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Author Topic: How not to book an escort,world championships!  (Read 2689267 times)

sammy s

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #675 on: 21 September 2010, 02:14:29 pm »
Text message conversation I had earlier:

man - "Are you 3 today?"

me - "if you look at my profile you will see that I am unavailable for a couple of days. Next working on Friday"

man - "cool needs to be today tho. 4pm? have ?20 on me but can get the rest for you tonight. I live close by so you can pick it up after my work"

me - "tempting but no. Thanks for the offer though, great to know there are still some gentlemen left in the world"

man - "just meet me for half hour at 4. i just want a blow job and to cum in your mouth"

me - " please stop pestering me, im busy and not working. Dont reply as I wont respond"

man - "cant believe you turning me down. ive got a 9 inch cock. missed out babes"

Does he expect me to be like "9 inch cock you say??!!! well in that case i will drop my family plans and invite you over for a 30 minute blow job for ?20."


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #676 on: 21 September 2010, 05:15:29 pm »

Does he expect me to be like "9 inch cock you say??!!! well in that case i will drop my family plans and invite you over for a 30 minute blow job for ?20."

Actually, yes he does.  ;D


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #677 on: 22 September 2010, 09:02:37 am »
Guy text me a few days ago asking my rates, services and wanting an outcall within the hour ::) (Yes of course sir, just let me drop my entire life and rush out to suck your willie posthaste)

I directed him to my website for my availability details etc. Got a text back an hour later.

'Hi again, Had a luk at yr site and don't think i will be booking u after all. 2 be honest i don't think yr really pretty enuff 2 be chargin the rates that u are'

This man has to pay ladies to sleep with him? really, I'm truly astonished :o I wonder what rates would have met his criteria? an hour for ?50 maybye? or for free? or perhaps even me paying him for the honour of allowing him to bone me?


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #678 on: 22 September 2010, 11:45:27 am »

'Hi again, Had a luk at yr site and don't think i will be booking u after all. 2 be honest i don't think yr really pretty enuff 2 be chargin the rates that u are'

How incredibly rude of him! Some people just have no tact or manners, or they maybe enjoy making other people feel like shit. All he had to do was not send you a message at all or to politely tell you that he wouldnt be able to book you as something had come up. When will they learn??!
The day that all clients are well mannered gentlemen will be the day that monkeys take over the world


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #679 on: 22 September 2010, 12:09:54 pm »

'Hi again, Had a luk at yr site and don't think i will be booking u after all. 2 be honest i don't think yr really pretty enuff 2 be chargin the rates that u are'

I think this is a text book woman hater- probably has some Mummy issues  ;D

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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #680 on: 22 September 2010, 07:37:19 pm »
Ohh Simone, what a c@ck..too scared/poor to book an escort so gets of on trying to put them down. I'm getting similar emails/texts from a "man" at the mo, quite probably the same guy. Keep your cool honey and try to find it in your heart to feel sorry for the loser xx


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #681 on: 23 September 2010, 08:34:31 pm »
Ugh this really annoyed me. I spoke to him on the phone and he wanted a 90 minute appointment for tomorrow, I informed him that I was going to be quite busy so he should book in advance to make sure that we could arrange a time. I then get this text off him 'You need to convince me why 90 mins would be better than 60'.

Urm actually I do not need to convince him of anything, its his money, and if he can't see why spending more time with me isn't beneficial for him, he must be very silly indeed. Does he think I'm his accountant, his secretary, his mother?!  ::)

I've had 3 similar texts off him in the last 30 mins... I'm ignoring him the best I can!

Update: Just got a call off him, saying he definitely wants a 90 minute appointment for tomorrow, if he isn't a timewaster I will eat my manolo's.  ;D

« Last Edit: 23 September 2010, 08:37:04 pm by sexy_faith »
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #682 on: 24 September 2010, 12:29:24 pm »
I hate that attitude. I want to retort, * ok, so you have half a minute of my time to complete your booking request. Tell me why I should accept YOU as a new client today, rather than seeing one of my lovely regulars? What do you have to offer me that is extra special?* - Trouble is, he would start to tell me in very graphic terms I fear!  :-[
I once had the following from a posh old gent;
*Now then young lady ..( I'm 41, but thanks   :) )..I have the numbers of several Escorts that I am considering booking today. Tell me 3 good reasons why I should pick YOU my dear ..*
Needless to say, he was given very short shrift and advised to call me back should he revise his attitude and booking technique  :)
Like many other girls, I have a proclaimer in my ads on on my site stating that good manners and attitude are essential in order to secure a booking..


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #683 on: 27 September 2010, 04:47:46 pm »
This just in:
Client: "Will you take expensive jewelry?"
Me: "If it is that expensive, go and sell it and come with the cash."
C: "Well, it is just that you are so pretty." And he hopes stupid.
I hang up.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #684 on: 27 September 2010, 05:26:31 pm »
I have never gotten anything like this before: I had stopped thru a small town in Colorado for 1 night and 1 morning. I was able to meet with 1 client, but this guy...was emailing me all week about meeting, but couldn't get around to picking up the phone:

Him:sorry didnt read it in time.....sorry but im gonna hafta review u as a no show since it took so long to respond

Me:Oh give me a had my number, you could have called me. I'll forward all these emails to whatever site you choose to review me on in my reply if you decide to go that route. And I dont know what hafta


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #685 on: 27 September 2010, 05:31:13 pm »
Text message conversation I had earlier:

man - "Are you 3 today?"

me - "if you look at my profile you will see that I am unavailable for a couple of days. Next working on Friday"

man - "cool needs to be today tho. 4pm? have ?20 on me but can get the rest for you tonight. I live close by so you can pick it up after my work"

me - "tempting but no. Thanks for the offer though, great to know there are still some gentlemen left in the world"

This is the email reply you should have never sent. Remember, we really shouldn't even be answering text message bookings and lately, I've also fallen into the trap of doing so only to end up annoyed and disappointed afterwards.

Although it can be amusing and tempting to respond back something smart...remember that when a guy is texting, you're not dealing with a full deck and its going to go nowhere.


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #686 on: 29 September 2010, 12:46:33 am »
This I think is a biscuit taker:
Guy want me to stop and pick him up on my way back in from an outcall, because he wants to offset his carbon footprint. He needs to realize that isn't the footprint he need to be worrying about.  ::) ::)


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #687 on: 29 September 2010, 01:15:16 am »
Booking comes in through AW syste, for about 4pm for 1 hour outcall (roughly 4 hours notice)

great i thought! makes a nice change, formal booking, enough notice etc...

Im in glasgow

booking is Hereford.. well done

He comes into my free cam chat " i take it thats a no too this afternoon then??"  ::)

this thread is hilarious, nice too know its not just me lol


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #688 on: 29 September 2010, 09:36:43 pm »
People seem to like to force you to do something stupid...

It bad enough I pretty much have no gas...and I had agreed to meet some fool at a truck stop (I know, but I tried it once before and it wasn't any different than any other booking except the location).

So I get there, Im walking all around the parking lot because he was wanting to be 'discreet'. Well I told his ass he needed to either meet me at the front of the parking lot or near the diesel fill up. When I finally did find his truck, the mother fucker wouldn't even open the door and had the windows all covered over. Mind you...this is all in broad daylight in the middle of the afternoon!

I was really about to do something absolutely crazy, bust out a few windows, pull my car in front of his and start honking til he opened...but I wasn't even completely sure that was his particular truck as there were dozens of them in every corner. I couldn't tell if he was just in another truck and looking at me, or if he was in that one. And I know those stops are heavily secured and was getting more nervous than anything. But now Im fuming and plotting on turning back around and creating a hostage situation  >:(

« Last Edit: 29 September 2010, 09:39:06 pm by American Joey »


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Re: How not to book an escort,world championships!
« Reply #689 on: 01 October 2010, 02:11:58 pm »
Client calls to make a booking for next day at 12noon he sounded nice and genuine I say super enough notice.

I therefore instruct him to call and confirm at 10 am on the day of which  he agrees .

A few hours later I guest a text which turned out to be a photo message yes you guessed it a photo of him from waste down showing clearly with his erect penis  ::) with the text "this is what you will be getting tomara"

A complete and utter timewaster needless to say he never confirmed the booking big surprise :o
"The only things in this life that you really regret are the RISKS you didn't take"