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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2688031 times)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #795 on: 20 January 2011, 08:44:50 am »
what is the youngest girl you will go with in a 3sum?

Why bother?. I was so close to writing a fuming email back but decided it would be silly so he is getting ignored. 

Quite right to ignore him, but...

'I have a lowest IQ I'm willing to see, and you clearly fall below it.'
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #796 on: 20 January 2011, 11:36:43 am »

what is the youngest girl you will go with in a 3sum?


!! lol He emailed me yesterday! lol


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #797 on: 20 January 2011, 04:36:45 pm »
what is the youngest girl you will go with in a 3sum?

How young do you want to go?
Yes I can offer access to a number of young girls.
Please ring my booking number 0300 123 1212
Ask for the Child Abuse Investigation Team.
and book up with the The Serious Case Team
who investigate serious assaults against children.

I look forward to giving evidence in  court, {FOAD}


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #798 on: 20 January 2011, 09:34:57 pm »
Omg Jodie, what is wrong with these people, they are sick!! I used to get that occasionally
as a phone op I get a caller wanting to chat about under age, I'd cut him off and did 1471 and reported it to
the phone line company immediately. Its sickening that these creatures exist.
Being a good girl from now on.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #799 on: 21 January 2011, 02:07:39 pm »
Hi all, Haven't posted for AGES but I just had to share this gem with you all
Phonecall earlier today

Him: 'Hi, I was wondering if you would see me for an hours incall for ?80 today?'
Me: I'm sorry my rate for an hours incall is ?120
Him: Oh I know it says that on your site but I noticed that you are getting on a bit (30!!!) and I thought that probably means you don't get a lot of enquiries so you might see me for a bit less'

If only he hadn't missed that last term at finishing school eh? Life could have been so so different ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #800 on: 21 January 2011, 02:14:22 pm »
Hahaha Simone that's awful! Even if he'd been right (though in what universe is 30 'getting on a bit'!) an attitude like that is the worst way to get a discount :P

I got a wacky one this week. I guess I kind of ask for stuff like this, because I do say that I'm open to being asked about services not listed on my site. It's mainly for people who are into something like foot fetishes, that I'm happy to go along with but I'm not knowledgable enough to feel confident listing as a service, or who have a really specific fetish (red lingerie and blue lipstick and the man wearing women's underwear and arguing about politics... or something) that doesn't include anything too scary but that I would never think of on my own. It's not aimed at, well, this:

Hi you sead you open minded and open to new kink well i have this thing about frogs you holding them putting them down your bra and pants kissing and licking the bellys its not hurting them and i can get frogs from our pond then they go straight back after we use them think its the power over a wild animal that get me going also making out with barbie doll i can supply them too i know im stange just wondered if you do anything like that.

 :o :o :o
Previously known as Krystal Champagne


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #801 on: 21 January 2011, 02:23:37 pm »
Hahaha Simone that's awful! Even if he'd been right (though in what universe is 30 'getting on a bit'!) an attitude like that is the worst way to get a discount :P

I got a wacky one this week. I guess I kind of ask for stuff like this, because I do say that I'm open to being asked about services not listed on my site. It's mainly for people who are into something like foot fetishes, that I'm happy to go along with but I'm not knowledgable enough to feel confident listing as a service, or who have a really specific fetish (red lingerie and blue lipstick and the man wearing women's underwear and arguing about politics... or something) that doesn't include anything too scary but that I would never think of on my own. It's not aimed at, well, this:

Hi you sead you open minded and open to new kink well i have this thing about frogs you holding them putting them down your bra and pants kissing and licking the bellys its not hurting them and i can get frogs from our pond then they go straight back after we use them think its the power over a wild animal that get me going also making out with barbie doll i can supply them too i know im stange just wondered if you do anything like that.

 :o :o :o

Oh my bloody good god!!! Ah ha ha haaaaaaa. I love the way he thinks that sticking the poor frogs down your bra and pants wouldn't be animal cruelty in anyway either ;D I really wouldn't like to be one of the frogs in that guys pond, poor little things must be living a life of utter trauma! 'The power over a wild animal' bit is great as well, he must have a very low opinion of himself if he is getting a kick over harnessing the strength of a little frog!
I guess his only saving grace is that he actually admits that he is strange :o


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #802 on: 21 January 2011, 08:08:51 pm »
Him: Oh I know it says that on your site but I noticed that you are getting on a bit (30!!!) and I thought that probably means you don't get a lot of enquiries so you might see me for a bit less'

Round of applause for that tit! lol It's never good when even the ladies you pay pity you! lol

I actually had someone the other day text me asking if he could get a discount because he lives in my area, I didnt really see the relevance there especially when i dont charge them my travel costs lol  ???

Great phonecall tonight too.. "hi there i am a driver looking for new ladies too work for in the Manchester area!"

Dont sell yourself well mate as your sense of direction must be crap! (seeing as i love in scotland  ;D)

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #803 on: 23 January 2011, 11:48:06 am »
Ok this one made me propper have the giggles :L
From Mr Sahidi Mahmuod
Dear Good Friend,
How are you together with your family members?I think all is well. Despite  the fact that I did not know you in person or  have i seen you before but due to the reliable revelation,I decided to share this lucrative opportunity with you, I have no other choice, so  kindly consider this message as vital, believing that sooner or later we will be multi millonaires,First and foremost, I have to introduce myself to you.
I am  MR.SAHIDI MAHMUOD, THE FOREIGN OPERATIONS MANAGER OF OUR BANK here in my country, BURKINA FASO WEST AFRICA. I am married with two children.I want you to assist me in other to transfer the sum of TWENTYT FIVE, FIVE Million United States Currency ($25.500,000.00) into your reliable account as the Next of Kin to our Foreign Business partner , the original owner of the fund.
He was a foreigner and a multi company holder who died in a plane crash with his family years ago, he deposited the fund in our bank for his business expansion in Africa unfortunately he met this sudden and untimely death and the worst  thing that happened was the wife who suppose to be the  successor of the account died alongside with him.
Since the deceased left no body behind to  claim the fund, as a foreigner, you are in better position for that, and no body will come for the claim after you have applied.If you are ready to assist me, set up a new bank account or forward to me any one avialable so that the process will commence.
I will guide you on how you should apply for the claim so that everything will be smooth and correct. After the transfer, i will resign and come over to your country for the sharing of the fund 50/50 base on the fact that it is two man business.
Finally, note that you are not taking any risk because there will be a legal back up as  we commence. Further information will be given to you as soon as I receive.
Fill this information
Your Full Names........................
Phone Number .........................
Country ....................................
Your reply.Sincerely,

my phone number +226 7588 6***

like really??  ;D ::)
Sometimes you just want to be able to speak to someone who gets it. I'm available for in-person sessions in Edinburgh or online


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #804 on: 23 January 2011, 11:57:26 am »
Sadly everyone gets those.

My favourite recently was one that said, in effect, 'Hello, this is your bank. Someone is claiming to be you and is offering to pay the small fee to withdraw the millions of dollars in your account. Is it really you? Please get back to us, because we would hate to pay it out to the wrong person...'

It's a nice spin on the usual - as in yours - 'Hello, I am a corrupt banker, please pay a small fee to take money out of someone else's account...'
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #805 on: 23 January 2011, 12:13:20 pm »
Yes I get those every day.

Last night I got this;

Ruth do you do special offers for young meat, I'm 19.

I've omitted the smilies that made this enquiry more endearing.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #806 on: 24 January 2011, 10:20:09 am »
Yes I get those every day.

Last night I got this;

Ruth do you do special offers for young meat, I'm 19.

I've omitted the smilies that made this enquiry more endearing.

Young meat? Ryth how could possibly you refuse getting your hands on that? ;)

Got an email yesterday morning from a young man naked from the waist down displaying his frankly alarmingly huge errection at me. Email was along the lines of  'Nobody will let me book them because my cock is too big, will you be the exception?'
No sweetheart, I think nobody is letting you book them because you are emailing them pictures of your penis ;D
It might have been the same guy Ruth, fight you for him? ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #807 on: 24 January 2011, 12:17:33 pm »
My guy had already phoned and told me his cock was big, perhaps it is the same one.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #808 on: 24 January 2011, 12:26:07 pm »
Got an email yesterday morning from a young man naked from the waist down displaying his frankly alarmingly huge errection at me. Email was along the lines of  'Nobody will let me book them because my cock is too big, will you be the exception?'
No sweetheart, I think nobody is letting you book them because you are emailing them pictures of your penis ;D
It might have been the same guy Ruth, fight you for him? ;D

I've had the same guy send me that email!  He came into my free preview on directcam as well and was begging me to go cam2cam with him so that I could see if I'd be able to 'handle it' if he booked me as an escort. I explained that I only cam2cam in private chat - and if he was so desperate to show me he could pay ?1.50 or so. Obviously he wasn't :P
Previously known as Krystal Champagne


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #809 on: 24 January 2011, 05:34:01 pm »
There is one on AW that routinely sends out emails asking if anyone can handle his huge cock as it is a curse not a blessing - can I handle it? see pic on profile.  Ignore!

If he truly has a large penis it is surely a curse as everyone I know ignores him or blocks him.