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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2687994 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1155 on: 13 June 2011, 03:52:56 am »
These are so classic! I look forward to the day when I can post here... ok, I'm lying. :P I laughed way too loud at the "Oh you remembered" gent.

The other has been harassing me for a booking, I've ignored all messages and phone calls and he texts me his full address!! I haven't responded too anything and he sends his full address! nutter! Oooh the things I could do with it lol the mind ponders  ;D

Maybe he deserves one of these...? ;)

~ abigail ~

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1156 on: 13 June 2011, 06:50:49 pm »
Just had a 'punter' - note inverted comma's!!! ;D Wanted to book a 15 minute quickie, asked the cost, clearly had not read my profile page at all! After a bit of too-ing and fro -ing then proceeded to tell me he would charge me hahahaha but only ?20 for as long as I wanted! Wow lucky lucky me! I took a peek at his profile page on AW and found lo and behold he is a male escort but usually cvhrages ?50 per 30 mins and ?100 per hour hahahaha only been a member for a short time! Needless to say I declined and told him to get a proper job else he will starve! :) :) :) also told him strangely I get enough sex and dont need to pay for it as weirdly I get paid!!!! I'm still laughing hahahaha!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1157 on: 14 June 2011, 12:15:10 am »
Maybe he deserves one of these...? ;)

thats amazing!! lol  ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1158 on: 15 June 2011, 01:02:48 pm »
Email I received this morning

"Good morning,

I'm an artist from Gloucestershire working on loads of ideas and projects, and i was flicking through and I came across your self and I was just like WOW, this lady has something?.. so I thought i would drop you a line

I?m working on a few  project?s at the moment, one is Work place stress, I'm doing an office shoot with a twist??!!

I'M also doing body casting / lifecasting

Body casting, also known as lifecasting, is the process of taking a mould directly from any part of the body to produce a sculpture.

Torsos, backs, bums, boobs, hands and feet, etc. are all possible. Lifecasts are extremely accurate with incredible detail and we can also enhance them to bring out your best features and smooth out anything else!

Now I  think you have an amazing look and would love the chance to meet up and go over a few of these ideas with you. Let me know what you think

 'Desperate artist'"

My reply "Hi 'Desperate artist'

I would more than happy to pose for you for pictures (with my face covered of course) and/or castings.
My rates are very clearly stated on my profile so I you would like to make a booking then let me know.
I look forward to your response.

Email back from him
"thanks but not what i had in mind or how i work sorry"

WTF well you were looking through escorting site so what exactly did you have in mind!??!!!!!
Theres more backs and forth but I not going to post them!
What a twit!!!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1159 on: 15 June 2011, 05:50:17 pm »
Email I received this morning

"Good morning,

I'm an artist from Gloucestershire working on loads of ideas and projects, and i was flicking through and I came across your self and I was just like WOW, this lady has something?.. so I thought i would drop you a line

I?m working on a few  project?s at the moment, one is Work place stress, I'm doing an office shoot with a twist??!!

I'M also doing body casting / lifecasting

Body casting, also known as lifecasting, is the process of taking a mould directly from any part of the body to produce a sculpture.

Torsos, backs, bums, boobs, hands and feet, etc. are all possible. Lifecasts are extremely accurate with incredible detail and we can also enhance them to bring out your best features and smooth out anything else!

Now I  think you have an amazing look and would love the chance to meet up and go over a few of these ideas with you. Let me know what you think

 'Desperate artist'"

My reply "Hi 'Desperate artist'

I would more than happy to pose for you for pictures (with my face covered of course) and/or castings.
My rates are very clearly stated on my profile so I you would like to make a booking then let me know.
I look forward to your response.

Email back from him
"thanks but not what i had in mind or how i work sorry"

WTF well you were looking through escorting site so what exactly did you have in mind!??!!!!!
Theres more backs and forth but I not going to post them!
What a twit!!!

I got it too in March and actually fell for this scam. I told him by e-mail that I wanted a body cast that I could use as a dressmaker's dummy, he said yes. Then I asked him to either ring or reply with his number to arrange an initial meeting to discuss the details of his project. He messed me about for the following few days with repetitive e-mails asking what  my phone number was and what time should he ring. After I e-mailed my number three times and I then still got a fourth message from him asking what my number was, I than had let go of any illusion that he was genuine and admitted to myself that I was dealing with a time-waster playing nonsense.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1160 on: 15 June 2011, 06:24:22 pm »
Email I received this morning

"Good morning,

I'm an artist from Gloucestershire working on loads of ideas and projects, and i was flicking through and I came across your self and I was just like WOW, this lady has something?.. so I thought i would drop you a line

I?m working on a few  project?s at the moment, one is Work place stress, I'm doing an office shoot with a twist??!!

I'M also doing body casting / lifecasting

Body casting, also known as lifecasting, is the process of taking a mould directly from any part of the body to produce a sculpture.

Torsos, backs, bums, boobs, hands and feet, etc. are all possible. Lifecasts are extremely accurate with incredible detail and we can also enhance them to bring out your best features and smooth out anything else!

Now I  think you have an amazing look and would love the chance to meet up and go over a few of these ideas with you. Let me know what you think

 'Desperate artist'"

My reply "Hi 'Desperate artist'

I would more than happy to pose for you for pictures (with my face covered of course) and/or castings.
My rates are very clearly stated on my profile so I you would like to make a booking then let me know.
I look forward to your response.

Email back from him
"thanks but not what i had in mind or how i work sorry"

WTF well you were looking through escorting site so what exactly did you have in mind!??!!!!!
Theres more backs and forth but I not going to post them!
What a twit!!!

I got it too in March and actually fell for this scam. I told him by e-mail that I wanted a body cast that I could use as a dressmaker's dummy, he said yes. Then I asked him to either ring or reply with his number to arrange an initial meeting to discuss the details of his project. He messed me about for the following few days with repetitive e-mails asking what  my phone number was and what time should he ring. After I e-mailed my number three times and I then still got a fourth message from him asking what my number was, I than had let go of any illusion that he was genuine and admitted to myself that I was dealing with a time-waster playing nonsense.

Aww never mind :-(
I wonder what he gets out of it? since he seemed offended by the thought that he was doing it for sexual favours!!!
I know how to make yourself a cheap dress makers dummy, i can inbox the process to you if you want?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1161 on: 15 June 2011, 08:32:19 pm »
I know how to make yourself a cheap dress makers dummy, i can inbox the process to you if you want?
Oh, yes, I would be most grateful if you could do that!   ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1162 on: 15 June 2011, 09:12:32 pm »
I suppose it's my own fault for answering the phone, but since I'd forgotten to turn it off it was either answer it or run the risk of the big kids shouting down the house and running to bring it to me or, LORD!, even answering it.

So I'm in the middle of reading the little one a bed time story and the phone goes, I have to race to grab it,  hand off the story to husband, good thing he was right there!, and close my bedroom door to answer it.  Punter on the other end mumbles something about seeing my ad, visit, rate. Those are seriously the only words I could make out. Not exactly difficult to suss out what he wants so I explain I offer outcalls only and what my rate is.  He then asks me if that includes "everything"! ARGH. I answer yes, it does.  He decides to hem and haw about it before telling me he'd need to "think" about it. I tell him  to think about it and call me tomorrow to make a booking.

He calls me up at half past 8, insults me with the "does that include everything" bit, THEN hems and haws like he's hoping I'll knock my rate back just for him or something.   I really hate these discount seekers, I even had a client the other day who I've seen before who wanted to make a 2nd booking drop out when I nicely reminded him that my rate had gone up. I'm not exactly charging over the odds for the service I offer and even though the money, even heavily discounted, would be nice, I'm not willing to drop my rate. It's what my time and my "service" is worth. Seriously, do these guys think they're haggling with the olive guy on market day or something?

    Eh. I know this is nothing new, just a bit annoyed with the discount seeking time wasters...
« Last Edit: 15 June 2011, 09:14:13 pm by Adamas »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1163 on: 15 June 2011, 10:25:50 pm »
Had too share.. conversation from my freechat box:

Deluded_: hello
IluvJem: hi there
Deluded_: what would be the donation for a massage only
Deluded_: mostly back and shoulder?
IluvJem: my rates are on my page
Deluded_: so basically a 100 pound for a back massage?
IluvJem: i charge per time not service, im an escort  you want a massage got to a masseuse
Deluded_: i will
Deluded_ leaves the room

"Donation" im not a bloody charity either!  ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1164 on: 15 June 2011, 10:42:01 pm »
Ok alexandra I will pm you tomorrow x


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1165 on: 15 June 2011, 11:48:26 pm »
hi hun

i have a proposal for you

i live in a 2BR very spacious clean and modern flat in london sutton zone 5

i have a very nice spare room that i can give you to live in completely free in exchange for intimacy. this means u do not pay any rent or utility bills or grocery etc. moreover i can cook nice indian curry dishes for you too

you will live in completely free and with full freedom. u can continue doing outcalls

i am 32 years, settled professionally. i prefer to keep our relation discreet

let me know if this interests you. this is a very genuine proposal and only serious replies please

Indian curry dishes cooked just for ME? I think we have a winner here  ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1166 on: 16 June 2011, 12:05:55 am »
Where exactly are you situated and would being 17 or 18 with experience be okay?
Be great to hear back from you as I'm very interested :)

well I have no doubt you are very interested young james!  ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1167 on: 16 June 2011, 04:08:01 am »
hi hun

i have a proposal for you

i live in a 2BR very spacious clean and modern flat in london sutton zone 5

i have a very nice spare room that i can give you to live in completely free in exchange for intimacy. this means u do not pay any rent or utility bills or grocery etc. moreover i can cook nice indian curry dishes for you too

you will live in completely free and with full freedom. u can continue doing outcalls

i am 32 years, settled professionally. i prefer to keep our relation discreet

let me know if this interests you. this is a very genuine proposal and only serious replies please

Indian curry dishes cooked just for ME? I think we have a winner here  ::)

How unfair! He emailed me too but he didnt offer me curry...    :(
I am not selling sex! I'm selling condoms with free demonstration!


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1168 on: 16 June 2011, 11:17:41 am »
hi hun

i have a proposal for you

i live in a 2BR very spacious clean and modern flat in london sutton zone 5

i have a very nice spare room that i can give you to live in completely free in exchange for intimacy. this means u do not pay any rent or utility bills or grocery etc. moreover i can cook nice indian curry dishes for you too

you will live in completely free and with full freedom. u can continue doing outcalls

i am 32 years, settled professionally. i prefer to keep our relation discreet

let me know if this interests you. this is a very genuine proposal and only serious replies please
How unfair! He emailed me too but he didnt offer me curry...    :(

I haven't had one of these in ages. *sobs* ...But maybe he'll ask me again soon and offer to throw in a foot massage or something? I live in hope. ;D

And really, if he offered rent-free living with incalls allowed, he'd probably get way more interest! But perhaps he ironically thinks other punters are less amazing than him. Har.
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #1169 on: 16 June 2011, 11:23:26 am »
hi hun

i have a proposal for you

i live in a 2BR very spacious clean and modern flat in london sutton zone 5

i have a very nice spare room that i can give you to live in completely free in exchange for intimacy. this means u do not pay any rent or utility bills or grocery etc. moreover i can cook nice indian curry dishes for you too

you will live in completely free and with full freedom. u can continue doing outcalls

i am 32 years, settled professionally. i prefer to keep our relation discreet

let me know if this interests you. this is a very genuine proposal and only serious replies please

Indian curry dishes cooked just for ME? I think we have a winner here  ::)

