This is someone I met once before. He didn't tell me before as to why, but he said, not sure what time I could get to you. I decided to refuse as you could end up waiting all day. Clearly, he's not respectful of my schedule. He then tells me, "well, I am using a public transport from such and such". Well, I have had clients who used the public transport, travelling much further than XYZ. Some men are just so self-absorbed as we have no life or schedule to meet by expecting to drop everything for "him". I had another client a long time ago, he's busy with work, never gave me a definite time, so it's always a last minute thing. Once I asked him, "do you know roughly what time?" He never replied and went to someone else. Fine by me, now he says he wants to see me again, but I replied politely, I doubt it will go ahead e.g. games. No reply from him and generally, a guy, who minds escorts having our own minds, seemingly.