I've just had an exchange of emails with someone on Adult Work :
Him : im staying in a hotel in folkestone and im all alone, i would love some
company and was wondering if u fancied coming down and being my company,
maybe go for a meal and a drink
Me : I'd love to. I couldn't make it before 8.30pm and would need a Booking Form filled out please and we can take it from there.
Him : um what would u like to do???
Me : Depends on your hotel, and I won't be able to drink but if you wanted to do something and then have some "private time" the bars along the seafront are lovely.
Him : oh ok, um....are we doing a social meet or what???
Me : Erm, what's a social meet ? *mentally resigns him to the timewankers pile but wants to see what sort of silver-tongued approach he will use as he goes for the "free all nighter".
Him : come down and stay with me for the nite, go home in the morning and i will
pay petrol and drink for the evening and stay in my room and go in morning
what do u think and we could go out and see who we can both pull???
Me : Um, are you for real ? You must have mistaken yourself for a close friend of mine, for whom I would drive for 40 minutes at the prospect of a night of hedonistic fun. Besides which I have some wet paint that I'd like to watch dry.
Um, no.
Should I go ?