want to know what time you can get to them, but waffle about tell you where they actually are...

I've had a guy trying to book me for a whole week now...daily...but refuses to even give me his postcode...only the street name and first part of the postcode and refuses to make a booking on AW....and always calls saying 'come now' .....I'm not going to answer any more. Bloody idiot! Says when I get to the street he'll come meet me......yeah right, like I'm that stupid!

Coty x


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1415 on: 04 August 2011, 10:25:17 pm »
I am having an evening of these berks as I type  >:(

Everywhere - but everywhere!!-does it say alongside my stats to; PLEASE allow at least 2 hours notice when booking..

I get caller after caller asking how soon can I get to them? I work it out, allowing myself just 15 minutes to get completely ready- often specific to their requests - a'la Basque, suzzies etc ( I mean who can sit around in those all night unless vital?  :P ), check out my route, check their details match up, lock up house, set up sat-nav, blue-tooth etc and drive to them and it is often half the estimated arrival time displayed on my site..and they still moan that it is too long to wait!

I don't want to visit people with that attitude anyway. I guess that they either booked someone else before me who has let them down last minute - so I aint being a sloppy second in under an hour for ya Pal!  ( childish I know! ;D ) or, they are so desperate to spill their seed into someone/anyone they are physically unable to be patient and polite to achieve this?  :-\

Either way, they get short shrift and I don't consider them a loss as I wouldn't actually enjoy myself knowing I have been compromised into rushing to their* aid*  .

 Also, some guys  *get off* on ALMOST making a booking..
 Oh, they would SO have booked me if I lived closer/was quicker/did incalls/took it up the jacksie on a 15 minute/had a pal to work with/did 2 guys on a first booking/was taller/shorter/blonder/younger/older/real boobs/fake boobs/had a scouse accent etc, etc, etc  ;D ( then they wank furiously to your pics as you seeth into your cadburys 'Hilight..)

A decent booking always comes along later that night or the following day to prove I was right  ;)
« Last Edit: 04 August 2011, 10:31:17 pm by kimba »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1416 on: 05 August 2011, 08:39:55 pm »
This guy has made several attempts to book me for a quickie in his office.

 One day I agree to meet him as I was staying in a hotel opposite the building he says his office is in. In my haste I forgot to get his mobile number, so I'm waiting outside his building for 10mins after the agreed meeting time in stockings, sussies, fuck me shoes and a short dress. No sign of the punter,

So I sent him a polite email telling him if he wants to book me he will need to provide full address details and mobile number.

Several emails are exchanged, time and place sorted but still no details, he side steps every request I make until I get pissed off and send him a very blunt "Get lost" message.

Today I got this

Hey, Want to do a quick bj in my office this evening?

My response:


Let me see...

Go rushing off to meet you in your mystery office and get stood up AGAIN as you have made it clear you do not want to give me your mobile number or address


Stay home in my PJs, painting my toenails and finish my new book...

You do the math, idiot.

Seems fair, no?


I'm genuinely working late and it was a genuine request. I'm sorry I was chicken before. How long will it take your nails to dry?

That depends on how quickly you can put ?100 on your AW account and transfer it to me.

well I'm just after a nosh and I don't have any cash on account would just be like 50 in your hand

As you have wasted my time before I would need ?50 off you before I leave the house.

And as you stood me up last time, causing me to turn down a client who would have paid me for my time I think it's only fair you reimburse me for that as well.

lol this is the most fun I've had all week!

Why do guys try and make bookings with girls they have pissed off?


Well I can't I'm afrad.
I'd like you to cum and blow me at my desk and I'll give you 50.
Good deal and it'll be fun ;)

And I would like you to pay me for the time you've already wasted, but I guess we can't have everything now, can we?

How long's it gona take you?

If only he would actually show up to a booking so I could bite his balls off lol!


Awww come on if it all goes swimmingly we will be repeat business partners :)

Well for it to go swimmingly you would need to:

A) Give me the details of your "office" and a contact number now

B) Show up

C) Pay me ?100

D) Trust that after all your aggro and attitude I don't use my teeth


Don't be like that would you really use your teeth? I don't have attitude :(

Notice the lack of details? lol

Well it looks like I'm finishing my book then.

I'm bored with you now, so I'm blocking you.

Have a terrific night!
« Last Edit: 05 August 2011, 09:05:24 pm by MissArcaBunny »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1417 on: 05 August 2011, 11:52:50 pm »
What a complete tosser. GRRRRRRR.
Don't know why that really wound me up.


Coty xxx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1418 on: 06 August 2011, 12:10:31 am »

Please let me be the only one he has contacted!!

HI, Im Trevor Seemann and i am on vacation..When i looked you up on site,i loved your profile so i  decided to contact you..I am on 2 weeks vacation and would like to know if you  can spend  2 days with me..Please let me know how much it will cost me and what are the terms...Im looking forward to read back from you asap..You can also check me up on facebook Tblahblah...  Cheers


Hi Trevor

When exactly were you thinking of?

Sara xxx (Awaiting with baited breath!)

Hey babe,thanks for writing back..I looked you up on adultfinder web , Like i said previously, i will handle your flight and trip expense so you got nothing to worry about,all i need is your good company and services..Im willing to pay you ?2000 for 2 days, hope we are cool with that ? My Details are below:

Name: Trevor Seemann
Nick Name: Trev
Status: Divorced
Occupation: Gynecologist/Self employed/Little Saint Orphanage
Age: 43
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6.2ft
Phone: 9798718498
Ethnicity: Italian/American Mixed
Residential:San Diego,California
Location of Vacation/Visiting: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date of appointment:Aug 25  to Aug 28
Nearest Airport: The Hague Airport Rotterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hotel: Golden Tulip Rotterdam Airport Hotel
Best Way to get in touch: Email,Phone,Fax

N:B I will use condoms because i cant have unprotected sex more so if you don't like  kissing cumming in the mouth or face, i'm okay with that just be ready to make me feel good..

I will pay you half by check and the rest By cash upon arrival so Get back to me with your location,full name,phone number,address and zip code for payment issuance.....Write me back asap and let me know what you feel...I will call  you asap...Cheers


I feel so lucky lol!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1419 on: 06 August 2011, 12:24:13 am »
Damn! Why didnt he just go the full hog and ask for your bank account number, sort code, passport number and house keys too? Jeez!
I am not selling sex! I'm selling condoms with free demonstration!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1420 on: 06 August 2011, 09:50:01 am »
I had that one too.. Only I was lucky enough to be offered ?2,000 for three days!  :'(
Of all the things that annoy me with these time wasters it's the fact they think they can tell you what you will earn, if I liked to work like that I would be employed and do a 'normal' job.  ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1421 on: 06 August 2011, 10:32:20 am »
 I'm chuckling at his occupation.......

Occupation: Gynecologist/Self employed/Little Saint Orphanage  ;D

The thing is - before I found this place I would probably have fallen for it!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1422 on: 06 August 2011, 11:00:43 am »
I'm chuckling at his occupation.......

Occupation: Gynecologist/Self employed/Little Saint Orphanage  ;D

That's absolutely hilariously weird, isn't it? ;D
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1423 on: 06 August 2011, 11:09:08 am »
Occupation: Gynecologist/Self employed/Little Saint Orphanage

I find that bit really creepy and disturbing.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1424 on: 06 August 2011, 01:06:31 pm »
I'm lolling at his name... if he's legit I'm a terrible person

But Seemann

